Readme file for the base services fix pack Date: December 2010 Copyright(C) International Business Machines Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ================================================================================= Table of contents ================================================================================= 1. Introduction 2. What's new in this fix pack 3. Files 4. Pre-Installation Considerations 5. Installation instructions 6. Post-installation tasks 7. Post-installation report-related tasks 8. New Platform support 9. Resolved issues 10. Checksum information 11. Notices ================================================================================= 1. Introduction ================================================================================= This fix pack updates the underlying base services for several products. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisites and supported products --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this fix pack, you must already have one of the following products installed at any previous fix pack level: - IBM Maximo Asset Management 7.1.0 - IBM Maximo Asset Management Essentials 7.1.0 - IBM Tivoli Asset Management for IT 7.1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product version numbers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The version numbers of your products are different from the version number of the base services. After you install this fix pack, the base services will be at the level, whereas your products will have the following version numbers: - IBM Maximo Asset Management - IBM Maximo Asset Management Essentials - IBM Tivoli Asset Management for IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database version --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have not already upgraded your Maximo database from version 6 to version 7, see the Upgrade Resource page for more information, which is located at: ================================================================================= 2. What's new in this fix pack ================================================================================= This fix pack resolves a number of issues, as listed in the "Resolved issues" section. NOTE: For more information about the changes provided in this fix pack, see the Issues Resolved section (Section 9). For additional information about the changes and enhancements provided by previous fix packs, all of which are cumulatively included in this fix pack, also see the Resolved Issues section (Section 9). ================================================================================= 3. Files ================================================================================= The following files are included: - install.exe and install_win64.exe These are the fix pack installation programs that run on the administrative workstation (Windows platform) install.exe is for 32-bit Windows systems and install_win6.exe is for 64-bit Windows systems. - lpinstall.exe and lpinstall_win64.exe The language pack installers that run on the administrative workstation (Windows platform). lpinstall.exe is for 32-bit Windows systems and lpinstall_win64.exe is for 64-bit Windows systems. - This compressed package file refreshes the base services that are installed with the associated products. - notices1.txt Contains legal notices and information. ================================================================================= 4. Pre-Installation Considerations ================================================================================= Before you start the installation: - Review the technotes for the changes in this fix pack. Browse to If you browse to this URL and technotes have not been created, you receive a browser message that says "No documents match your query. Please revise your search criteria". When technotes are created, they will be displayed - Ensure that the middleware servers (for example, database and LDAP) are running. If you are installing on IBM WebSphere Application Server, ensure that the MXServer application server is shut down. If you are installing on an Oracle WebLogic server, shut down the server before you run the installation program. - Back up your database. - Back up the Deployment Engine (DE) database of installed software before starting any updates. For more information, see the following technote: - Back up your reports directory by doing the following steps: 1. Navigate to the location of your existing reports directory: \reports\birt\reports 2. Copy and paste the reports directory, then rename it for future reference. For example, rename it to: \reports\birt\reports_source_backup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note to customers using Windows 7, 2008, and Vista systems: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The product installation fails on Windows systems(2008, Vista, Windows 7) when IP v4 and IP v6 stacks are both enabled on the system. Any customizations done on commonenv.bat would be lost when this fixpack is applied. Please see this technote before applying the fixpack: ================================================================================= 5. Installation instructions ================================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating IP addresses, host names, or passwords --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The installation program uses the host names and passwords that are stored in the DE database. If they do not match your environment, the installation cannot finish. If you have changed the IP address, host name, or password of your database server or other servers, you must make the appropriate changes on the Admin workstation before installing the fix pack. Use the instructions in the following technote to make the appropriate changes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read this before you start the installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In previous Maximo base services installations, you had the option of deploying the product using a local deployment engine instance. This allowed you to use a non-administrative user ID to install and manage multiple product deployments from a single administrative workstation. The instructions for installing a product on a Windows system using this method included the following high-level steps: 1. Start the installation using a non-administrative user ID. Using a non-administrative user ID to start the installation program caused the deployment engine to be deployed as a local instance. This allowed you to install and maintain several local deployment engine instances separately. 2. Quit the installation after the deployment engine instance is created. 3. Add the user ID to the Administrator group. This step was required in order to allow the product installation program to add entries to the Windows system registry. 4. Restart the installation program and resume the installation. For Maximo base services, there is no longer a requirement for the user ID to belong to the Administrators group when performing installs using a local deployment engine instance. You must remove the user ID from the Administrators group before you begin the Maximo base services installation. If you perform an upgrade to an existing deployment using a user ID that belongs to the Administrators group, the Maximo base services installation fails with the following error message: CTGIN2499E: Maximo base services is not found on the system. The installation program will now exit. At this point, you have installed a global instance of the deployment engine, which prevents you from deploying multiple installations from a single administrative workstation. To recover from this error, complete the following steps: 1. Remain logged in as the user belonging to the Administrators group and run the following commands from a command line: c:\> %ProgramFiles%\IBM\Common\acsi\setenv.bat c:\> %ProgramFiles%\IBM\Common\acsi\bin\si_inst -r -f This step removes the global instance of the deployment engine. 2. Remove the user ID from the Administrator group. 3. Log out of the system. 4. Log back into the system and restart the Maximo base services fix pack installer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the fix pack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Use the supplied checksum file with an MD5 utility to confirm the .zip file was not corrupted during the download. 2. Extract the file you downloaded ( into a temporary directory on the administrative workstation. For example, C:\temp 3. On the administrative workstation, launch the base services installation program by navigating to the temp directory and run install.exe (for 32-bit Windows systems) or install_win64.exe (for 64-bit Windows systems). 4. Select a language to display in the installation panels, and click OK. 5. On the Introduction panel, click Next. The fix pack life cycle analysis occurs. Note The Tivoli Maximo Common PMP remains at version If the fix pack can be installed, click Next, and proceed through the subsequent panels. Note If you are updating from to, you must select the "I have reviewed the list..." check box to enable the Next button. 6. If the Deploy Optional Process Manager Content panel is displayed, choose whether you want to deploy the optional content, and click Next. Your choice is used for all future installations on the same computer. If you made a choice on this panel in a previous installation, the panel is not displayed. Instead, the previous choice you made automatically determines whether the optional content is deployed. 7. Optional: On the SMTP Configuration panel, provide the SMTP server and e-mail address. 8. On the Run Configuration Step panel, specify whether you want to run the configuration step now or later, and whether to deploy the application files now or later. 9. Review the information and click Next on the summary panels, and click Install. The base services installation program installs the packages. When the installation has completed, you might be prompted to reboot. If a package failed, a message is displayed for the step that failed. Review the logs to determine the failure, correct the problems, and restart the base services installer to continue with the fix pack installation. 10. If in step 8 you chose to perform the installation configuration manually or to deploy the application files manually, do the following steps: a. At a command prompt, change to the \ibm\smp\scripts folder. b. Install the fix pack components and run the database update scripts by entering the following command: taskrunner.bat CONTINUE STOPONERROR c. Build and deploy the maximo.ear file and the maximohelp.ear file. 11. If you require additional language support, do the steps described in "Installing additional languages". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing additional languages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: Perform these steps only if you need additional languages installed. When you install Maximo, the language that you select to install Maximo becomes the base, or default, language. The base language is the language that is used to display Maximo applications and data in the browser of users who access the interface. If you have users who must view the interface and data in other languages, you must install the required languages using the language pack installer. 1. Ensure that all services are started. 2. On the administrative workstation, launch the language pack installation program by navigating to the temp directory, and executing lpinstall.exe (for Windows 32-bit systems) or lpinstall_win64.exe (for Windows 64-bit systems). 3. On the Introduction panel, click Next. 4. If this is a new Maximo installation, (not a fix pack installation), select the base language to use for the installation. 5. Select the additional languages to be installed. Previously installed languages are already selected. 