NetView® Web Application

This readme file contains information about the NetView Web application component of Tivoli® NetView for z/OS® V5R1 (Fixlevel

This file is divided into the following categories:

Installation Planning for NetView Web Application

The NetView Web application is available on the following three platforms:

The NetView Web application consists of the following four features:

If you choose to do a full installation, all three of these features will be installed. If you choose to do a custom installation, you can specify which features you want to install.

Before installing the NetView Web application, you must decide if you want to use Jetty or WebSphere as your web server. The machine where Jetty or WebSphere is installed is referred to as the Web Application Server.

Once you have determined which web server to use, you must decide if you want to install the SNMP Server on the Web Application Server or a separate machine. Refer to the Installation: Configuring Additional Components manual for more information regarding this.


Software Requirements

The NetView Web application ships the Java© 2 runtime environment integrated into each installation image so there is no need to obtain Java separately. The level of Java included for each platform is as follows:
Windows Java2 JRE 1.3.1, Service Release 1, 20020403
AIX Java2 JRE 1.3.0, Service Release 15, 20020504
Linux on zSeries Java2 JRE 1.3.1, Service Release 1, 20020404

If you are using WebSphere as your web server, IBM WebSphere Application Server V4.0, Advanced Edition is required.

The supported operating systems for installing NetView Web application are Windows NT 4.0 Server and Windows 2000 Server, AIX, and Linux on zSeries. Additional specifications are listed below.

Supported web browsers

The supported web browsers for the English language version of NetView Web application are listed below as follows:

The supported web browsers for the Japanese language version of NetView Web application are listed below as follows:

Hardware Requirements

Any hardware that supports one of the following operating systems running IBM WebSphere Application Server V4.0, Advanced Edition or the Jetty Web Server:

The install footprint is 72 MB of fixed disk space.

For additional hardware requirements for IBM Websphere Application Server V4.0, Advanced Edition, see the WebSphere documentation for the applicable platform.

Jetty is an Open Source HTTP Server and Servlet Container from Mort Bay Consulting that is packaged with Tivoli NetView for z/OS V5R1. Jetty requires the following in addition to the base operating system requirements:

The following are the minimum requirements beyond those required for zLinux host systems, specifically, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server:

Selecting the Correct files

The files to install are located in the Tivoli NetView for z/OS CD distribution media under the directory \win32 for the Windows NT/2000 Server version of the NetView Web application, /aix for the AIX version of the NetView Web application, and /linux-zseries for the NetView Web application zLinux version. The actual files will be in a subdirectory below the main directory to denote language. The English version of NetView Web application will be in the \enu (or /enu) subdirectory. The Japanese version of NetView Web application will be in the \jpn (or /jpn) subdirectory.

The following files are distributed as part of the NetView Web application English version:
zNetViewWebAppWin32_en.exe InstallShield image for Windows NT/2000 Server.
zNetViewWebAppAIX_en.bin InstallShield image for AIX.
zNetViewWebAppzLinux_en.bin InstallShield image for zLinux.
zNetViewWebApp_en.html HTML version of this README file.

The following files are distributed as part of the NetView Web application Japanese version:
zNetViewWebAppWin32_ja.exe InstallShield image for Windows NT/2000 Server.
zNetViewWebAppAIX_ja.bin InstallShield image for AIX.
zNetViewWebAppzLinux_ja.bin InstallShield image for zLinux.
zNetViewWebApp_ja.html HTML version of this README file.

Installing the NetView Web Application/Uninstalling the NetView Web Application

Note 1:   As a general rule for each of the installation sections below, uninstall the product before attempting any new installation.

Note 2:  Before attempting the uninstall, make sure you save any customized files that you may want to keep (for example, the web.xml file that you modified for your environment).

Note 3:  Important information for installing on Unix systems:

Installing the NetView Web Application on Windows NT 4.0 Server or Windows 2000 Server

To install the NetView Web application on Windows Server, follow these steps:

Installation Tips:

  1. To install the NetView Web application from CD:
    1. Insert the Tivoli NetView for z/OS CD distribution media into the CD drive of your workstation.

