=========================================================================== Apache 1.3.37 for Netcool/Reporter Setup Instructions(Solaris 9/Solaris 10) =========================================================================== To install Apache 1.3.37 for Netcool/Reporter, please follow the instructions below: IMPORTANT NOTES =============== - The Apache 1.3.37 installation is an upgrade installation for the Apache component only, and is not a full installation of Netcool/Reporter. - This Apache version 1.3.37 is compiled with Module SSL 2.8.28 and OpenSSL 0.9.8g. - The apache-installation.sh script will install Apache 1.3.37 into the user specified location and configure Apache for the installed environment. - Pre and post installation of the Apache component requires some additional manual tasks to be completed, as detailed below, for the Netcool/Reporter Apache component to be fully effective. - This pack is only for Netcool/Reporter 2.0 or 2.1 running on Solaris 9 or 10. - Starting up the Apache component after completion of the detailed installation instructions. UNIX Installation ================= Quick Instructions ------------------ - Exit any Netcool/Reporter clients. (1.1). - Shutdown Netcool/Reporter (stopreporter) (1.2). - Move the Apache directory to a back-up location (1.3). - Backup the JRUN directory to a back-up location (1.4). - Extract the Apache 1.3.37 installation into a temporary directory (2). - Run the "apache-install.sh" script (3). - Specify the original directory where the Netcool/Reporter Apache was previously located, excluding the trailing apache part (4). - After installation, copy the original apache/htdocs/infospc/ directory to the new apache/htdocs/ directory (6). - Copy apache/htdocs/index.html from the original Apache installation to the new apache/htdocs/ directory (7). - Copy files in apache/cgi-bin/ from the original Apache installation to the new apache/cgi-bin/ directory (8). - Run the JRun connector wizard (9). - Start Netcool/Reporter using the startreporter script (10). Detailed Instructions --------------------- 1. Before running the "apache-install.sh" program, you must do the following: 1.1. Exit any Netcool/Reporter clients. 1.2. Shut down Netcool/Reporter (stopreporter), e.g. % cd /opt/netcool/reporter/bin % ./stopreporter 1.3. Move your existing Apache directory to a back-up location, e.g. % mv /opt/netcool/reporter/apache /opt/netcool/reporter/apache.orig 1.4. Back up your existing JRUN directory to a back-up location, e.g. % cp -r /opt/netcool/reporter/jrun/* /opt/netcool/reporter/jrun.orig/. 2. Extract the Apache 1.3.37 installation into a temporary directory (e.g. /tmp). The file is a UNIX tar file. Extract it using: % cd /tmp % tar xvf Apache1.3.37_Sol.tar This will extract the installation image into the current directory. The installation image consists of two files, an installation script named: apache-install.sh and the Apache 1.3.37 compressed tar file named: apache-1.3.37-solaris9.tar.Z and apache-1.3.37-solaris10.tar.Z 3. From the current directory, in which you have extracted the Apache1.3.37_Sol.tar, run the "apache-install.sh" script. Note that in the Solaris environment, you may need to change the file permission, using chmod, to execute the apache-install.sh script. 4. At the start of the installation, you will be prompted for the directory in which you wish to install the Apache 1.3.37 component. Please specify the original parent directory in which your Reporter Apache was previously located. E.g., if your Reporter Apache was installed in /opt/netcool/reporter/apache then you would specify /opt/netcool/reporter Do not specify the tail to use apache in part of the directory location, as this will be automatically appended. 5. Follow the on-screen instructions and prompts to successfully install the Apache 1.3.37 component. Note: When you enter the HTTP port number of the web server, you must use the same port number that you specified during Netcool/Reporter installation. For example, If your Netcool/Reporter system is accessed using the following URL: http://:7889/infospc then you must enter 7889 as the the port number for the Apache1.37 Server. If you do not do this, you will fail to connect with the original Netcool/Reporter installation after the Apache upgrade. 6. Copy the apache/htdocs/infospc/ directory from the backed-up copy of your original Apache installation into the apache/htdocs/ directory of your new installation, e.g. % cp -r /opt/netcool/reporter/apache.orig/htdocs/infospc \ /opt/netcool/reporter/apache/htdocs/. 7. Copy apache/htdocs/index.html from the backed-up copy of your original Apache installation to the apache/htdocs/ directory of your new installation, e.g. % cp /opt/netcool/reporter/apache.orig/htdocs/index.html \ /opt/netcool/reporter/apache/htdocs/index.html 8. Copy the files in apache/cgi-bin/ from the backed-up copy of your original Apache installation to the apache/cgi-bin/ directory of your new installation, e.g. % cp /opt/netcool/reporter/apache.orig/cgi-bin/* \ /opt/netcool/reporter/apache/cgi-bin/. 9. After successfully installing Apache 1.3.37 into your Reporter installation environment, you also need to configure JRun 3.0 for your Web server. To do this: * Start the JRun administrator by running following command: % jrun -start admin * From your browser access this URL: http://:8000/ * Login to JRun 3.0 with the username admin and password admin. * Run the connector wizard. Run the JRun connector wizard as detailed in Chapter 5 - 'Configuring JRun on Windows and UNIX' in either the Netcool/Reporter 2.0 Administration Guide (page 94) or in the Netcool/Reporter 2.1 Administration Guide (page 111). 10.Edit the file $apache_home/conf/httpd.conf and comment out the following line: LoadModule jrun_module136 "/opt/netcool/reporter/jrun/connectors/apache/sparc-solaris/mod_jrun.so To comment out the line, insert a pound sign character (#) at the beginning of the line as following: #LoadModule jrun_module136 "/opt/netcool/reporter/jrun/connectors/apache/sparc-solaris/mod_jrun.so 11. After this installation process is completed, start Netcool/Reporter 2.0 or 2.1 using the startreporter script, as detailed in the Netcool/Reporter 2.0 or 2.1 Administration Guide.