6. Click through the summary panels, and click Install. If a package failure occurs, a message displays for the step that failed. Review the logs to determine the cause of the failure. ================================================================================= 6. Post-installation tasks ================================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deleting the Web browser cache --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you install the fix pack, and before your users begin to use the updated software, delete the Web browser cache on every computer that uses the product. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating the VMMSync cron task --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: Perform these steps only if you are updating from base services or earlier. 1. Log in as the Maximo administrator. 2. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Cron Task Setup. 3. Find the VMMSync01 instance of the VMMSync cron task. 4. Find the "User Mapping" parameter and edit it. 5. Remove the following entries from wherever they appear in the mapping xml: {0} {ACTIVE} {1} {0} {0} {0} {0} {NEVER} {:sysdate} {1} {1} {0} {en} 6. Save the updates. 7. Reload the cron task. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ensuring that Maximo Mobile products work with the base services fix pack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use any of the following products, you must modify the application.xml file and the deployment-application.xml file after the fix pack is installed: - IBM Maximo Mobile Inventory Manager 7.1.1 - IBM Maximo Mobile Asset Manager 7.1.1 - IBM Maximo Mobile Work Manager 7.1.1 For more information, see the technote --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ensuring that Maximo Spatial Asset Management works with the base services fix pack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have Maximo Spatial Asset Management and install the base services fix pack, the web.xml file is overwritten. To resolve the problem, follow the steps on page 14 of the IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management 7.1 Installation Guide in the topic "Adding spatial tags to the web.xml file". The installation guide is located at ================================================================================= 7. Post-installation report-related tasks ================================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading BIRT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A previous base services fix pack, version, upgraded the embedded reporting tool BIRT to version 2.3.2 and contained updated report design files. If you were using BIRT before fix pack and you have not reviewed your customized or created reports to ensure that they display correctly with BIRT 2.3.2, you must review them now. For more information, see the technotes "Upgrading to BIRT 2.3.2 in V7 Products" at and "Configuring BIRT Designer 2.3.2 with V7 Products" at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Importing your report design files --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you install the fix pack, regardless of your BIRT version, you must import your report design files. To import your report design files: 1. On the administrative workstation, go to the following directory: \maximo\reports\birt\tools For example: C:\ibm\\maximo\reports\birt\tools 2. Open the file. This file indicates where reports are imported to. 3. Edit the file to meet your system requirements. 4. Run the importreports.cmd to import your report design files. You can also run variations of this command to import only a subset of reports. For more information, see the Report Developer Guide in your product information center. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regenerating the request pages for your reports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you install the fix pack, regardless of your BIRT version, you must go to the Report Administration application and regenerate the request pages for all of your reports. For more information, see the Report Developer Guide in the product information center. ================================================================================= 8. New platform support ================================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional support was added in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB2 9.7 is now a supported database. However, DB2 9.7 is not shipped with IBM Maximo 7.1 and a separate license is required if you want to use it as your Maximo database. Customers who use DB2 9.7 must install and configure the database using the DB2 installation program and configuration utilities. Oracle WebLogic Server 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2 are now supported application server. The following support was added in previous fix packs, and therefore is supported by this fix pack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional support was added in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRT 2.3.2 Oracle Database 11g Microsoft SQL Server 2008 DB2 9.5 AIX 6.1 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VMware ESX version 3.5 Mozilla Firefox browser 3.0 for Microsoft Windows XP and Red Hat Linux desktop WebSphere Application Server ================================================================================= 9. Resolved issues ================================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Service fix pack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR: IZ20873 Issue: 08-15769 Application: RPT: Actuate Description: when you direct print a work order details report, there is a 30-second delay before the report is launched. APAR: IZ70649 Issue: 10-11112 Application: Database Validation Utility Description: When you upgrade from Maximo 6 to 7, the validation application fails to identify invalid xml structures. APAR: IZ70709 Issue: 10-11145 Application: Assets Description: When you are generating a PM work order, and the asset you are using is on one of the PMs, removing, or adding an asset to the Spare Parts tab in the Sub-assemblies table causes infinite looping. APAR: IZ72557 Issue: 10-11666 Application: Desktop Requisitions Description: When you are creating a Material Requisition for a direct issue item, no error message is displayed when you try to distribute GL accounts. APAR: IZ74302 Issue: 10-12603 Application: Rpt: Harrier Reports Description: The work order detailed report does not show the items on the planner material tab that have no itemnum. APAR: IZ74506 Issue: 10-12665 Application: Receiving Description: If you receive only part of the items in the holding location, the value for the "Quantity in Holding Location" filed is not updated correctly. APAR: IZ74721 Issue: 10-12809 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: In the Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs section of the main tab, the sequence is not maintained in ascending order when you select records from using the 'From Routes' option. APAR: IZ74861 Issue: 10-13210 Application: Assets Description: You can move a rotating asset to a storeroom. APAR: IZ75011 Issue: 10-13243 Application: Receiving Description: If a receipt has fractions on the Quantity or Conversion Factors values, you cannot change the status of the receipts from WINSP to COMP. APAR: IZ75039 Issue: 10-13293 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: When you use the application link to select a value for the contract field, and you return with the value, you can return the value of contracts that are not currently active. APAR: IZ75149 Issue: 10-13455 Application: Companies Description: You cannot set a synonym value as default for company types. APAR: IZ75237 Issue: 10-13491 Application: Escalations Description: If you create an escalation SR with several actions, and there is a value specified on the long description filed, the last action is not performed. APAR: IZ75277 Issue: 10-13583 Application: Lease & Rental Contracts Description: The Total Cost field is not working correctly. APAR: IZ75366 Issue: 10-13645 Application: Consolidated Service Desk Description: If you belong to an Organization, and you try to create an Incident record for a user that does not belong to the same Organization, an error occurs. APAR: IZ75506 Issue: 10-13692 Application: Migration Manager Description: If you create an index during configdb by adding an attribute with a searchtype of 'TEXT' to an object, this index is not recreated during the deployment. APAR: IZ75512 Issue: 10-13690 Application: Service Request Description: When you are creating an SR record, you are able to use attachments that belong to different sites. APAR: IZ75582 Issue: 10-13787 Application: Domains Description: If you disable the Undo Approval of Purchase Order security option, you cannot change the status of a PO to a synonym of the WAPPR status. APAR: IZ75606 Issue: 10-13785 Application: Report Administration Description: If you schedule a report, and then try to modify the distribution list, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA4176E: Attribute EMAILTO does not exist." APAR: IZ75611 Issue: 10-13858 Application: Inventory Description: If you try to open the Reorder Direct Issue Items and Services dialogue box, the dialog is displayed with invalid bindings. APAR: IZ75679 Issue: 10-13864 Application: Companies Description: If you import the company master record, and then import a company record, the following error occurs: "BMXAA1408E - Company master XXXXX does not exist in set COMPSET1." APAR: IZ75766 Issue: 10-13943 Application: Bulletin Board Description: The NullPointerException thrown from BBSet.searchBBMsgStatusSet() appear endlessly, affecting the performance of the system. APAR: IZ75789 Issue: 10-14005 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: After you receive the "BMXAA4200E - Record has been updated by another user. Refetch and try again" error message after you save a record, the work order actual cost is incorrectly updated. APAR: IZ75832 Issue: 10-14043 Application: Purchase Orders Description: POSET and POLINESET are not closed when done, causing an out of memory error. APAR: IZ75858 Issue: 10-14080 Application: Rpt: Harrier Reports Description: The Cost by Location report produces different results depending on whether the optional date parameters are used. APAR: IZ75859 Issue: 10-14050 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: When you generate a set of work orders from a complex PM, an "Exceeded Maximum Cursors" error occurs and the work orders are not generated. APAR: IZ75875 Issue: 10-14079 Application: Rpt: Harrier Reports Description: In the work order detail report, the asset location is displayed instead of the storeroom location for the actual material charges. APAR: IZ75878 Issue: 10-14081 Application: Desktop Requisitions Description: When you are creating a requisition, if you enter a GL account, click Continue and try to add a line item by searching a catalog, the catalog screen appears as blank. APAR: IZ75947 Issue: 10-14126 Application: Purchase Contracts Description: If you increase the purchase contract line unit cost decimal scale from 2 - 5, specify the unit cost in the purchase contract, and then tab out of the field, the unit cost is rounded. APAR: IZ75948 Issue: 10-14124 Application: Purchase Contracts Description: On Advanced Search, when you use the Select Value action on the Item field, no items are displayed. APAR: IZ75953 Issue: 10-14159 Application: Updatedb Description: The V7116_169 script tries to populate the MAXVARTYPE table where the MAXVAR from the MAXVAR table is not found. APAR: IZ75982 Issue: 10-14123 Application: Inventory Description: When you try to change the status of a rotating item with balance of zero to OBSOLETE, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA2115E - Cannot change status. Item is attached to one or more assets at the inventory level." APAR: IZ76010 Issue: 10-14162 Application: Chart of Accounts Description: If you add the GLACCOUNT field as an additional column on the list screen add, specify the lookup in the Control Properties for this Table Column