Readme file for: IBM® Maximo® for Service Providers Version 7 Release 1 Modification 1 Fix Pack 2 IBM Corporation 21 April 2010 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ====================================================== Table of Contents ====================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Installation information 4. Resolved issues 5. Migration manager 6. Notices ====================================================== 1. Introduction ====================================================== This readme document provides information about the version fix pack release for IBM Maximo for Service Providers. This fixpack includes 10 fixed customer-reported issues. It also includes the addition of service level agreement (SLA) and response plan objects to the Migration Manager. ====================================================== 2. Contents ====================================================== The following items are included: 1) ------------------------------------------- This zip package contains the fix pack for Maximo for Service Providers. ====================================================== 3. Installation information ====================================================== Overview: To apply the fix pack, complete these tasks: 1. Check that pre-installation requirements are met. 2. Install the fix pack. 3. Oracle WebLogic Server users only: Redeploy the EAR files. (On IBM WebSphere Application Server, the installation program redeploys the EAR files automatically.) 4. Restart the application server. 5. Create object restrictions in the Customer Objects (SP) application. ----------------------------------------- 1) Checking pre-installation requirements Before you install this fix pack, check the following requirements: - You have system administrator rights and privileges. - IBM Maximo Asset Management 7.1 is installed and a Base Services or later fix pack is installed. - IBM Maximo for Service Provider 7.1.1 or is installed. - All users are logged off Maximo. - All Maximo application servers and services are stopped. - No other programs are open. - The entire directory where Maximo is installed is backed up. - The Maximo database is backed up. - The Maximo help system is backed up. The help system is located in \\applications\maximohelp\helpweb\webmodule\en. -------------------------- 2) Installing the fix pack Procedure: 1. Download the file into a temporary directory on the administrative system. For example, C:\temp 2. Go to the directory where your solutionInstallerGUI.bat file is located (for example, home dir\SMP\bin). 3. Double-click the solutionInstallerGUI.bat file in your drive folder. The IBM Tivoli® Base Services window opens. 4. Select a language for your installation and click "OK". 5. In the Process Solution Installer Introduction panel, click "Next". 6. From the Choose PSI Package panel, click "Choose", and go to the file (for example, C:\temp\, select it, click "Open", and click "Next". Once a package has been selected and opened, the process solution installer performs a series of validation checks to verify that the package that you selected is valid. The system is checked to ensure that the package has not already been deployed, and that the package is intended as an upgrade to an existing base package. 7. From the Package Validation Results panel, review and verify the information that is displayed, and click "Next". The Add Features screen opens. 8. On the Middleware Login Information panel, supply the credentials for which you are being prompted, and click "Next." The contents of this panel are constructed dynamically, and depend on the type of package that you are installing. Once you have supplied the requested user IDs and passwords, the process solution installation wizard validates the credentials by connecting to the middleware servers using the supplied credentials. 9. After the credentials have been verified, a package options panel opens and details the deployment options that the package supports. The "Defer Maximo Application Redeployment" and the "Defer the Update of the Maximo Database" check boxes are cleared by default. Accept these values by clicking "Next". The process solution installer performs a system check to ensure that all system requirements that are necessary for the package to be installed are present. Click "Next" to advance. 10.From the Pre-Install Summary panel, review and verify the displayed information, and click "Next". The process solution installer begins the installation process. You can view the progress on the screen. When the installation is complete, the Package Successfully Deployed panel opens. If the installation fails, a message displays the step that failed. Do not proceed to the next step until you have resolved the error and the package has been installed successfully. 11.From the Package Successfully Deployed panel, click "Next". 12.From the Install Another Package panel, leave the "Install Another Package" check box cleared and click “Done” to exit the wizard. 13.After you install the fix pack, and before your users begin to use the updated software, delete the Web browser cache on every computer that uses the product. ------------------------------------------- 3) Redeploying the EAR files, if necessary Unless you specifically indicated otherwise during the installation process, EAR files are rebuilt automatically by the installation program. On WebSphere Application Server, EAR files are also automatically redeployed. If you are a WebLogic Server user, you must redeploy the EAR files. For information about deploying EAR files, see the IBM Maximo Installation Guide or the IBM Maximo for Service Providers 7.1.1 Installation Guide. ------------------------------------- 4) Restarting the application server Restart the Maximo application server to apply the fix pack changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Creating object restrictions in the Customer Objects (SP) application Object restrictions used to limit access to customer-related information were added in Service Provider 7.1. These restrictions are created automatically, using information in the new Customer Objects (SP) application. After you first install Service Provider version 7.1 or later, you must use the Create Default Conditions action in the Customer Objects (SP) application to import the default object restrictions for all objects that are linked to the Customer object. Procedure 1. Log on to Maximo for Service Providers as an administrator. 