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IBM Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS® Tivoli Software



This file contains information about installing the portion of the Inventory tool that runs on a Tivoli managed node and accesses the Tivoli Inventory database; it is referred to as the Inventory Server. The information retrieved is returned to the NMC Topology Console in a pop-up window. You will use the Tivoli Framework Software Installation Service (SIS) to perform the installation.

Note that the Inventory Server is provided "as is" and no warranty is provided by IBM. Use at your own risk. Problems will be fixed on a "best effort" basis.

This file is divided into the following categories:

  • Before You Install
  • Installing (Part I) - Placement of code prior to installation
  • Installing (Part II) - Using SIS to perform the installation
  • Uninstalling
  • Starting the Inventory Server
  • Troubleshooting
  • Late-Breaking News
  • Trademarks

  • Before You Install
    This README documents the Tivoli Framework Software Installation Service installation of the following workstation components. Each component consists of the following files:

    • LST - Contains the long component name
    • .PKT - Contains the actual installation files and scripts that are installed.
    • .IND - Describes the file packages that are valid for each interp type, the order in which the file packages are installed, and the component attributes for that component. This file also describes the component dependencies and patch aliases for the component.
    • .ME or .HTML - README

    • Inventory Server
      • Description: The Inventory Server receives and processes "get inventory" command requests from the NMC console.
      • The following files are distributed as part of the Inventory Server:
        • FILE31.PKT
        • FILE32.PKT
        • INVENTOR.IND
        • CONTENTS.LST
        • IHSREAD3.ME
    • NetView Java Runtime Environment 1.3
      • Description: This is used by the Inventory Server.
      • The following files are distributed as part of the NetView JRE:
        • FILE131.PKT
        • FILE133.PKT
        • JRE.IND
        • CONTENTS.LST
    Location of the files
    The files listed above are available from the Inventory web page, located off the NetView Tools web page at in one of two downloadable images:
  • NMCinventoryServer.bin to be installed on an AIX TMR server, or
  • NMCinventoryServer.exe to be installed on a Windows NT 4.0 TMR server

  • Note: NMCinventoryServer.bin can be installed on Windows NT 4.0 if that NT box has winzip with .bin file types associated with it.

    Software Requirements
    The Inventory Server code should only be installed on a Tivoli Managed Node where NetAccess has also been installed.

    The Tivoli Inventory Database can be populated with your network hardware information using Tivoli Manager for Network Hardware, which includes CiscoWorks2000, Optivity, Transcend, and Nways managers. See the Tivoli Manager for Network Hardware User's Guide for more information.

    Hardware Requirements
    No additional requirements beyond what the prerequisite software requires.

    Installing (Part I)
    Placement of code prior to installation
    Install the component:

    1. From download the installation image into a new subdirectory of your choice.
    2. When downloading onto a Windows operating system, you will need to winzip NMCinventoryServer.exe
    3. When downloading onto AIX, you will need to execute the self-extracting binary file NMCinventoryServer.bin
    Installing (Part II)
    Using SIS to perform the installation
    After completing Part I, use the following steps to install the component(s) onto the machine(s) in your TMR:
    1. To install from a workstation server:
      1. Select the "Desktop > Install > Software Installation Service..." option from the Desktop menu to display the "Install Product" dialog.
      2. Enter your installation password and click "OK".
      3. Select the "Install" button.
    2. Define the machine on which you want to install as a Tivoli managed node, or endpoint.
    3. From the SISGUI select Install > Select Product... option from the Desktop menu to display the "Install Repository - Select Product" dialog.

      If the component you are trying to install is listed in the "Install Repository - Select Product" list, skip to step 5. If it is not listed, proceed to step 4.

      If it is listed, it would look something like:

      Install Repository - Select Product
      Available Products
      Product Num Interps Supported
      Tivoli NetView Management Console Inventory Server 2
      Tivoli Netview Java Runtime Environment Version 1.3 2
    4. Click the "Import CD Images"... button to display the "Locate CD images" dialog.

      The "Locate CD images" dialog enables you to identify or specify the path to the installation media.

      1. Enter the full path where your code resides (set in Part I) in the Path Name field. Make sure the "Enter file name:" field is either blank or has *.* in it.

        Click the "Update" button to list the files in that specified directory.

        It should look something like:

        Locate CD images
        Enter path or folder name:
        Filter Files
        Enter file name:
      2. Select CONTENTS.LST file.
      3. Click the "OK" button.
      4. Select the component(s) from the "Install repository - Import Product" panel. Press the CTRL key down to select more than one component at a time.
      5. By default, all available interp types are imported. If you would like to specify only certain interps to be imported, press the "Select interps" button to select the interp types you want loaded into your IR. An X in the box represents those interp types that are chosen. To deselect an interp, click the left mouse button in the box that represents the interp type(s) you want to deselect.
      6. Click the "OK" button when you finish selecting the interps.
      7. Click the "Import" button to import the service for the selected interp types into your Install Repository.