as GLNAVIGATOR, you cannot use the GLNAVIGATOR lookup on the List screen. APAR: IZ76020 Issue: 10-14164 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: If you add an Actual Labor transaction, after removing the startdate, an invalid binding occurs. APAR: IZ76030 Issue: 10-14203 Application: Items Description: If you create rotating items and asset, and later decide to use a Condition Enabled function, the items and assets that you have created before are not populated with a condition code. APAR: IZ76067 Issue: 10-14249 Application: Security Groups Description: If you enable the login tracking, try to activate the Admin mode, and specify the right user ID but wrong password in the displayed dialog box, the system freezes. However, if you exit the application and try to log in again, the following message is displayed: "user ID is blocked, please contact system administrator." APAR: IZ76075 Issue: 10-14243 Application: Consolidated Service Desk Description: If you default the owner field from Service Request to '&USERNAME&', and then try to duplicate a service request in the Service Desk application, the following error occurs when you try to save the duplicated request: "BMXAA4195E - Required field Ticket is blank." APAR: IZ76103 Issue: 10-14246 Application: Application Designer Description: If you export the REPLIBRARY.xml file, save and reimport the file without changing anything, go to the Asset application and run a report, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA4210E - Database error number 920 has occurred." APAR: IZ76113 Issue: 10-14282 Application: Classifications Description: If you create two classifications with the same name, one to be used with a location and the other to be used with assets, classify a new asset with this classification, and tab out of the Classification field, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA0184E - The classification XXXXX cannot be used for ASSET." APAR: IZ76191 Issue: 10-14290 Application: Workflow Description: When you run a customized workflow, the browser hangs and the following error occurs: "BMXAA4195E - Required field To is blank." APAR: IZ76197 Issue: 10-14300 Application: System - Object Description: When the storage information is null, the PSDI.CONFIGURE.UTIL.GETSTORAGECLAUSE() method creates an invalid where clause. APAR: IZ76207 Issue: 10-14329 Application: System - User Interface Description: When you specify a value for a row, and the click a different row, the value you entered for the first row is cleared. APAR: IZ76209 Issue: 10-14322 Application: UpdateDB Description: During Updatedb, if you try to specify a null value for the 'fgg_hidefromdialog' column, an error occurs. APAR: IZ76210 Issue: 10-14328 Application: Upgrade Description: When you run integrity checker, an error occurs that causes a loop. APAR: IZ76226 Issue: 10-14336 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you select a date form the calender for the Start Date field, the wrong date is displayed on the field. APAR: IZ76239 Issue: 10-14324 Application: Request for quotation Description: IWhen you duplicate an RFQ service line, the item field is set as required. APAR: IZ76245 Issue: 10-14337 Application: Reorder Description: If the order unit on the most recent vendor record is different from the order unit on the inventory item record, the conversion factor is ignored. APAR: IZ76259 Issue: 10-14334 Application: CRONTASK Description: When you run a report, the Scheduled reports create crontask threads that are not cleared. APAR: IZ76260 Issue: 10-14361 Application: Email Listener Description: The autogenerated emails from termination notices are not correctly processed. APAR: IZ76290 Issue: 10-14372 Application: Changes Description: If you modify an asset in the Changes application, these modified fields are not updated in the Assets application. APAR: IZ76292 Issue: 10-14375 Application: System - User Interface Description: The icons for public and private queries are missing. APAR: IZ76293 Issue: 10-14373 Application: Assets Description: When you receive a rotating asset from an internal storeroom to a storeroom PO across sites and the assetnum exists in both the source and destination stores, the Asset.Moved flag is not updated correctly. APAR: IZ76294 Issue: 10-14371 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: When you load classification assets using MIF, the amount of database connections increase. APAR: IZ76327 Issue: 10-14409 Application: Inventory Description: If you create and associate an asset to a rotating item, and increase the balance of this rotating item by one, the line cost is shown as 0 when you view an entry for a Transaction type of Transfer. APAR: IZ76348 Issue: 10-14456 Application: Purchase Orders Description: When you create a PR, distribute the cost between different GL Accounts, approve the PR, and create a PO record from this PR, the following message is displayed when you approve the PO: "Could not change PO status to APPR - The Debit or Credit General Ledger account is not specified." APAR: IZ76366 Issue: 10-14459 Application: Assets Description: In the Assets application, when you enter a meter reading, work orders are generated. APAR: IZ76379 Issue: 10-14464 Application: Assets Description: If you configure LOCOPER.FLO5 as maxtype YORN, the following error occurs when you create a work order: "BMXAA4195E - Required field XXXXX is blank." APAR: IZ76395 Issue: 10-14497 Application: Inventory Description: During an inventory transaction, the GL accounts uses INVENTORY for GL debit and credit accounts instead of INVCOST as a default. APAR: IZ76436 Issue: 10-14506 Application: Classifications Description: In Advanced Search, when you search for attributes, the records predefined in the ALNDOMAIN value list are not displayed APAR: IZ76438 Issue: 10-14502 Application: View Service Request Description: If you do not access the application through the Start Center, the queries you save are lost. APAR: IZ76576 Issue: 10-14544 Application: Email Listener Description: If Email Listener fails to process an email, an email with the rrors is sent back to the user. APAR: IZ76581 Issue: 10-14540 Application: Person Group Description: When you add a PersonGroupTeam record to the People table window, an unqualified SQL statement is issued against the Person table when you set the RespPartyGroup attribute APAR: IZ76585 Issue: 10-14557 Application: Locations Description: If you specufy an invalid location on a work order, the location#NotValidLoc error mesage is displayed. Database Script: 7118_21.dbc APAR: IZ76590 Issue: 10-14559 Application: Communication Templates Description: If you duplicate a communication template and change the Reply To field to the Email address of a role, INBOUNDCOMM.REPLYTO is null when an email is sent using this template. APAR: IZ76591 Issue: 10-14607 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: After you change the description of the Description Column, the Description Collum is duplicated in the Start Center Portlet. APAR: IZ76602 Issue: 10-14608 Application: System - Object Description: When you try to use the advanced search in Incident, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4185E - Cannot query on field HIERARCHYPATH." APAR: IZ76618 Issue: 10-14605 Application: Desktop Requisitions Description: When you add a requisition line and specify the description, quantity and order unit fields, the following error occurs: "BMXAA5609I - This action is not allowed since the item XXXX is in Pending or Obsolete status at Item/Organization level." APAR: IZ76620 Issue: 10-14606 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: When you create and approve a work order, then go to the Actuals tab and add a row for a Special Order, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA0274E - SPORDER is not a valid line type." APAR: IZ76627 Issue: 10-14604 Application: Workflow Description: Incident records do not fully exit from Workflow even though Workflow History shows that the incident record reached the Stop node. APAR: IZ76659 Issue: 10-14651 Application: System - User Interface Description:When LDAP is enabled, the following error message is displayed when you try to sign in: "BMXAA3840E - The electronic signature entered is not valid for the user currently signed in to the application." APAR: IZ76689 Issue: 10-14653 Application: Work Order Description: When the attributes for REPORTEDBYNAME are defined as Uppercase in the xml, the View Tickets, and WO dialog box displays undefined fields. APAR: IZ76702 Issue: 10-14703 Application: System - User Interface Description: If your current month has 31 days, and the following month has less than 31 days, if you are on day 31, you cannot move the month on the date/time field to the next month. APAR: IZ76714 Issue: 10-14661 Application: Rpt: Harrier Reports Description: When you generate a open_wo_pm Birt report, only work orders created from a PM are displayed. APAR: IZ76733 Issue: 10-14742 Application: System - Object Description: When processing emails, the INBOUNDCOMM object builds up, causing an out of memory error. APAR: IZ76745 Issue: 10-14741 Application: Email Listener Description: When you attach a document to an email, the name of the attached file comes with the full directory path. Therefore, Email Listener throws an error because this directory structure does not exist. APAR: IZ76753 Issue: 10-14740 Application: Routes Description: If you click an entry on the multi-asset, location and CI table of a work order, the following error occurs: "BMXAA0019E - Field Job Plan is read-only." APAR: IZ76759 Issue: 10-14747 Application: Invoices Description: When you are allocating items, the total of the service line to be allocated is different from the amount allocated, therefore an error occurs. APAR: IZ76782 Issue: 10-14819 Application: System - Object Description: When you search by scheduled start date in the Work Order application, you receive incorrect results. APAR: IZ76892 Issue: 10-14889 Application: System - User Interface Description: The showcount property does not work. APAR: IZ76899 Issue: 10-14891 Application: Purchase Requesitions Description: You can edit the Charge To field of Purchase Orders that have complete receipts. APAR: IZ76902 Issue: 10-14906 Application: Classifications Description: When you try to move, swap or modify an asset using the Select Action menu, the numeric value on the Planned Modifications section is displayed with ".00000000" after the number. APAR: IZ76915 Issue: 10-14937 Application: Invoices Description: If you create an invoice record to receive only part of the items on a PO record, this PO record is closed even though there are still items to be received. APAR: IZ76928 Issue: 10-14894 Application: Domains Description: The description of the US/Pacific-New timezone is incorrect. APAR: IZ76930 Issue: 10-14942 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: If you modify the Start Center from an environment that uses a different language, and then go back to the original language, the start center are not displayed correctly. APAR: IZ76932 Issue: 10-14938 Application: Crafts Description: When you create a craft and select a skill level, the skill level description is not automatically populated. APAR: IZ76933 Issue: 10-14940 Application: Migration Manager Description: When IBM Maximo for Service Provider is installed, the migration of the data dictionary fails. APAR: IZ76937 Issue: 10-14939 Application: Changes Description: When you try to mass move assets that belong to different sites, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA4565E: Work order XXXXX is not a valid open work order." APAR: IZ76947 Issue: 10-14953 Application: System - Object Description: When you create and save a Service Request, create a communication using a Communication Template, and include an invalid email address in the To field, the email is not sent to any of the receivers and an error occurs. APAR: IZ76953 Issue: 10-14957 Application: Purchase Orders Description: If you do not have privilege to approve a PO, you cannot cancel a