IBM Corporation IBM Tivoli Maximo Mobile Version 7.1 Hot Fix Build Date: 10/02/2008 Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the Notices section at the end of this document. (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Table of Contents : 1. Introduction 2. Installation Instructions 3. Manual Changes 4. Issues Resolved 5. Notices 1. Introduction ======================================================================================================================= Product : Maximo Mobile Version : Release 7.1 Dependencies : Maximo PREREQUISITES : Based on Core Maximo + core hotfixes CO-REQUISITES : NONE A Hot Fix is a group of critical issues that have been repaired since the product fixpack / patch was released. The Hot Fix is cumulative and may contain other fixes in addition to the issue(s) that affect your site. The Hot Fix must be applied in full in order to be supportable. Customers should validate this Hot Fix by installing the Hot Fix in a test environment prior to rolling it out to a production environment. Hot Fixes by their very nature go through a limited quality assurance cycle and may or may not be included in the latest available program patch. 2. Installation Instructions ======================================================================================================================== The Hot Fix file should be extracted into Maximo's root directory. Prior to extracting the files into the Maximo root directory, a) Take a backup copy of the existing Maximo files. b) Take a backup of the database. When extracting, make sure that you select the Overwrite existing files and the Use folder names options. NOTE #1 Uninstall Information: Please note - this hotfix is provided to you as a zip file. It overwrites your existing Maximo directory structure and may contain database scripts that modify your database. If you would like to reverse your changes, you must restore your backed-up versions of the Maximo directory and database. The steps for applying the Hot Fix are as follows: i) Ensure that no database configuration changes are pending. ii) Shutdown the Maximo application server. iii) Backup the database. iv) Make a copy of the Maximo directory. v) Unzip the files into the Maximo root folder, selecting the Overwrite existing files and the Use folder names options. vi) Run all hotfix database scripts starting with HFX_nnn using the \tools\maximo\internal\runscriptfile.bat utility. (The runscriptfile utility script file will employ the correct extension for your database platform.) NOTE #2: Some of the scripts require that you run Database Configuration before continuing with the next script. You do not need to rerun scripts that were run when you applied an earlier Hot Fix for the same patch level. NOTE #3: Some of the database scripts would need localization before running for non-English installations. If your installation is not English, these scripts will need to be localized before running them. The name of the scripts indicate that it is English only. For example, HF622_EN_005.ora is an English only script and needs translations for Non-English languages. a) Copy all scripts named HF622*.* from the \hotfix_scripts directory into the following directory: C:\\tools\maximo\en\script b) Open a DOS prompt: i) cd \\tools\maximo\internal ii) runscriptfile -fHF622_001 iii) runscriptfile -fHF622_002 iv) runscriptfile -fHF622_003 ................ v) runscriptfile -fHF622_EN_005 vi) runscriptfile ... for each HF script in the folder. NOTE #4: After successful execution of each script please check to see if configdb is required. If so, run configdb. Please check the Mxserver_RUNSCRIPT_HF*.log in the folder \\tools\maximo\log c) If you run into errors, please contact Maximo Support with the error log. The error log can be obtained by: *) cd \\tools\maximo\log **) open Mxserver_RUNSCRIPT_HF*.log NOTE #5: Some database hotfix scripts when run might result in an error message. On checking the log files stated above, the error message is due to the fact that the database object or row already exists in the database. These messages can be ignored. Please continue processing any remaining database hotfix scripts. vii) Apply any manual updates listed in this readme.txt file. Manual changes if any are listed for each APAR in the section "Manual Changes : " viii) Delete the application server cache, for example: WebLogic - \user_projects\domains\mydomain\MAXIMOSERVER\.wlnotdelete WebSphere - \AppServer\profiles\Custom01\temp\Node01\MAXIMOSERVER ix) Rebuild and redeploy the EAR files and then restart the application server. 