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Supported Functions
NetView Management Console Topology Console
Note: The NMC Topology Console for the Linux operating system is
unsupported. It is provided "as is" and no warranty is provided by IBM.
Problems will be fixed on a "best effort" basis.
Comments and feedback are welcome. E-mail address: tivweb@us.ibm.com
This file contains information about the Tivoli NetView Management Console
Topology Console (NMC Console) for the Linux operating system. It is a Java®-based
client and in cooperation with a special application view server, gives you network and
systems views of your enterprise.
This file is divided into the following categories:
Before You Install the Tivoli NMC Topology Console
The minimum Linux Operating System level for NMC Console Linux version is restricted to the Red Hat 7.0 distribution. NMC Console for Linux should run on other distributions with the equivalent level of function as the above Linux systems as long as the Linux kernel is at the 2.2.2.x level. However, NMC Console has only been run on Red Hat 7.0 to date.
Hardware Requirements
The NMC Console takes approximately 15 MB's of disk space. If you plan on 20 MB's of space, you should have enough room for very large views and paging.
Installing/Uninstalling the Tivoli NMC Topology Console on Linux
Uninstalling the Tivoli NMC Topology Console on Linux To uninstall the NetView Management Console on Linux, follow these steps:
Starting the NMC Topology Console for Linux
In this subdirectory, you can now start the NMC Console by entering the command: "tconsole.sh .. -key nmc"
Hints and Tips for the NMC Topology Console
Partial download of the Topology Console from the Topology Server: This is caused when communications drop as NMC is being downloaded from the server it connected to. The problem will usually manifest itself as a hang once NMC is started. This is because only part of the .jar file that contains most of the NMC function was downloaded. This is easy to detect by comparing the size of the ihseuc.jar file in the ...\TDS\client\lib directory of the console with that of the ihseuc.jar file in the ...\TDS\server\db\current\lib directory on the server. They should be the same size and if the ihseuc.jar file in the ...\TDS\client\lib directory is smaller then this is the problem. To resolve this you must uninstall NMC and also delete all the directories and files starting from \TDS. Then you need to reinstall NMC and then connect to the server again and it will progress normally.
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Product Number 5697-B82 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. |
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