PO. APAR: IZ76955 Issue: 10-14955 Application: Classifications Description: If you update an item specification that is associated with many assets, an out of memory error can occur. APAR: IZ77003 Issue: 10-14990 Application: Domains Description: If you use Japanese as a base language, and you modify the Description field of the Domain Application, the value ID is changed to Japanese characters. APAR: IZ77008 Issue: 10-14989 Application: Quick Reporting Description: If you are creating a quick report, and you click the Cancel button on the save confirmation message dialog box, the incorrect message appears. APAR: IZ77075 Issue: 10-15020 Application: DBChange Utility Description: When you run UpdateDB, the following error occurs: "add_attributes statement requires a value for attribute object." APAR: IZ77089 Issue: 10-15018 Application: Item Assembly Structure Description: In the Locations application, when you apply an Item Assembly Structure, the current item filed is incorrectly populated. APAR: IZ77090 Issue: 10-15015 Application: Inventory Description: When you perform a reconciliation, the GL Look Up brings the information from the user default site. APAR: IZ77149 Issue: 10-15072 Application: Assets Description: After you apply the latest hot fix for, the Go to Item Master option no longer works. APAR: IZ77190 Issue: 10-15075 Application: Workflow Description: If you specify a subprocess for a process, and this process requires an interaction before a stop, the interaction does not autocomplete, and the following error occurs: "BMXAA2302E - Doing this will cancel the workflow interaction." APAR: IZ77231 Issue: 10-15068 Application: Labor Description: If you open the Change Status dialog box from the List tab, but you do not select a record, the Labor Status is changed on all records. APAR: IZ77247 Issue: 10-15069 Application: Reorder Description: On Preview reorder, you can modify the Unit Cost field after you associate a record with a contract item even though you set the 'Overwrite price' flag to false. APAR: IZ77294 Issue: 10-15079 Application: Work Order Description: When you duplicate a work order, the record is created with a status of INPRG. APAR: IZ77295 Issue: 10-15078 Application: Migration Manager Description: Migration Manager fails to import packages that include indexes. APAR: IZ77322 Issue: 10-15114 Application: Items Description: If you use a synonym for an Item Status, the following error occurs: "BMXAA2108E - cannot change the status to the same status at Item level." APAR: IZ77359 Issue: 10-15123 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: You cannot transfer a rotating asset from one site to another using an internal PO. APAR: IZ77409 Issue: 10-15143 Application: Work Order Description: After you receive and close a system message, the work order close action is not performed. APAR: IZ77417 Issue: 10-15139 Application: Work Order Description: In Maximo Mobile, when you modify an asset that belongs to work order and then send the record back to Maximo, the GL account is not updated. APAR: IZ77445 Issue: 10-15191 Application: Rpt: Harrier Reports Description: After upgrading your database, if you delete an Actuate Spreadsheet report from the Report Administration application, you cannot run a report. Also, if the server is restarted, you cannot log back in. APAR: IZ77497 Issue: 10-15192 Application: Receiving Description: If you receive a PO record with negative quantity service line, the following error message is displayed: "Cannot return more than what has been received." APAR: IZ77498 Issue: 10-15208 Application: Desktop Requisition Description: When you create a service requisition for a material or a service, the values for assetnum, location, and GL debit account are not populated in MRLINE. APAR: IZ77524 Issue: 10-15210 Application: Labor Reporting Description: When you select a value for the Labor field, the Select Value dialog box is displayed full of invalid biding fields. APAR: IZ77530 Issue: 10-15207 Application: Assets Description: When you perform a Hazards lookup, if the same hazards exist in different organizations, the same hazards appear multiple times on the list. APAR: IZ77539 Issue: 10-15216 Application: Upgrade Description: UpdateDB fails when unexpected changes are made to Text-Searching on tables. APAR: IZ77540 Issue: 10-15211 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: When you create a work order from a PM record, the error message 'pm#MalforedHier' is displayed. APAR: IZ77551 Issue: 10-15221 Application: Purchase Order Description: When you perform a same-site courier transfer, the conversion field is a read-only field. APAR: IZ77553 Issue: 10-15247 Application: Purchase Requisitions Description: When you duplicate a closed PR, the tax calculation is not updated. APAR: IZ77555 Issue: 10-15248 Application: Inventory Description: When you try to modify the Physical Count Adjustment dialog box, several exceptions are thrown and an out-of-memory error occurs. APAR: IZ77568 Issue: 10-15251 Application: Purchase Orders Description: When you create an internal PO, the INCOST control account is not used for the items. APAR: IZ77571 Issue: 10-15245 Application: Locations Description: When you duplicate a Location, a database error 1 occurs. APAR: IZ77573 Issue: 10-15249 Application: Purchase Contracts Description: You cannot associate contract records to assets. APAR: IZ77574 Issue: 10-15259 Application: Start Centers Description: If you clear the Template using Security Group, the Start Center tab is still displayed on the Start Center. APAR: IZ77575 Issue: 10-15260 Application: Receiving Description: If you create parent and child records and receive only the parent record, the service cost you set for the parent record is added to the child record as well. APAR: IZ77591 Issue: 10-15304 Application: Receiving Description: When you change the inspection status, the GL Debit Account does not use the INVCOST Control Account as default. APAR: IZ77618 Issue: 10-15303 Application: Work Orders Description: When you create a followup work order, the asset priority field and the location priority field are not populated. APAR: IZ77619 Issue: 10-15298 Application: Invoices Description: When you approve an invoice, an invoice match record is created for non-user matched receipts and an error occurs if the invoice quantity does not match the invoice match quantity. APAR: IZ77629 Issue: 10-15305 Application: Receiving Description: If you receive a PO that has the same item in multiple PO Lines, the average cost is incorrectly calculated. APAR: IZ77630 Issue: 10-15306 Application: Inventory Description: In the Planned Materials subtab, you are able to choose items that have a status of Pending Obsolete. APAR: IZ77631 Issue: 10-15299 Application: Domains Description: When you have conditions on the WOSTATUS domain that apply to different objects, only the first object is cached. For the other objects, an error occurs on the first attempt, and on second attempt the condition is ignored. APAR: IZ77632 Issue: 10-15307 Application: System - User Interface Description: The Advanced Search window does not close after you close the Status window. APAR: IZ77635 Issue: 10-15308 Application: Invoice Description: If you create a record and add scheduled payments, the invoices amounts do not match the scheduled amounts on the software contract. APAR: IZ77636 Issue: 10-15309 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you modify the query function of the Rotating Assets tab according to the instructions on the Application Designer Guide, no records are displayed when you query for result. APAR: IZ77641 Issue: 10-15301 Application: Inventory Description: You cannot make an item obsolete at one site if the item number is being used by an open work order or job plan in another site. APAR: IZ77652 Issue: 10-15320 Application: Locations Description: If you specify a value for the Memo field greater than the database length, an error occurs as expected. However, when you click the OK button to close the error message, the dialog box is displayed again and keeps being displayed until you close the browser. APAR: IZ77655 Issue: 10-15319 Application: Service Level Agreements Description: When you apply a SLA to an incident record, the value on the resolution column is cleared after you filter for values in the SLA dialog Box. APAR: IZ77693 Issue: 10-15350 Application: Workflow Admin Console Description: When you try to reassign a task to a user that does not have an email address, the following error occurs: "BMXAA0259E - The email could not be sent. No recipient addresses." However, the task is reassigned to this user. APAR: IZ77718 Issue: 10-15363 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: After you restart the application server, IFACE#MOSLOADERR is displayed. APAR: IZ77720 Issue: 10-15362 Application: Purchase Contracts Description: If you enter the managed payments of a contract, and approve this contract, you cannot revise the contract again. APAR: IZ77721 Issue: 10-15364 Application: Assets Description: The conditional expression for signature options is not working. APAR: IZ77733 Issue: 10-15366 Application: Invoice Description: The CONTRACTAUTH lookup does not work on list tab or search more. APAR: IZ77848 Issue: 10-15393 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: An Invalid Biding occurs on the To Condition Code field. APAR: IZ77850 Issue: 10-15394 Application: System - Object Description: When you try add a SQL Query condition into a condition node of a workflow, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4049E - The value specified :SLARECORDS.SLANUM in XXX exceeds the maximum field length." APAR: IZ77862 Issue: 10-15392 Application: Service Requests Description: When you launch the Service Requests application, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA6173E - no template matches were found to be applied." APAR: IZ77917 Issue: 10-15424 Application: Receipts Description: When you are receiving items, the conversion factor is not taken into account. APAR: IZ77987 Issue: 10-15461 Application: Work Order Description: If you issue a direct issue item to a work order, you cannot change the status of this work order from WMATL to APPR or INPRG. APAR: IZ77991 Issue: 10-15463 Application: Item Master Description: when you use Advanced Search to look for a vendor using the INVVENDOR.VENDOR attribute, no records are displayed. APAR: IZ78072 Issue: 10-15502 Application: Application Designer Description: When you clone the Service Requests application, the route workflow toolbar button does not appear on the cloned application. APAR: IZ78082 Issue: 10-15514 Application: Purchase Requisitions Description: When you duplicate a PR, the PRLINENUMS are also duplicated. APAR: IZ78105 Issue: 10-15513 Application: System - Object Description: If you use a language different from the Base Language, you cannot change the Issue Unit in the Stocked Tool application. APAR: IZ78156 Issue: 10-15558 Application: System - User Interface Description: The system property "PMBBISTRACKED" is not working as it should. APAR: IZ78231 Issue: 10-15626 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: You can process canceled internal POs. APAR: IZ78232 Issue: 10-15625 Application: Inventory Description: Lotted items that have 2 or more bins with the same lottnum cannot be transferred using the Transfer Current Item process. APAR: IZ78261 Issue: 10-15634 Application: Work Order Description: When you delete a work order, the project codes are deleted as well. APAR: IZ78367 Issue: 10-15709 Application: Desktop Requisition Description: When you perform an Item Look Up, the results display obsolete items. APAR: IZ78371 Issue: 10-15708 Application: Work Order Description: When you change the status of a work order, an error occurs when the notification email is sent because the field length on the notification is shorter than on the email table. APAR: IZ78395 Issue: 10-15729 Application: System - Object Description: After you apply the hot fix for IZ75216, a null pointer error occurs when you send an