    2. Find the drive and directory where the NetView Web application for Windows resides. The directory is \win32\enu and the file name is zNetViewWebAppWin32_en.exe.

               ---- or ----

  1. To install the NetView Web application by HTTP download:
    1. Point your web browser to the NetView for z/OS web page at
      and click on "Downloads" under "Self help". In the resulting list, click on the link for the NetView Web Application.

    2. Download the Windows version of the NetView Web application into a temporary directory as zNetViewWebAppWin32_en.exe.

  2. Running the zNetViewWebAppWin32_en.exe file will invoke the InstallShield MultiPlatform setup wizard.

    When you run zNetViewWebAppWin32_en.exe for Windows, you get an initial InstallShield panel that prepares a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to be used for the installation. Depending upon your machine's speed and memory and other processes currently running and competing for machine resources, this preparation could take 30 - 40 seconds or longer. The "status" indicator may freeze for a moment, but give it a chance and you should get to the next panel which starts the InstallShield Wizard initialization. It is recommended, but not necessary, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "c:\usr\lpp\netview\v5r1". It is important not to use special characters like &, *, or # as part of the target folder path name.

Uninstalling the NetView Web Application from Windows NT 4.0 Server or Windows 2000 Server

To uninstall the NetView Web application from Windows Server, follow these steps:

  1. To Uninstall the NetView Web application, use the "Add/Remove Program" available on Windows. If you select "NetView Web Application" in the list and start the uninstall process, InstallShield will run an uninstall program which will present you with panel information that will let you select the feature(s) that you want uninstalled.

  2. After finishing the uninstallation process, be sure that all subdirectories and files have been removed from the target folder. InstallShield will not remove files that have been created dynamically. For example, if you used the default path, "c:\usr\lpp\netview\v5r1" as the product installation folder, then it would be sufficient to remove the "v5r1" subdirectory or folder under "c:\usr\lpp\netview\".

    DO NOT remove any installed files or folders (subdirectories) without first completing the "Add/Remove Program" process described in step #1 above.

    Also, if you have made any important updates to the web.xml file, you might want to save this file before uninstalling the product.

Installing the NetView Web Application on AIX

To install the NetView Web application on AIX, follow these steps:

Installation Tips:

  1. To install the NetView Web application from CD:
    1. Insert the Tivoli NetView for z/OS CD distribution media into the CD drive of your workstation.

    2. Find the drive and directory where the NetView Web application for AIX resides on. The directory is /aix/enu and the file name is zNetViewWebAppAIX_en.bin.

               ---- or ----

  1. To install the NetView Web application by HTTP download:
    1. Point your web browser to the NetView for z/OS web page at
      and click on "Downloads" under "Self help". In the resulting list, click on the link for the NetView Web Application.

    2. Download the AIX version of the NetView Web application into a temporary directory as zNetViewWebAppAIX_en.bin.

  2. Run zNetViewWebAppAIX_en.bin from a terminal session; this will invoke the InstallShield MultiPlatform setup wizard.

    When you invoke zNetViewWebAppAIX_en.bin, AIX will display the following status messages:

             Initializing InstallShield Wizard Installer...
             Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...

             Running InstallShield Wizard Installer...

    The InstallShield panels that follow with the AIX installation are similar to the Window's version.

    It is recommended, but not required, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "/usr/lpp/netview/v5r1".

Uninstalling the NetView Web Application from AIX

To uninstall the NetView Web application from AIX, follow these steps:

  1. To uninstall the NetView Web application, you can run zNetViewWebAppUninstall.bin file that resides in the /uninst subdirectory below your target installation path (this is the NETVIEW_HOME path). Better yet, you can copy zNetViewWebAppUninstall.bin to another directory and run it there. That will ensure that the /uninst subdirectory itself is removed as well. This is the recommended procedure.

    InstallShield will run the uninstall program which will present you with panel information that will let you select the feature(s) that you want uninstalled.

