Readme file for: IBM® Maximo® Asset Configuration Manager Version 7 Release 1 Modification 0 Fix Pack 1 IBM Corporation 01 June 2009 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ====================================================== Table of Contents ====================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Installation information 4. Resolved issues 5. Contacting IBM Support 6. Notices and trademarks ====================================================== 1. Introduction ====================================================== The purpose of this fix pack is to provide fixes for issues, including the following principal fixes: Removal of memory leaks Fixes to the Technical Records (CM) application This readme document provides information about the version fix pack release for IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager. This readme document describes the contents of this fix pack, provides installation instructions, and a list of the fixed issues in this release. ====================================================== 2. Contents ====================================================== The following items are included: 1) ---------------------- This zip package contains the fix pack for Maximo Asset Configuration Manager. ====================================================== 3. Installation information ====================================================== Overview: To apply the fix pack, complete these tasks: 1 Check that pre-installation requirements are met. 2 Install the fix pack. 3 Rebuild the EAR files. 4 Restart the application server and deploy the EAR files. ----------------------------------------- 1) Checking pre-installation requirements Before you install this fix pack, check the following requirements: - You have system administrator rights and privileges. - IBM Maximo Asset Management 7.1 is installed and Base Services fix pack is installed. - IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager 7.1 is installed. - All users are logged off Maximo. - All Maximo application servers and services are stopped. - No other programs are open. - The entire directory where Maximo is installed is backed up. - The Maximo database is backed up. - The Maximo help system is backed up. The help system is located in \\applications\maximohelp\helpweb\webmodule\en. -------------------------- 2) Installing the fix pack Install this fix pack as follows: 1. Download the file into a temporary directory on the administrative system. For example, C:\temp 2. Using Windows Explorer, go to the directory where your solutionInstallerGUI.bat file is located (for example, home dir\SMP\bin). 3. Double-click the solutionInstallerGUI.bat file in your drive folder. The IBM Tivoli Base Services window opens. 4. Select a language for your installation and click "OK". 5. In the Process Solution Installer Introduction panel, click "Next". 6. From the Choose PSI Package panel, click "Choose", and go to the file (for example, C:\temp\, select it, click "Open", and click "Next". Once a package has been selected and opened, the process solution installer performs a series of validation checks to verify that the package that you selected is valid. The system is checked to ensure that the package has not already been deployed, or, if the package is intended as an upgrade. The system is also checked to ensure that the base package has already been installed. 7. From the Package Validation Results panel, review and verify the information that is displayed, and click "Next". 8. Select the "I accept the terms in the license agreement" option and click "Next". The Add Features screen opens. 9. If you installed your adapter on the BEA WebLogic Server, or if you have not used the Middleware installer, go to step 13. 10. On the Middleware Login Information panel, enter the credentials for which you are being prompted, and click "Next." The contents of this panel are constructed dynamically, and depend on the type of package that you are installing. Once you have entered the requested user IDs and passwords, the process solution installation wizard validates the credentials by connecting to the middleware servers using the supplied credentials. 11. After the credentials have been verified, a package options panel opens and details the deployment options that the package supports. The "Defer Maximo Application Redeployment" and the "Defer the Update of the Maximo Database" check boxes are cleared by default. Accept these values by clicking "Next". The process solution installer performs a system check to ensure that all system requirements that are necessary for the package to be installed are present. Click "Next" to advance. 12. From the Pre-Install Summary panel, review and verify the displayed information, and click "Next". The process solution installer begins the installation process. You can view the progress on the screen. When the installation is complete, the Package Successfully Deployed panel opens. If the installation fails, a message displays the step that failed. Do not proceed to the next step until you have resolved the error and the package has been installed successfully. 13. From the Package Successfully Deployed panel, click "Next". 14. From the Install Another Package panel, leave the "Install Another Package" check box cleared and click “Done” to exit the wizard. 15. Rebuild and redeploy the Maximo EAR file. -------------------------- 3) Rebuilding the EAR files Ensure that the file is up-to-date, then rebuild the maximo.ear file and the maximohelp.ear file. For more information about building EAR files, see the IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager Installation Guide. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Restarting the application server and deploying the EAR files You must redeploy your EAR files and then restart the Maximo application server to apply the fix pack changes. For information about deploying EAR files, see the IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager Installation Guide. ====================================================== 4. Resolved issues ====================================================== The following issues were resolved for Maximo Asset Configuration Manager v7.1: APAR: IZ19936 Issue: 08-15361 Application: Technical Records (CM) Description: You cannot create more than one PM at a time from a technical record. APAR: NA Issue: 08-17493 Application: Preventive Maintenance (CM) Description: You get an error when you generate work orders from a PM using the frequency criteria. APAR: NA Issue: 08-17641 Application: Preventive Maintenance (CM), Master PM (CM) Description: You are not able to create a job plan sequence in the Master PM (CM) and Preventive Maintenance (CM) applications. APAR: IZ33750 Issue: 08-22412 Application: Assets (CM) Description: When you use the Change action in Assets (CM), the system incorrectly displays an error message stating that a node in the view tree must be selected. APAR: IZ34692 Issue: 08-22905 Application: Assets (CM) Description: Assets cannot be created with a null value in the Asset Priority field. APAR: IZ35431 Issue: 08-23271 Application: Assets (CM) Description: Gauge meters are being displayed on the View tab in Assets (CM). APAR: IZ35468 Issue: 8-23305 Application: New Asset Assemblies (CM) Description: When you create a new asset in the New Asset Assemblies (CM) application, a database error (904) occurs when you try to change the CM item. APAR: IZ35489 Issue: 08-23362 Application: System Description: A database connection leak issue is adversely impacting Asset Configuration Manager performance. APAR: IZ35871 Issue: 08-23696 Application: Models (CM) Description: The Default for Position Select Value dialog box in the Models (CM) application is not displaying values if the build hierarchy is greater than 1000 rows. APAR: IZ35888 Issue: 08-23712 Application: Preventive Maintenance (CM) Description: The incorrect job plan number is being carried over to the Preventive Maintenance (CM) application. APAR: IZ36039 Issue: 08-23826 Application: Assets (CM) Description: The Assets (CM) application does not work properly if there are more than 1000 subassemblies. APAR: IZ37134 Issue: 08-24384 Application: Preventive Maintenance (CM) Description: The Technical Records (CM) application is not creating associated PMs when multiple assets are selected. APAR: IZ37284 Issue: 08-24465 Application: Work Order Tracking (CM) Description: You cannot cancel an incorrect status choice. The Cancel button on the Change Status dialog box has no effect. APAR: IZ37812 Issue: 08-24754 Application: New Asset Assemblies (CM) Description: When you use the filter on the Subassemblies tab of the New Asset Assemblies tab, an error message is displayed. APAR: IZ38507 Issue: 08-24921 Application: System Description: A database connection leak issue is adversely impacting Asset Configuration Manager performance. APAR: NA Issue: 08-25716 Application: Technical Records (CM) Description: The Technical Records (CM) application is not correctly filtering models when CM items are selected. APAR: NA Issue: 08-25720 Application: Technical Records (CM) Description: The Technical Records (CM) Auto Upgrade function on the CM Item Master tab does not work. APAR: NA Issue: 08-25722 Application: Technical Records (CM) Description: The Technical Records (CM) application is not correctly filtering against serial range effectivity. APAR: IZ44600 Issue: 09-11357 Application: Assets (CM) Description: Clicking the Next Asset arrow on the toolbar can bring you to the View tab rather than the Asset tab. APAR: IZ47475 Issue: 09-12239 Application: Assets (CM) Description: Database memory usage spikes when you expand a node in the Assets (CM) application View tab V-Tree hierarchy. ====================================================== 5. Contacting IBM Support ====================================================== IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects. Before contacting IBM Software Support, your company must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. For information about the types of maintenance contracts available, see "Enhanced Support," in the Software Support Handbook at To contact IBM Software Support with a problem: 1. Define the problem, gather background information, and determine the severity of the problem. For help, see "Contacting IBM" in the Software Support Handbook at 2. Gather diagnostic information. 3. Submit your problem to IBM Software Support in one of the following ways: - Online: Report the problem on the IBM Software Support site: - By telephone: For the telephone number to call in your country, go to the Contacts page of the Software Support Handbook: If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM Support web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution. ====================================================================== 6. Notices and trademarks ====================================================================== Third-Party Technology: Certain IBM Maximo products contain technology provided under license from third parties, as noted below. All Products: - Portions © 1996-2003 Visual Mining, Inc. Visual Mining™ NetCharts Server provided by Visual Mining, Inc. IBM Maximo: - Portions © 1995-2004 Actuate Corporation. - Portions © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. BEA WebLogic Server® provided by BEA Systems, Inc. - Portions © 1996-2005, i-net software GmbH. J-Integra for COM® v2.4. © 2004 Intrinsyc Software International, Inc. - Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine © 2000 Wintertree Software, Inc. IBM Maximo Discovery: - MSDE Copyright © Microsoft® Corporation. - Portions © 1998-2005 Centennial Software Limited. IBM Maximo Asset Navigator: - Portions © 1993-2002 Snowbound™ Software Corporation. RasterMaster™ Raster imaging technology provided by Snowbound Software Corporation. IBM Maximo Mobile: - Portions © 2005 DataMirror, Inc. - Portions © 2000-2005 Zaval Creative Engineering Group. IBM Maximo Mobile SE: - Portions © 1996-2005 Syclo, LLC. Open Source: IBM Maximo contains computer software obtained from the public domain, known as "Open Source" ownership of which is attributed as follows: Portions © 2002, Steve Souza ( Portions © 2000-2004, Jason Hunter & Brett McLaughlin. Portions © 2004-2005, The Apache Software Foundation ( This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. 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