2. In the Customer Objects (SP) application in the Security module, select Create Default Conditions from the Select Action menu. 3. If you added any customer objects or restriction conditions in earlier installations of Service Provider, in the message window that is displayed, click Yes to keep those additions, or click No to remove them and keep only the default objects and conditions. ====================================================== 4. Resolved issues ====================================================== This fix pack corrects the following issues: Issue: 09-11840 Direct issue records were excluded from the bill batch in some cases, resulting in an incorrect billed price. Issue: 09-21273 Automatic numbering was not enabled on the Customer field (pluspcustomer.customer). Issue: 09-21324 The processing of a record did not continue properly after a service level agreement was added to the record using an interaction node in the workflow. Issue: 09-22377 When users applied a service level agreement (SLA) using an interaction node in the Workflow Designer application, a confirmation window was displayed. To continue the workflow process, users had to click OK in the confirmation window, and then click Route Workflow on the Workflow toolbar. Issue: 09-22767 The CreateBillLines method was long and as a result was difficult to customize. The CreateBillLines method now calls three separate methods to make it easier for customers to extend this class. The new methods getWOSet, getTicketSet and getSOSet are called from the CreateBillLines method. These methods fetch, respectively, work orders, tickets, and sales orders for the bill batch. Issue: 09-22938 Service level agreements were being applied incorrectly to work orders. In some situations, inactive SLAs were applied to work orders or SLAs that should only have been applied to incidents were applied to work orders. Issue: 09-23199 When users generated a work order for a parent preventive maintenance record, child preventive maintenance records had the incorrect location on the work order. They inherited the parent location rather than keeping their own locations. Issue: 09-23200 In the Customer Agreements (SP) application, automatic numbering did not work the Agreement field (PLUSPAGREEMENT.AGREEMENT). Issue: 09-23208 When a customer agreement was filtered to show only some of the price schedules linked to it, and then a new revision of the agreement was created, the revision had only the filtered price schedules from the original agreement, rather than all of the price schedules from the original agreement. Issue: 10-11178 An error message was displayed when users press the Enter key while viewing the list of stocked tools in the Stocked Tools applications. ====================================================== 5. Migration manager ====================================================== Migration objects and groups have been added to the Migration Manager to accommodate the Service Provider Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Response Plans applications. The migration groups for SLA include the SLA, Escalations, and KPIs. The migration groups for Response Plans include Escalations and Actions. These groups can be copied and modified so that other objects are included in the migration. See the Migration Manager Guide at mam71_migration_mgr_guide.pdf for more information about how to use the Migration Manager. MIGRATION OBJECT GROUPS ----------------------- PLUSPSERVICEPROVIDER Migration Group Description: SLA and Response Plan Migration MIGRATION OBJECT STRUCTURES ---------------------------- PLUSPSLA Object Structure Managing application: Supported objects: Service Level Agreements SLA LONGDESCRIPTION PLUSPAPPLSERV PLUSPAPPLCOND SLACOMMITMENTS SLAKPI SLACONTRACT Notes: -- The following objects that SLAs are dependent on must either be migrated separately, be transferred to the target environment, or be entered manually in the new environment: o Calendars, ClassStructures, Organizations and Sites used by the object SLA o Escalations referenced by the SLA o KPIs used by object SLAKPI o Service Groups and Services used by object PLUSPAPPLSERV o Descriptive Names (PLUSPAPPLFLD) used by object PLUSPAPPLCOND -- The source SLAs are filtered by status so that only Inactive SLAs are migrated. The target SLA must always be Inactive. -- The following information is not included in the migration of SLAs: o The KPIs used to measure SLA commitments of type OTHER. o The Related SLA relationship. o Additional SLA criteria. o Attached documents. -- Locations, assets, or configuration items that are referenced by the SLA are not migrated. PLUSPRP Object Structure Managing application: Support objects: Response Plans PLUSPRESPPLAN LONGDESCRIPTION PLUSPAPPLSERV PLUSPAPPLCOND Notes: -- The following objects that response plans are dependent on must either be migrated separately, be transferred to the target environment, or be entered manually in the new environment: o Calendars, Job Plans, Ticket Templates, Person Groups, Companies, Solutions, and ClassStructures used by the object PLUSPRESPPLAN o Service Groups and Services used by object PLUSPAPPLSERV o Descriptive Names (PLUSPAPPLFLD) used by object PLUSPAPPLCOND o Cron Tasks used by the object ESCALATION o Escalations, and the Actions, Action Groups, and Communications Templates used by the Escalation. o Roles and Ticket Templates used by the object ESCNOTIFICATION -- The source Response Plans are filtered by status so that only Inactive response plans are migrated. The target Response Plan status must always be Inactive. -- Additional Response Plan criteria is included in the migration. -- Attached documents are not included in the migration. -- Locations, assets, or configuration items that are referenced by the response plan are not migrated. ====================================================== 6. Notices ====================================================== This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. 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For license inquiries regarding double-byte character set (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: Intellectual Property Licensing Legal and Intellectual Property Law IBM Japan, Ltd. 3-2-12, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8711 The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. 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