  2. After finishing the uninstallation process, be sure that all subdirectories and files have been removed from the target folder. InstallShield will not remove files that have been created dynamically. For example, if you used the default path, "/usr/lpp/netview/v5r1" as the product installation path, then it would be sufficient to remove the "v5r1" subdirectory or folder under "/usr/lpp/netview/".

    DO NOT remove any installed files or subdirectories without first running the InstallShield's uninstaller file zNetViewWebAppUninstall.bin as described in step #1 above.

    Do not attempt to uninstall the NetView Web application product via "installp -u" or through the SMIT/SMITTY interface.

    Also, if you have made any important updates to the web.xml file, you might want to save this file before uninstalling the product.

Installing the NetView Web Application on zLinux

To install the NetView Web application on your Linux system follow these steps:

First see important Note #3 in the above section "Important information for installing on Unix systems".

  • Run zNetViewWebAppzLinux_en.bin from a terminal session; this will invoke the InstallShield MultiPlatform setup wizard.

    When you invoke zNetViewWebAppzLinux_en.bin, Linux will display the following status messages:

             Initializing InstallShield Wizard Installer...
             Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...

             Running InstallShield Wizard Installer...

    The InstallShield panels that follow with this installation are similar to the Window's version.

    It is recommended, but not required, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "/usr/lpp/netview/v5r1".

    Uninstalling the NetView Web Application from zLinux

    Post-Installation Customization for NetView Web Application

    Using the Web XML Editor Utility to edit the web.xml file

    It is recommended that you use the Web XML Editor Utility to modify your web.xml file. See "Starting the Web XML Editor Utility" under the section Starting/Stopping the NetView Web Application for information regarding this utility.
    Modify the web.xml File

    Post-Installation Customizations for Jetty

    It is recommended that you use the Web XML Editor Utility to modify your web.xml file. See "Modify the web.xml File" under the section Using the Web XML Editor Utility to edit the web.xml file for information regarding this utility.

    If you are using the Jetty Web Server, it will be necessary to modify the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory before starting Jetty. If you have chosen the default target directory during installation, the full path to this file will be usr\lpp\netview\v5r1\www\webapps\netview\WEB-INF. Although it is recommended to use the Web XML Editor Utility, you can use any ASCII editor to modify the web.xml file. Sections that need to be modified have been preceded with comments so they can be located easily.

    Post-Installation Customizations for WebSphere

    It is recommended that you use the Web XML Editor Utility to modify your web.xml file. See "Modify the web.xml File" under the section Using the Web XML Editor Utility to edit the web.xml file for information regarding this utility.

    If you are using WebSphere, it will be necessary to modify the web.xml file that is imbedded in the zNetViewWebApp.ear file. If you have chosen the default target directory during installation, the full path to this file will be usr\lpp\netview\v5r1\ears. Although it is recommended to used Web XML Editor Utility, you can use the WebSphere Application Assembly Tool to modify the web.xml file for use with WebSphere. If you plan to use the Web XML Editor Utility, skip to the section titled Installing the Enterprise Application (.ear file) with the WebSphere Enterprise Application Wizard. Otherwise, continue to the next section.

    Installing the Enterprise Application (.ear file) with the WebSphere Enterprise Application Wizard
    To install the Enterprise Application: To enable URL rewriting or cookies:

    Starting/Stopping the NetView Web Application

    The nvsrvc Command

    The nvsrvc command is used to start the Jetty Web Server and the SNMP Server. In the AIX environment, you must include the .sh extension when issuing the nvsrvc command (

    If you have chosen to install and run the Jetty Web Server and the SNMP Server on the same machine, you can issue the following command to start both. Use the ' end' command to stop the Jetty Web Server and the SNMP Server in the AIX environment. In the Windows environment, you must close the Jetty Web Server and SNMP Server windows to stop these services.

    To display help for this command, issue the nvsrvc command without any parameters.

    Starting Jetty Web Server

    Use the following command to start Jetty on your Web application Server.
       Note: D: drive is used as an example drive in the command below.