        The Product Install status dialog indicates the status of the import. When the import is complete you will see success statements in green on all "Product import progress" dialog lines.

      8. Click the "OK" button to continue.
      1. Select the component(s) from the "Install repository - Select Product" panel. Press the CTRL key to select more than one product at a time.
      2. Click "OK".
    5. To specify the clients on which the service will be installed, click the "Select Machine" button. Use the mouse to select the machine you want to install on. Click the "ADD" button. Repeat until you added all the machines you want to install on. Click the "CLOSE" button. This will bring you back to the "Tivoli Software Installation Service - Install details" panel.
    6. Use the mouse to select the machine(s) to install on. If a machine is selected there will be an X in the box. Click the "Install" button to begin the installation.
    7. Select your installation mechanism from the "Select Installation Mechanism" dialog and Click the "OK" button.
    8. Click the "OK" button when the Installation Progress dialog indicates that the installation is complete.
    9. Click the "Close" button.
    Installing from the Command Line
    Use the wimport command to import and/or remove files from the Install Repository (IR):
    wimport [source_dir | -remove | -l] [-print] [-p product] [interp [interp...]] [-p product] [interp [interp...]] ...
    source_dir Identifies the path to the Tivoli Framework CD-ROM that contains the install image you want to import.
    -remove Removes the product specified by the -p argument from the IR. The -p argument is required with -remove.
    -l Lists the contents of the IR
    -print Displays the actions that will be taken by wimport with the given arguments.
    -p product Identifies the product to be added or removed from the IR.

    When you are importing products, product is the the name of the .IND file shown on the CD-ROM. You can specify multiple -p arguments. If no -p is used during an import, all products on the CD-ROM are imported.

    With the -remove argument, product is the product number or product name as shown in the IR. Use wimport -l to view product names and numbers. The -p argument is required with -remove. You can specify multiple -p arguments to remove multiple products.

    interp Indicates the interpreter type to import. You can specify multiple interpreter types. Without this argument, wimport will import or remove all interpreter types for the specified product.

    Use the wsis command to start the Software Installation Service interface. It can also be used to install TME 10 clients, products, and patches through the SIS interface:
    wsis response-file [-check] [?]
    response-file Specifies the complete path to the file used as input for SIS.
    -check Checks the syntax of the response file and attempts to contact the specified machines. Does not perform an installation.
    -? Prints a usage statement.


    1. Unregister the product.
      1. Go to $BINDIR /bin
      2. Issue the following command: wregister -r ProductInfo -u "productkey"
        where "productkey" for:
        Inventory Server is
        JRE is Tivoli_JRE_1.3
    2. Remove the productkey(s) from the .installed directory(s):
      For Inventory Server, remove the following file from $BINDIR/.installed:
      For JRE, remove the following file from $BINDIR/.installed: Tivoli_JRE_1.3_BIN
    3. Remove the actual code:

      For Inventory Server go to $BINDIR/TDS and remove the subdirectory NVINV and everything below it.

      For JRE

      • On Windows, go to $BINDIR/TDS and remove the subdirectory java and everything below it.
      • On Aix, go to $BINDIR/TDS and remove the subdirectory jre and everything below it.

    4. Follow the instructions in the Software Installation Service User's Guide to remove the code from SIS's installation repository.

    Starting the Inventory Server

    Windows NT

    1. Change directories to where the code was installed on the managed node using the command:
      cd %BINDIR%\NVInv\bin
    2. To start the server, type: bash

    Unix Platforms

    1. Change directories to where the code was installed on the managed node using the command:
      cd $BINDIR/NVInv/bin
    2. To start the server, type: . ./

    Note: For this to work properly, NetAccess must be installed properly. To ensure that it is properly installed, issue the winvgetdata command from the command line. If this command is recognized, the Inventory Server has been installed properly and can be started. If the command is not recognized, see the Tivoli Inventory User's Guide to install the Tivoli Inventory Server.

    The default port for this function is 8896. To change the port number, edit the and files. The file is located on the machine with the NetView Inventory Server, and the file is located on the machine with the NMC server. These files are located in the following directories, respectively:

    • For UNIX users:
    • For NT users:

    If the connection never seems to time out, check for the following:

    1. Make sure all connections are up (i.e., NMC Client->NMC Server->Inventory Server->Inventory Database).
    2. Make sure the RDBMS server is running.

    Late-Breaking News

    Known defects

    Service History
    None. This corresponds to the NetView level.

    Documentation Changes

    The following terms are trademarks of the respective companies in the United States or other countries or both:

  • IBM, the IBM logo, Tivoli, the Tivoli logo, NetView, TME, AIX, and z/OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation or Tivoli Systems Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
  • UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through The Open Group.
  • Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
  • Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
    Product Number 5697-ENV
    (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002. All rights reserved.

    US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
    disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

    Last Updated: March 13, 2002
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