email. APAR: IZ78420 Issue: 10-15730 Application: Inventory Description: When you select the 'Roll New Status to Organizations and Inventory?' check box, and try to change the status of an item that exists in multiple organizations, Maximo freezes if this item already has the new status in one of the other organizations. APAR: IZ78500 Issue: 10-15812 Application: Classifications Description: When you use the Classify dialog box to select a classification, no query results are displayed in the log. APAR: IZ78530 Issue: 10-15810 Application: Job Plan Description: When you try to search for Asset Description, Location Description, or Item Description using the More Search dialog box, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4185E - Cannot query on field ASSETDESCRIPTION." APAR: IZ78531 Issue: 10-15826 Application: Changes Description: If an asset has a user/custodian relationship, you cannot cross move this item to a site and then move the asset back to the original site. APAR: IZ78660 Issue: 10-15845 Application: Issues and Transfers TDescription: If you create an internal PO to transfer items using a courier, the Credit GL account of the transfer in transaction is incorrect. APAR: IZ78661 Issue: 10-15846 Application: Inventory Description: If no records are selected on the List tab, and you try to add Items to a Storeroom using the Select Action menu, the Item is added to all records on the List tab. APAR: IZ78798 Issue: 10-15879 Application: Work Order Description: If a work order is associated to a closed contract, and you try to close the work order, an error message is displayed saying that the work order contains unapproved contracts. APAR: IZ79110 Issue: 10-15878 Application: System - Object Description: When you duplicate or change a Bulletin Board record, the POSTBY field is not updated if the message was created by another user. APAR: IZ79115 Issue: 10-15909 Application: Classifications Description: Even though you specified an application in Data Restriction, the application still appears in the Classification Hierarchy. APAR: IZ79170 Issue: 10-15911 Application: Work Order Description: If you do not have a default insert site listed on your profile, you cannot see labor actuals. APAR: IZ79173 Issue: 10-15910 Application: Assets Description: When you try to perform a mass move to another bin, a refetch error occurs. APAR: IZ79189 Issue: 10-15967 Application: Invoices Description: If the inventory balance is 0, the average cost is not updated in the invoicetrans table. APAR: IZ79201 Issue: 10-15968 Application: Work Order Description: When you are creating a failure report, you can change FAILURECODE types. APAR: IZ79225 Issue: 10-15972 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: If you are performing an internal transfer between organizations that use different currencies, the exchange rate is not used. APAR: IZ79462 Issue: 10-15979 Application: Person Description: If you changes the 'Display From' date value, the rows in the 'Work Dates' table window are not displayed in the 'Modify Person Availability' dialog box. APAR: IZ79642 Issue: 10-16017 Application: Receipts Description: The quantity on work order actuals is incorrectly calculated. APAR: IZ79887 Issue: 10-16065 Application: issues and Transfers Description: You cannot Transfer In more than the original transfer Out quantity on a single transfer. APAR: IZ79970 Issue: 10-16123 Application: Work Order Description: If you delete a work plan, the children work orders are automatically deleted as well. APAR: IZ80008 Issue 10-16073 Application: Work Order Description: You cannot change the status of a work order. APAR: IZ80046 Issue(s): 10-16127 Application: Service Request Description: The following error occurs when you save an SR record without entering all required fields: "BMXAA4129E - Record already exists for Ticket =XXXXXX, Class=SR, Date=4/24/09 5:38 AM" APAR: IZ80051 Issue: 10-16145 Application: Request for Quotation Description: If you create a PO from an RFQ, the exchange rate field in the PO is not populated. APAR: IZ80063 Issue: 10-16142 Application: Rpt: AD Hoc Reports Description: If you select a single field from a category that has no children, and then try to remove this field from Selected Fields, an error occurs. APAR: IZ80064 Issue: 10-16140 Application: Receipts Description: If you use a foreign currency, the Received Total Cost filed of the PO Line is incorrectly updated. APAR: IZ80086 Issue: 10-16160 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you clone a Work Order application that has multiple languages, and display this cloned application using another language that is not English, the languages get mixed up. APAR: IZ80089 Issue: 10-16172 Application: Labor Description: If you filter for a default value on a table window, this value is not maintained when you scroll through the records. APAR: IZ80090 Issue: 10-16141 Application: Update Program for 6.x and 7.x Patches Description: You must run updatedb twice to have the correct byte code for some classes. APAR: IZ80116 Issue: 10-16171 Application: Invoices Description: When you create an Invoice record, the receipt quantity is doubled. APAR: IZ80120 Issue: 10-16170 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: If a MEA message engine stops in the middle of the process and starts again, all inventory balances are doubled when you save multiple issue records. APAR: IZ80135 Issue: 10-16185 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: When you transfer an item marked for inspection, the tostoreloc information is not recording the storeroom where the item was transferred to. APAR: IZ80181 Issue: 10-16184 Application: Assets Description: If an asset is associated to a workflow record, and you try to delete a sub-assembly of this asset, an error occurs. APAR: IZ80184 Issue: 10-16231 Application: Classifications Description: In Advanced Search, you cannot filter for Class Structure. APAR: IZ80218 Issue: 10-16236 Application: Work Order Description: When you reserve rotating items against a work order, and then select the same items on Select Materials, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4200E - Record has been updated by another user. Refetch and try again." APAR: IZ80219 Issue: 10-16239 Application: Upgrade Description: If you use the upgrade utility to upgrade your database from Maximo 6 to 7, the Integrity Checker does not handle MaxTable domains correctly, and an error occurs. APAR: IZ80225 Issue: 10-16237 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: The top-level query is running as a full select without conditions. APAR: IZ80233 Issue: 10-16243 Application: Chart of Accounts Description: Queries done on Chart of Account do not use an index. APAR: IZ80243 Issue: 10-16297 Application: Item Assembly Structure Description: If you use the 'Move To option' on the 'Belongs To' field to move an item with children associated to it, the Item Assembly Structure loses the top level. APAR: IZ80247 Issue: 10-16296 Application: Job Plan Description: The performance of the Job Plan application is being affected by the FldFlowControlled.class and FldSuspendFlow.class errors . APAR: IZ80333 Issue: 10-16302 Application: Rpt: Harrier Reports Description: When you create a report in pdf with multiple pages, the page number format is diferent from the second page on. APAR: IZ80336 Issue: 10-16301 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: On the Children subtab of the PM Hierarchy tab, if you clear the PM Number of a child record, and the click the Delete icon, the following error occurs when you try to save the process: "BMXAA4195E - Required field PM Number is blank." APAR: IZ80462 Issue: 10-16345 Application: Work Order Description: When you reapprove a work order, additional reservations are created for the planned materials lines, and inventory reservations are created for the planned material lines that were already issued. APAR: IZ80473 Issue: 10-16344 Application: Reorder Description: When you reorder an item, the contract is taken in consideration even if the "Consider Contracts When Creating PRs/POs?=NO" option is selected. APAR: IZ80478 Issue: 10-16351 Application: System - Object Description: After you run configDB and restart your system, the TLOAMCONTRACTASSET view fails. APAR: IZ80504 Issue: 10-16361 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you do not use submenu headers because you are not authorized to use submenus, Conditions and Sigoption can cause unexpected behavior if present in the Action menu. APAR: IZ80533 Issue: 10-16395 Application: Purchase Orders Description: When you are creating a record, you can select disqualified vendors without receiving an error message. APAR: IZ80792 Issue: 10-16438 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: If a MEA message engine stops in the middle of the process and starts again, the reservation is doubled when you save an issue transaction. APAR: IZ80808 Issue: 10-16478 Application: Locations Description: When you change the status of a record, the following error message is displayed: "cannot change status to same status." However, after you click the OK button to close the message, the status of the record is changed to the new status. APAR: IZ80867 Issue: 10-16477 Application: System - Object Description: In Domains, if you filter for a status, and then click the trash bin icon, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4052E - You can only delete synonym values." APAR: IZ80889 Issue: 10-16483 Application: Material Requisition Description: When the costs of a record POLINES are distributed to the same GL Debit account using different percentages, the POCOST of all lines are distributed using the same percentage. APAR: IZ80901 Issue: 10-16510 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: Interactions to SSL Web Services require axis.jar version 1.4.1. APAR: IZ80905 Issue: 10-16511 Application: Assets Description: If you decommision a Location that is linked to a PM hierarchy, the following error message is displayed: "Record is being updated by another user." APAR: IZ80925 Issue: 10-16522 Application: Purchar Contracts Description: If you create or duplicate a contract with more than one contract line, approve this contract, filter the contract line, and then revise the contract, only the contract for the first line is created. APAR: IZ80954 Issue: 10-16523 Application: Work Order Description: In the Work Order application of some Industry Solutions, if you use the Report Downtime dialog box, the work order numbers entered are not saved. APAR: IZ80964 Issue: 10-16572 Application: Inventory Description: When you reconcile more than one storeroom at a time, the performance is affected. APAR: IZ80978 Issue: 10-16580 Application: Work Order Description: The crossover domain WO2TCKT is not working properly. APAR: IZ80994 Issue: 10-16617 Application: Bulletin Board Description: The Site description shows the value for the Organization description. APAR: IZ81198 Issue: 10-16719 Application: Incidets Description: You can specify a record as its own originator, creating an infinite loop. APAR: IZ81200 Issue: 10-16722 Application: RPT: Ad Hoc Reports Description: The createrept.htm file is missing or mislabelled as createreport.htm. APAR: IZ81244 Issue: 10-16748 Application: Work Order Description: If you create a child work order from a nested job plan, you cannot associate safety plans to this work order. APAR: IZ81247 Issue: 10-16749 Application: Receipts Description: If the MEA message engine is brought back up and you delete and save a receipt, the total cost and received quantity fields of the received POLINE are updated. APAR: IZ81262 Issue: 10-16753 Application: System - User Interface Description: The Go to menu opens in the wrong direction causing a cropping of menu labels. APAR: IZ81291 Issue: 10-16781 Application: Changes Description: If you delete a task, and then click the trash icon again before saving the record to cancel the delete process, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4187E - A relationship called $MBO_INSTANCES does not