    Starting SNMP Server

    If you plan to use the SNMP services provided by NetView Web application, you must start the SNMP Server. Use the following command to start the SNMP Server.
       Note: D: drive is used as an example drive in the command below.

    Starting the Web XML Editor Utility

    This utility enables you to edit the web.xml file that is used by the WebSphere and Jetty web servers. Consult the online help available with this feature for detailed information.

    Use the following command to start the utility.
       Note: D: drive is used as an example drive in the command below.

    Starting your Internet Browser

    To display the 'Welcome to NetView' screen from your Internet Browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer), task DSIWBTSK must be ACTIVE on the NetView for z/OS system.

    If you are using Jetty, point your web browser to http://hostname:8080/netview/servletMappingName/
    Note that port 8080 is the default port specified in the jetty.xml file. If you have modified this file to use a different port you must specify that port in the URL.

    If you are using WebSphere, point your web browser to http://hostname/netview/servletMappingName/
    If you configure your HTTP web server and WebSphere Application Server to use a port other than the default of 80, then you will need to specify that port in the URL after the hostname. Note that hostname and port must be separated by a colon.

    hostname is the hostname of the machine where your Web Application code is installed. If you are running everything locally, you can specify localhost as your hostname.

    servletMappingName is the name that you specified in the servlet-mapping definition in the web.xml file (if you are using Jetty) or the value that you supplied when performing the pre-installation steps for WebSphere. If you have followed the customization steps above, this will be the NetView for z/OS domain name. NOTE that the SLASH ('/') at the end of the URL is REQUIRED.

    Sign on to NetView using a valid user name (NetView operator ID) and password.

    Modifying the Default MIB Definitions

    The NetView Web application is shipped with a default set of MIB definitions which are included when you start the SNMP Server. MIB definitions are specified in a file named mibserver.def which resides in the usr\lpp\netview\v5r1\mibs directory. The mibserver.def file can be modified to include additional MIB definitions or exclude existing MIB definitions. Refer to the mibserver.def file for the complete list of MIBs shipped with the NetView Web Application.

    Hints and Tips for the NetView Web Application

    Operating System Environment Information

    Late-Breaking News

    New enhancements

    Known defects

    Service History

    Documentation Changes

    Getting Help

    For Technical Information

    We are ready to help you with your NetView Web application questions. You can contact us through standard problem reporting procedures.

    Defect Reporting

    For support for this or any Tivoli product, you can contact Tivoli Customer Support in one of the following ways:

    Customers in the United States can also call 1-800-237-5511. International customers should consult the Customer Support Handbook, which is available on our Web site at

    When you contact Tivoli Customer Support, be prepared to provide identification information for your company so that support personnel can assist you more readily. Company identification information may also be needed to access various online services available on the Web site.

    The Customer Support Web site offers extensive information, including a guide to support services (the Customer Support Handbook); frequently asked questions (FAQs); and documentation for all Tivoli products, including Release Notes, Redbooks, and Whitepapers. The documentation sets for some product releases are available in both PDF and HTML formats. Translated documents are also available for some product releases.

    Additional support is also available on an IBM supported external NetView newsgroup or the NetView group on Yahoo!. These forums are monitored by NetView developers who answer questions and provide guidance. When it appears that a problem with the code is found, you will be asked to open a PMR to get resolution.

    To find documentation online, point your web browser at and click on "Library" under "Related Links".

    We are very interested in hearing about your experience with Tivoli products and documentation. We also welcome your suggestions for improvements. If you have comments or suggestions about our documentation, please contact us in one of the following ways:

    Determining Your Service Level

    When reporting defects it will be necessary to provide Tivoli with your service level. You will receive instructions on how to do this when you contact Tivoli. You can edit or type the file named zNetViewWebApp_en.gen (in the product "\doc" subdirectory) which lists the level of maintenance of the NetView Web application.

    Trademarks and Copyrights

    The following terms are trademarks of the respective companies in the United States or other countries or both:


    Last Updated: January 31, 2007