3. Manual Changes Mobile occassionally would include changes to the application xml files or properties files. Such files are names with a .hfx extension. Example mobileinv.xml.hfx. In case of such files the changes have to applied manually after comparing with the original running version with the .hfx version. 4. Additional Mobile instructions If using Maximo Mobile Work Manager with Calibration then any fixes that involve updates to the mobilewo.xml file must also be updated in the pluscmobwo.xml file. Any changes to the files in the mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\... directory must also be copied to the mobileapplications\cdc-applications\plusmobwo\bin\..... directory. ============================================================================================================================= ============================================================================================================================= ----- APAR(s): Issue(s): Description: Database Scripts: Manual Changes : ----- APAR(s): IZ39743 Issue(s): 08-25538 Description: USERNAME DEFAULTING INSTEAD OF LABOR RECORD. Database Scripts: - not applicable - Manual Changes : mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\BulkLaborReportingLabTransEventHandler.class|1.1 ----- APAR(s): IZ39865 Issue(s): 08-25557 Description: CAN NOT RUN IMPORTALL AFTER TRANSLATING THE XML Database Scripts: - not applicable - Manual Changes : applications\maximo\businessobjects\bin\com\mro\mobile\service\XMLMetaDataLoader.class!1.1 applications\maximo\businessobjects\bin\com\mro\mobile\service\MobileAppService.class|1.0 ----- APAR(s): IZ36152 Issue(s): 08-23839 Description: IMPORT ALL - BUILD FAILED IMPORTMETADATA.XML:77: FAILED TO PERFORM TASK FOR APPLICATION: SYSTEM:DETAILS:BMXAF0017E This is part of the fix for issue 08-22938 Database Scripts: - not applicable - File(s): \applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\com\mro\mobile\service\MobileAppService.class|1.0 \applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\com\mro\mobile\service\MobileAppServiceBean.class|1.0 ----- ----- APAR(s): IZ34106 Issue(s): 08-22588 Description: WRONG SITEID IN LABTRANS FROM MOBILE DEVICE Database Scripts: - not applicable - File(s): mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\MobileWOAppEventHandler.class | 1.1 ----- APAR(s): IZ33787 Issue(s): 08-22439 Description: AFTER ADDING LABOR RECORD, AND UPLOAD THE WORKORDER, NOTHING HAPPENS TO WORKORDER AND NO ERRORS Database Scripts: - not applicable - Files(s): mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobileinv\WOLabTransEventHandler.class|1.0 mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\SelectPlannedLaborEventHandler.class|1.2 ----- APAR(s): - not applicable - Issue(s): 08-21920 Description: Modified WO with a parent is not returning to mobile device after a commit to core and a refresh Database Scripts: - not applicable - Files(s): applications\maximo\businessobjects\bin\com\mro\mobile\appservice\mobilewo\WODataHandler.class|1.1 ----- APAR(s): IZ33701 Issue(s): 08-22336 Description: DOWNLOAD WORK ORDER RESERVATIONS ERROR WHEN INVRESERVEID GREATER THAN 1000 Database Scripts: - not applicable - Files(s): mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobileinv\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobileinv\InvDirectDownloadEventHandler.class|1.1 mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\SelectPlannedLaborEventHandler.class|1.1 ----- APAR(s): IZ31977 Issue(s): 08-21560 Description: ERROR "UNABLE TO AUTHENTICATE USER" - MOBILE INVENTORY LDAP / SSL Database Scripts: -not applicable- Files(s): mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\comm\pp\PPHTTPCommunicationChannel.class|1.0 ---- APAR(s): IZ32506 Issue(s): 08-21713 Description: UNABLE TO SEND WORK ORDER TO CORE WHEN ITEM IN DIFFERENT SITE THAN THE WORK ORDER Database Scripts: -not applicable- Files(s): \applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\com\mro\mobile\appservice\mobilewo\WOMatUseDataHandler.class|1.0 ---- Issue(s): 08-24405 APAR(s): IZ37205 Description: CAN ONLY SEND FAILURE REPORTING REMARKS TO CORE FROM MOBILE IF THE PROBLEM, CAUSE AND REMEDY HAVE BEEN SELECTED. Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\WOEventHandler.class|1.2 Notice: if mobile calibration is present, the file must be placed ALSO under folder \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\plusmobwo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\ Mobile applications (core wo and calibration wo) need to be packaged again. ---- Issue(s): 08-24570 APAR(s): IZ37630 Description: REMARKS AND REMARKS DATE OVERWRITTEN WHEN SUBMITTED THROUGH MOBILE INTO WORKORDER Files(s): \applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\com\mro\mobile\appservice\mobilewo\WODataHandler.class|1.2 \mobiletools\maximo\metadatafiles\mobilewo.xml.hfx|1.1 \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\WOFailCodeEventHandler.class|1.0 Notice: if mobile calibration is present, the file must be placed ALSO under folder \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\plusmobwo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\ Needs to re-generate maximo ear file and redeploy it. Needs to remove all mobile database files. Needs to merge the mobilewo.xml.hfx file and re-import it using import.cmd Needs to re-package mobile applications using packagemobile.cmd ---- Issue(s): 08-24601 APAR(s): IZ37635 Description: ACTIONS LOOPING IN MAXIMO MOBILE WORK MANAGER Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\ui\res\pp\UIUtil.class|1.0 \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\ui\res\pp\components\PopUpWindow.class|1.0 \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\CDcMobileDeviceUIApplication.class|1.0 Need to repack mobile applications. ---- Issue(s): 08-25017 APAR(s): IZ38784 Description: SECOND-LEVEL DEPENDENT MOBILEMBOS CREATED ON THE DEVICE ARE NOT DELETED WHEN SYNCHRONIZING Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\persist\db2e\DBRDOManager.class|1.0 Need to repack mobile applications. ---- ---- APAR(s): IZ39758 Issue(s): 08-25544 Description: SLOW PERFORMANCE WHEN SAVING A COUNR IN MOBILE File(S): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\|1.0 \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\persist\db2e\DBRDOInfoManager.class|1.0 \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\persist\db2e\DBRDOInfoManager$IndexInfo.class|1.0 ---- APAR(s): IZ40150 Issue(s): 08-25619 Description: NO CURSOR AFTER SCANNING AN ITEM File(S): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobileinv\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobileinv\handlers\MobileInvCountDetailsEventHandler.class|1.0 ---- Issue(s): 09-10034 APAR(s): IZ40841 Description: CONNECTED LOOKUPS BRING BACK CLOSED WORK ORDERS Files(s): \mobiletools\maximo\metadatafiles\mobileinv.xml.hfx|1.1 Needs to merge the changes with the existing file. Run importmetadata for mobileinv applications and repackage the jar file. --- --- APAR: IZ42200 Issues(s): 09-10309 Description: CANNOT CHANGE WORK ORDER STATUS TO APPR FROM WSCH IN MOBILE WORK MANAGEMENT Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\WOStatusHandler.class|1.1 Needs to re-package mobile applications using packagemobile.cmd --- --- APAR: IZ41793 Issues(s): 09-10217 Description: "UNABLE TO AUTHENTICATE USER" ERROR WHEN SENDING DATA FROM THE DEVICE TO CORE. Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\{mobileapp}\bin\com\mro\mobile\comm\pp\PPHTTPCommunicationChannel.class|1.1 Needs to re-package mobile applications using packagemobile.cmd --- APAR: IZ43450 Issues(s): 09-10818 Description: DETAIL ICONS ON MOBILE FAILURE REPORTING APP DO NOT WORK. Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\MobileWOAppEventHandler.class | 1.6 \mobiletools\maximo\metadatafiles\mobilewo.xml.hfx | 1.3 \mobileapplications\common\cdc\bin\com\mro\mobile\ui\res\pp\controls\TextboxControl.class | 1.0 Needs to re-package mobile applications using packagemobile.cmd --- APAR: IZ42972 Issues(s): 09-10642 Description: ISSUES TRANSFERRING LOTTED ITEMS IN MOBILE Files(s): \applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\com\mro\mobile\appservice\mobileinv\TransferDataHandler.class|1.0 --- APAR: IZ44758 Issues(s): 09-11452 Description: LABOR REPORTING SUMMARIES VIEW IN MOBILE Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobilewo\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobilewo\BulkLaborReportingLabTransEventHandler.class|1.3 Needs to re-package mobile applications using packagemobile.cmd --- APAR: IZ44925 Issues(s): 09-11526 Description: YOU MUST ENTER A VALID DATE VALUE WHEN CHOOSING LOTNUM IN MOBILE INVETORY. Files(s): \mobileapplications\cdc-applications\mobileinv\bin\com\mro\mobile\app\mobileinv\handlers\MobileInvIssueDetailsEventHandler.class|1.3 Needs to re-package mobile applications using packagemobile.cmd --- ============================================================================================================================= 6. Notices, Copyrights and Trademarks -------------------------------------- Please refer to Notices ======== INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product,program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. 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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. 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