exist for the WOACTIVITY business object." APAR: IZ81301 Issue: 10-16782 Application: System - User Interface Description: You cannot create a toolbar button to launch a URL. APAR: IZ81330 Issue: 10-16827 Application: Invoice Description: You can send invoices without PO reference to a closed work order. APAR: IZ81335 Issue: 10-16843 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: When you try to import safety plans, hazards, tagouts, and lockouts, the safetylexicon and splexiconlink dynamic tables do not load. APAR: IZ81345 Issue: 10-16844 Application: Rpt: Ad Hoc Reports Description: when you try to create a QBR report from new ROS that have inherited relationships, an unknown error occurs. APAR: IZ81348 Issue: 10-16842 Application: Rpt: Harrier Reports Description: If you work in a Traditional Chinese environment, you cannot open exported work order detailed reports in excel format. APAR: IZ81388 Issue: 10-16869 Application: Invoice Description: If you create a service PO with an empty Quantity field, an error occurs when you try to distribute the cost. APAR: IZ81408 Issue: 10-16867 Application: Purchase Ordes Description: If many PO lines share the same contract, the memory footprint shown on the heap memory dump in Maximo Core occupies a greater percentage than the expected. APAR: IZ81455 Issue: 10-16912 Application: Changes Description: You can edit the Description field on the Related Work Orders tab of MOC Requests. APAR: IZ81458 Issue: 10-16911 Application: Items Description: You can type in an item number on the Find field and fetch this item, even though this item belongs to a site to which you do not have access. APAR: IZ81487 Issue: 10-16938 Application: System – Object Description: In the MAXSEQUENCE table, if you set mxe.maxsquencecheck to one, you receive duplicate values. APAR: IZ81525 Issue: 10-16950 Application: Receipts Description: If youuse the Select Ordered Service button to enter two or more service receipts for the same PO line, and then save the PO, the line cost is miscalculated. APAR: IZ81529 Issue: 10-16951 Application: Migration Manager Description: If you use a locale in a language other than English, the database values are corrupted when you perform a migration. APAR: IZ81542 Issue: 10-16976 Application: System – User Interface Description: If you change the Description field to support multiple lines in the text box, and you use line breaksm the text in the list tab is Center Aligned and not Left Aligned. APAR: IZ82379 Issue: 10-17000 Application: Assets Description: When you try to transfer a rotating asset to another bin in the same storeroom, using the 'Move/Modify Assets' dialog box, the inventory balances are not correctly updated. APAR: IZ82447 Issue: 10-16998 Application: Work Order Description: If you create a safety plan for a location, then create a work order for a location that was not associated to the safety plan, the safety plan is not referenced on the work order. APAR: IZ82725 Issue: 10-17044 Application: Receipts Description: If you reject part of the quantity of items received when you are changing the inspection status, the loaded cost is calculated for all received quantity and not for the accepted quantity. APAR: IZ82780 Issue: 10-17081 Application: System - Object Description: If you try to delete a KPI created from the Person Group application, the following error occrs: "BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator for assistance." APAR: IZ82789 Issue: 10-17084 Application: All Description: An asset is referenced two time in the assetstatus tabel instead of only once. APAR: IZ82827 Issue: 10-17087 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: The descriptions of the querycolumn are not translated if you log in using a profile in a language other than English. APAR: IZ82878 Issue: 10-17130 Application: Security Groups Description: You cannot cancel a PO. APAR: IZ82916 Issue: 10-17137 Application: Person Description: You cannot move a person to a location. APAR: IZ82929 Issue: 10-17138 Application: System - User Interface Description: Not all of the multiple default values on a table body are autopopulated. APAR: IZ82938 Issue: 10-17170 Application: Work Order Description: when a work order record is approved, the status is not checked, and inventory reservations are created. If multiple requests are made by work order, the values on the quantity reserved or quantity available fields are incorrectly calculated. APAR: IZ82945 Issue: 10-17171 Application: System – User Interface Description: When you use the spell checker in the Long Description field, and click "Change All" without selecting a suggestion, the browser freezes and the performance of the server is affected. APAR: IZ82951 Issue: 10-17174 Application: System - Object Description: If multiple users try to create work orders at the same time, the work order numbers are not generated. APAR: IZ82994 Issue: 10-17175 Application: Work Order Description: If you complete a work order with planned Assets swap, the work order number is not tracked in the Asset transaction table. APAR: IZ83002 Issue: 10-17176 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: If you purchase a direct-use material against a work order, receive the material and load it with no storeroom specified, an error occurs when you try to apply a price agreement to the order. APAR: IZ83013 Issue: 10-17223 Application: Purchase Orders Description: If you do not have the security right to approve POs, you cannot approve a PO in workflow. APAR: IZ83158 Issue: 10-17316 Application: Configure Description: If you delete an attribute from the LEASEVIEW view, Configdb.bat fails. APAR: IZ83173 Issue: 10-17329 Application: Report Administration Description: If the "mxe.db.UseSiteListInQuery" property is enabled, you cannot run reports. APAR: IZ83242 Issue: 10-17356 Application: Work Order Description: On the Actual tab, if you use Select Value to select the item number for the Material, the items displayed are not restricted to the OrgID and ItemSet from the originating work order. APAR: IZ83271 Issue: 10-17434 Application: System Properties Description: The port designated by property mxe.rmi.port to be used for RMI is not being used. APAR: IZ83424 Issues: 10-17462 Applicatio: Report Administration Description: If you create an Incident QBR report, schedule this report as recurring in the Submit tab, and try to change the email address list after the initial submission, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4176E - Attribute EMAILTO does not exist." APAR: IZ83433 Issue: 10-17460 Application: Domains Description: If you create a condition to hide a certain value on a PMPTYPE domain, this values is still displayed in the list. APAR: IZ83468 Issue: 10-17512 Application: Assets Description: When you return a rotating item to the storeroom, the work order number is not retained. APAR: IZ83472 Issue: 10-17514 Application: System - Object Description: The port designated by property mxe.rmi.port to be used for RMI is not being used. APAR: IZ83477 Issue: 10-17524 Application: Workflow Description: When you create a workflow assignment, substitutions are made from the assignment and controlled record to create the description of the new assignment. If the resulting string is too long for the description field, an exception is thrown. APAR: IZ83507 Issue: 10-17567 Application: RPT: Harrier Engine Description: Sometimes, the rptdocument files of the reporttemp directory are not deleted. APAR: IZ83528 Issue: 10-17565 Application: Work Order Description: If you are creating a job plan with different tasks, and one of the task does not have a classification, the classification filed for this task is populated with the classification of another task. APAR: IZ83648 Issue: 10-17640 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: When you transfer a lotted time using courier, an "ORA-00001: Unique constraint violated" error occurs. APAR: IZ83729 Issue: 10-17675 Application: Activities and Tasks Description: When you try to assign activities and tasks to an owner, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator for assistance." APAR: IZ83735 Issue: 10-17682 Application: Purchase Contract Description: If you try to approve a Purchase Contract, the following error occurs: "BMXAA3289E - The order amount exceed the purchasing limit." APAR: IZ83954 Issue: 10-17717 Application: Rpt: AD Hoc Reports Description: The time columns in QBR Reports display a date instead of a time value. APAR: IZ84092 Issue: 10-17748 Application: Workflow Description: If you also have Calibration installed, and you check the Data Sheets, the workflow condition evaluates incorrectly. APAR: IZ84162 Issue: 10-17771 Application: Rpt: AD Hoc Reports Description: If your username contains a backslash character, the QBR Ad Hoc Reports fail to run. APAR: IZ84206 Issue: 10-17776 Application: Purchase Orders Description: If you have a PO with multiple lines, and one of the lines has an item with the status of Pending Obsolete, you cannot approve this PO. APAR: IZ84319 Issue: 10-17820 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: When you transfer a rotating item, the default inventory cost is not used. APAR: IZ84323 Issue(s): 10-17819 Application: Work Order Description: The "Has Follow-up Work Flag" function does not work correctly APAR: IZ84427 Issue: 10-17862 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: If are processing an inbound transaction, but there is no status update, the MaxWOHierarchyProcess class throws a null pointer exception. APAR: IZ84434 Issue: 10-17861 Application: Items Description: If you try to move an IAS to a Location using the children table, and then try to apply this IAS to a Location, the new Location is created only for the top-level item. APAR: IZ84536 Issue: 10-17893 Application: Reorder Description: If you reorder items that have the unit cost set to five decimals, the unit cost of the PR created is rounded down. APAR: IZ84621 Issue: 10-17892 Application: RPT: Harrier Engine Description: If you schedule an 'at this time' report in BIRT, specify a date in the future, leave the dialog box open until that date/time has passed, then hit submit, the scheduled date is set one year ahead. APAR: IZ84633 Issue: 10-17901 Application: Migration Manager Description: When user defined migration groups are migrated, the order of the migration groups is not correct on the target environment. APAR: IZ84669 Issue: 10-17945 Application: System – User Interface Description: When you view a description field that is not in English, but do not change anything, a save record dialog box opens. APAR: IZ84673 Issue: 10-17952 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you use Internet Explorer, and you try to view an attachment in any record, the dialog box opens, but hides behind the main Maximo screen. APAR: IZ84676 Issue: 10-17954 Application: Workflow Description: If you send a notification from the WF Reassign dialog box, an excepetion error occurs. APAR: IZ84689 Issue: 10-17953 Application: Invoice Description: If you process an invoice into Maximo using MEA (MIF), and an item is conditional enabled, an error occurs and the invoice is not processed. APAR: IZ84697 Issue: 10-17979 Application: Workflow Description: If you enable workflow to clear Bulletin Board messages, and you try to activate the Admin Mode, an error occurs. APAR: IZ84702 Issue: 10-17980 Application: Servie Requests Description: The Data Restriction for the Owner and the Owner Group dialog boxes do not work. APAR: IZ84833 Issue: 10-18007 Application: Email Listener Description: When you send an email to create a SR, no text is displayed in the body. APAR: IZ84834 Issue: 10-18009 Application: Reorder Description: If you reorder items for a site that is not the same as the one currently set as your default insert site, the PR created uses the prefix for your default site to create the PR number. APAR: IZ84837 Issue: 10-18008 Application: Work Orders Description: You can import new labors to closed work orders. APAR: IZ84889 Issue: 10-18017 Application: System - Object Description: On the "Where Clause" dialog box, "Order by descriotion" is unexpectedly added at the end of your current query. APAR: IZ84909 Issue: 10-18022 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you set the locale of your usr profile to fr_FR, and set the regional settings of your PC and the language in Excel to Frensh, no data is displayed when you downlaod the result list from Maximo to Excel. APAR: IZ84912 Issue: 10-18046 Application: Classifications Description: If you import a classification to a site using MIF, but this classification exists in the system, but to another site, the following error occurs: "BMXAA5591E the same classification hierarchy already exists." APAR: IZ84928 Issue: 10-18047 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: If you specify a conversion factor greater than the PO, and save the record before tabbing out, an error occurs. APAR: IZ84994 Issue: 10-18056 Application: System – User Interface Description: If you use Internet Explorer, and you press enter on the List tab to display the Records, the hour glass remains on screen even though the results are already displayed. APAR: IZ85007 Issue: 10-18091 Application: Inventory Description: In the Select Items for Returns dialog box, the material issues that were fully returned are listed. APAR: IZ85037 Issue: 10-18089 Application: Security Groups Description: You cannot change the status of a work order from WMATL to COMP, even thought you have access to “Complete Work Orders” in Security Groups. APAR: IZ85044 Issue: 10-18101 Application: Work Order Description: If you create a Task for a Work Order from a PM record, the Calculated Priority is incorrectly calculated. APAR: IZ85081 Issue: 10-18100 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you use Internet Explorer, carriage returns and line feeds is cleared on the long description field whe you press the tab key. APAR: IZ85091 Issue: 10-18124 Application: RPT: Harrier Engine Description: If you set a hidden parameter in reports.xml, this parameter is still displayed on the generated request page. APAR: IZ85093 Issue: 10-18125 Application: Receipts Description: When you select a row for inspection using the Change Inspection Status menu action, the following error message is displayed: "Record has been updated by another user. Refetch and try again." APAR: IZ85112 Issue: 10-18130 Application: Locations Description: In Manage System, when you try to add a row, the following error occurs: "BMXAA2714E - Each site must have 1 primary system." APAR: IZ85114 Issue: 10-18131 Application: Receipts Description: When you are receiving mutlple rotating items, inventory transactions are inconsistently created . APAR: IZ85243 Issue: 10-18167 Application: System - Object Description: If you use a Communication Template to send and receive emails for workflow assignments, the links in the body of the email are not formed correctly. APAR: IZ85249 Issue: 10-18173 Application: RPT: Harrier Engine Description: A property must be created in Maximo for a return address for toke validaiton for users of Cognos Integration. Manual Changes: A new optional property is available that allows configuration of the URL used for token authentication in the Maximo/Cognos integration. In the System Properties application, set the value of to the URL for the maxrest application that will validate the token issued by the current Maximo instance. Include the maxrest application context path, for example, http://:/maxrest APAR: IZ85252 Issue: 10-18171 Application: Locations Description: If you use a synonym value for the STOREROOM location type, you cannot use the Select Value option to return with a value for the Item filed on the 'Requisition Line Items' tab. APAR: IZ85253 Issue: 10-18172 Application: Workflow Description: When you try to cancel a workflow interaction node, the More Search Fields dialog box opens. APAR: IZ85257 Issue: 10-18177 Application: System - User Interface Description: When you click the Go To arrow in some application, an error occurs. APAR: IZ85262 Issue: 10-18212 Application: ITAM Deployed Asset Description: If you use a secondary language, an invalid build occurs on the Software tab. APAR: IZ85278 Issue: 10-18217 Application: Purchase Requisitions Description: If you set a low value in the mxe.db.lookupmaxrow property, the service items are not displayed. APAR: IZ85329 Issue: 10-18269 Application: Items Description: If you use the standard web service, you cannot change the status of an item. APAR: IZ85343 Issue: 10-18270 Application: Email Listener Description: The LSNRBPUPDATEBASICSR psdi.common.emailstner.lsnrworkflow.LSNRBPUpdateBasicSRAction action hangs in the WORKFLOW status. APAR: IZ85344 Issue: 10-18307 Application: Classifications Description: If you use Service Provider, and you try to select a classification in the Service Request application, a blank screen is displayed and a database error occurs. APAR: IZ85350 Issue: 10-18272 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: When you create a merter redings report,using the ALL meter avarage calculation method, the results can be negative average calculations. APAR: IZ85367 Issue: 10-18280 Application: Email Listener Description: During smtp authentification, only one function works correctly. APAR: IZ85368 Issue: 10-18279 Application: Report Administration Description: If the reportlookup.labeloverride column contains null values, the birthreportlabelloader script runs into an exception during upadatedb. APAR: IZ85374 Issue: 10-18315 Application: Assets Description: In the View Work Details tab, the options flag (=Include History Flag?) is not working. APAR: IZ85389 Issue: 10-18312 Application: Inventory Description: When you Issue or Transfer Out an item with Quantity less than, or equal to, the Current Balance, reconcilung the balances sets the Current Balance value to negative. APAR: IZ85391 Issue: 10-18311 Application: Data in Maximo or Maxdemo Database Description: The MAXINTERROR user ID id incorrectly set to be SAMEAS as the MAXQUEUE user ID. APAR: IZ85452 Issue: 10-18323 Application: Locations Description: If you create a location in the Location Hierarchy, the new rows are not added to the Locancestor table. APAR: IZ85507 Issue: 10-18351 Application: Work Order Description: If you attach several files to a Job Plan, and select more than one of these files to be carried over to the work order, only the first two files are attached to the work order. APAR: IZ85602 Issue: 10-18359 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: If you are loading a flat file using the Data Import dialog box, and you clear the Text Qualifier field in External Systems, the integration framework import fails. APAR: IZ85679 Issue: 10-18401 Application: Classifications Description: If you import many locations with classifications in a single Integration Framework Web Services message, a cursor leak occurs in LocationSpec.getClassSpecUseWith(). APAR: IZ85706 Issue: 10-18405 Application: Inventory Description: The GL Credit Account field is set as read-only. APAR: IZ85739 Issue: 10-18429 Application: Receipts Description: When you are receiving items that require inspection, the loaded cost is not calcualted. APAR: IZ85771 Issue: 10-18427 Application: System - User Interface Description: If you use Internet Explorere, and you try to display a workflow map with large .gif files, the images are not displayed. Manual Change: The following property in must be uncommented, as shown below, to make this work: #Set the default image format - gif or png, default is gif webclient.wfmapimageformat=png APAR: IZ85794 Issue: 10-18454 Application: RPT: Harrier Engine Description: You cannot run the update reports utility with a context other than Maximo. APAR: IZ85898 Issue: 10-18455 Application: System – Object Description: In the Desktop Requisition application, if you select a line type as "Material", the Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part# fields become required. However, if you change the linetype back to "ITEM", the Manufacturer Name field stays as a required field. APAR: IZ86022 Issue: 10-18534 Application: Assets Description: If you use the Move/Modify action to move and change the status of an asset, the status of the PM record associated with this asset is changed to Inactive. APAR: IZ86023 Issue: 10-18552 Application: Inventory Description: When you try to do physical count adjustments, a long query is created. Also, if you have several inventory records, an error occurs. APAR: IZ86058 Issue: 10-18599 Application: Receipts Description: If you try to receive ordered services of a PO that has distributed costs, the software creates a receipt and a return for the PO. As a result, the following message is displayed: “A quantity of XXX.X is being received against PO Line 1, which exceeds the order quantity of XXXX.0 by XXX.X.” APAR: IZ86062 Issue: 10-18598 Application: Configuration Items (Authorized) Description: When you select the "View Contracts" on the Asset field, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4187E - A relationship called VIEWCONTINPUT does not exist for the CI business object." APAR: IZ86066 Issue: 10-18610 Application: Classifications Description: When you try to change the Classification of an Item, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4210E - Database error number 8115 has occurred. SILCAR-SQL21 SQL2005 Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int." APAR: IZ86155 Issue: 10-18650 Application: Work Orders Description: When you are routing a work orfer, duplicate unique IDs are created, causing unique key errors. APAR: IZ86160 Issue: 10-18651 Application: Inventory Description: If you create an item, specify a value for the balance field, and then create a quick report using the same value on the quantity field of the materials subtab, the following error occurs: "BMXAA1892E - The balance in the bin will become negative as a result of this transaction." APAR: IZ86187 Issue: 10-18657 Application: Purchase Contracts Description: If you filter a contract, and then duplicate this contract, the duplicated contract is created only with the lines that are displayed after filtering. APAR: IZ86211 Issue: 10-18690 Application: Receipts Description: The Max Message Key "nomrline" is missing in the MaxMessages table. APAR: IZ86213 Issue: 10-18697 Application: Inventory Description: If you create an Item Material Requisition with 500 line items, a Stay Alive message is required. APAR: IZ86237 Issue: 10-18699 Application: Purchase Contracts Description: If you create a contract in one organization, and someone revises this contract in another organization, the contract can no longer be used because you cannot change the status on the revision. APAR: IZ86257 Issue: 10-18789 Application: Workflow Designer Description: A workflow assingment cannot be assinged in parallel. APAR: IZ86263 Issue: 10-18734 Application: Assets Description: When you use the "Mass Move" option from the Move/Modify dialog box to move assets, the Balance is not updated. APAR: IZ86282 Issue: 10-19114 Application: Service Requests Description: If you create a SR from Quick Insert, the ticket template is not applied. APAR: IZ86293 Issue: 10-18774 Application: Purchase Orders Description: On the Purchase Order line, the value of the GL Debit Account is cleared when you select the work order before selecting the item for the type Standard Service. APAR: IZ86315 Issue: 10-18802 Application: System – User Interface Description: If you work with a clustered environment, and you try to save a QBR report, you must generate a XML file. APAR: IZ86323 Issue: 10-18803 Application: Service Request Description: You cannot classify a record. APAR: IZ86382 Issue: 10-18808 Application: Assets Description: When you select the "Select Value" option from the menu options of the filter, the select value dialog box does not open. APAR: IZ86439 Issue: 10-18837 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: When you set the contentuid on start center related records, the filed validation can cause performance problems. APAR: IZ86441 Issue: 10-18835 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: When you set the contentuid on start center related records, the filed validation can cause performance problems. APAR: IZ86471 Issue: 10-18840 Application: Meters Description: When you try to view XML for MXMETERDATA Object Structutre, an error occurs. APAR: IZ86522 Issue: 10-18847 Application: Assets Description: You cannot create relationships using shared reference points. APAR: IZ86548 Issue: 10-18873 Application: System – User Interface Description: If you are authorized to only read a record that contains a table, you can delete an entry in the table using the trash can icon. APAR: IZ86562 Issue: 10-18876 Application: Work Order Description: If you work on a Clustered environment, the database sessions increase if you create a route. APAR: IZ86565 Issue: 10-18875 Application: System - User Interface Description: The option to delete a SR is available in the Select Action menu. APAR: IZ86579 Issue: 10-18886 Application: Issues and Transfers Description: When you reserve rotating items against a work order, and then select the same items on Select Materials, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4200E - Record has been updated by another user. Refetch and try again." APAR: IZ86593 Issue: 10-18913 Application: Work Order Description: If you enter meter readings in the multi asset location section, the meter readins are applied to the first asset in the List tab. APAR: IZ86752 Issue: 10-19012 Application: Purchase Contracts Description: When you create a contract, approve this contract, and then try to cancel it, an unknown error occurs. APAR: IZ86804 Issue: 10-19071 Application: Service Level Agreement Description: If you try to apply a SLA, but this SLA does not exist, the Target Start and Target Finish values are cleared. APAR: IZ86806 Issue: 10-19075 Application: Security Groups Description: If a user belongs to one security group and one site, the suggested reorder report is blank when they try to use it. APAR: IZ87042 Issue: 10-19220 Application: DBChange Utility Description: When you upgrade from Maximo Asset Management 6.2.5, an error occurs. APAR: IZ87231 Issue: 10-19339 Application: Purchase Orders Description: When you create an internal PO, the POLINE.GLCREDITACCT value does not match the POCOST.GLCREDITACCT value. APAR: IZ87243 Issue: 10-19355 Application: System - User Interface Description: When you click the Go To menu, move your cursor to any level 2 menu item that has a submenu, move the cursor away, and move the cursor over these level 2 menus, the menu cascades outside the window boundary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Services fix pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR: IZ16969 Issue: 08-13389 Application: RECEIPTS Description: RECEIVEDTOTALCOST conflict between PO, POLINE, and RECEIPTS. APAR: IZ44768 Issue: 09-11455 Application: COMMTMPLT Description: Deleted attached docs in SR based COMM templates are still sent. APAR: IZ48451 Issue: 09-12730 Application: MEA Description: Maximo integration framework - When importing CI/CISPEC data, CISPEC.CLASSSPECID is null. APAR: IZ49533 Issue: 09-13088 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Some Maximo thread holds the references of the Maximo objects and does not release them. APAR: IZ52351 Issue: 09-14513 Application: CI Description: Unable to change lifecycle status to build after required relationship for computer system CI. APAR: IZ52935 Issue: 09-14953 Application: RPT-ACT (version 6.2.4) Description: Your immediate report print request cannot be processed at this time. Please contact your system administrator. APAR: IZ53663 Issue: 09-15309 Application: INVISSUE Description: Implementation or customization error when adding failure reports to a work order. APAR: IZ54334 Issue: 09-15690 Application: PR Description: PR Application: While creating PO, terms and conditions are not copied from the master contract to the PO. APAR: IZ55829 Issue: 09-16407 Application: CHANGE Description: Cannot access the assets on Select Action >Move/Modify. APAR: IZ57934 Issue: 09-17023 Application: CONTWARRANTY Description: Warranty contract lines are not copied over to duplicated contracts. APAR: IZ59578 Issue: 09-17751 Application: CONTLEASE Description: Lease or rental contracts hang when revising. APAR: IZ59594 Issue: 09-17800 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Issue with the download link when the user has the locale set to Swedish. APAR: IZ60283 Issue: 09-18266 Application: INVENTOR Description: Maximo 6.2.2 - Incorrect GL accounts display on inventory transactions page. APAR: IZ60370 Issue: 09-18329 Application: WOTRACK Description: COPYLINKTOWO causes document to be attached to every task. APAR: IZ60796 Issue: 09-18715 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: The tabs and menu bar items (advanced search) are not translated to secondary language on cloned application (V6 and V7). APAR: IZ60808 Issue: 09-18716 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Maximo exchange rate greater than 1 incorrect. APAR: IZ61116 Issue: 09-18789 Application: LOGGINGADM Description: User update to root logging folder keeps disappearing. APAR: IZ61463 Issue: 09-18944 Application: ASSETS Description: The change item number lookup for rotating stocked tools does not have an option to go to stocked tools. APAR: IZ61464 Issue: 09-18938 Application: INVISSUE Description: In application issues and transfers, wrong quantities are being transferred. APAR: IZ61871 Issue: 09-19197 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Error when receiving an item with multiples condition codes. APAR: IZ62086 Issue: 09-19260 Application: LABOR Description: Issue in labor craft rate APPVALIDATE method. APAR: IZ62231 Issue: 09-19272 Application: INVENTOR Description: Rotating items transfer inventory results mismatch. APAR: IZ62298 Issue: 09-19366 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Unable to set default value to 1 for company application's pay-on-receipt field. APAR: IZ62335 Issue: 09-19370 Application: INVENTOR Description: Inventory expiration date year changes from 2064 to 1964 when the record is saved. APAR: IZ62700 Issue: 09-19733 Application: PO Description: The POCOST still has the old GL debit account from the PRCOST even though the account was changed on the RFQ. APAR: IZ62721 Issue: 09-19764 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Gaps show in BIRT report when converted to PDF format. APAR: IZ62722 Issue: 09-19760 Application: CONFIGUR Description: BMXAA0658E error occurs when entering default value for WORKORDER.LOCATION field. APAR: IZ62752 Issue: 09-19821 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Changes to assignment in work flow admin app causes the changed data to be saved to the communications template; the template should not be altered like this. APAR: IZ62753 Issue: 09-19822 Application: WOTRACK Description: no debit GL account under the actuals tab for work order tracking. APAR: IZ62756 Issue: 09-19842 Application: LABREP Description: Message "REGULAR HOURS XX IS NOT VALID" is not displayed, even if a domain was created to control data on the regular hours. APAR: IZ63027 Issue: 09-20070 Application: MASTERPM Description: The only work type that should be visible are work types of WOCLASS and WORKORDER. APAR: IZ63079 Issue: 09-20149 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: UI: After clicking select records and checking a labor transaction row, the screen scrolls down instead of staying on. APAR: IZ63095 Issue: 09-20259 Application: LABOR Description: Security restrictions are not working for Select Labor option. APAR: IZ63112 Issue: 09-20260 Application: ASSIGNMENT MGR Description: Assignment manager time zone differences. APAR: IZ63119 Issue: 09-20266 Application: INVOICE Description: Maximo 6.2.4 - null pointer exception occurs when entering invoice for rotating items. APAR: IZ63203 Issue: 09-20397 Application: TKTEMPLATE Description: In the ticket template application, the long description becomes read only when an activity is added. APAR: IZ63205 Issue: 09-20508 Application: ASSETS Description: If an asset that has no meter attached is moved, and you then add a meter to it, the asset cannot be moved again. APAR: IZ63303 Issue: 09-20505 Application: WOTRACK Description: In work order tracking, the location and asset fields are not editable on the Actuals tab for a child work order. APAR: IZ63359 Issue: 09-20538 Application: WOTRACK Description: If a refresh error occurs during CQIN processing, duplicate work orders can get created. APAR: IZ63641 Issue: 09-20718 Application: PR Description: Incorrect ORGID is set in PRLINE when you duplicate the PR from different site and ORG. APAR: IZ63652 Issue: 09-20716 Application: INCIDENT Description: The owner is not correctly set in the Incident application. APAR: IZ63687 Issue: 09-20769 Application: INVENTOR Description: Negative current balance shows, even when negative balance is set to 'not allowed'. APAR: IZ63698 Issue: 09-21323 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: 'STOP QUERY' button does not work. APAR: IZ63947 Issue: 09-21135 Application: MEA Description: Able to load non-work labor transactions with an associated work order into Maximo via the integration framework. APAR: IZ63962 Issue: 09-21136 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Cannot log on to servers that have a server name of "maximo", after the patch has been installed. Internet Explorer returns 404 error. APAR: IZ64015 Issue: 09-21198 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: If a record's description field contains the name of a script, and that record is displayed in portlets in the Start Center, the scripted mentioned in the description field gets run. APAR: IZ64018 Issue: 09-21202 Application: RPT-ADHOC Description: Ad hoc query report on person application reports incorrect dates in Maximo 7114. APAR: IZ64040 Issue: 09-21199 Application: INVENTOR Description: No record exists on receipts and transfers tab in the inventory application for the rotating item. APAR: IZ64093 Issue: 09-21272 Application: INVOICE Description: Invoice for service with large number of receipts loads many SERVRECTRANS objects, causes out of memory error. APAR: IZ64130 Issue: 09-21280 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Cannot open drill down from the location field on the asset list screen (or in the Advanced Search dialog). APAR: IZ64188 Issue: 09-21505 Application: ASSETS Description: Invalid binding occurs when you click view asset details. APAR: IZ64204 Issue: 09-21346 Application: INVISSUE Description: Error "THE STATEMENT IS TOO LONG OR TOO COMPLEX" in ISSUE & TRANSFER application. APAR: IZ64443 Issue: 09-21516 Application: ASSETS Description: Maximo 7 - After moving asset with rotating item to storeroom, parent is not disassociated from the child asset. APAR: IZ64495 Issue: 09-21517 Application: MEA-ENTSERVICE Description: BMXAA4024E - External value cross reference is not in domain CONTROLTYPE. APAR: IZ64497 Issue: 09-21519 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: "BMXAA6959E - The registry does not contain a property named SIGOPTION for the DEFAULTVALUE control. APAR: IZ64604 Issue: 09-21577 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Work order tracking search issue. APAR: IZ64611 Issue: 09-21576 Application: ROLES Description: When creating a new role of type PERSONGROUP, it is not possible to manually specify OWNERGROUP as the value. APAR: IZ64622 Issue: 09-21582 Application: WOTRACK Description: BMXAA4049E - The value specified exceeds the maximum field length. APAR: IZ64736 Issue: 09-21677 Application: PR Description: Conversion factor did not display properly if you enter GL debit in DEFAULT DATA area. APAR: IZ64793 Issue: 09-21725 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Invoice on receipt is from a payment schedule is calculated incorrectly. APAR: IZ64856 Issue: 09-21761 Application: APP DESIGNER Description: When SSL is enabled, Maximo is unable to export the application. APAR: IZ64921 Issue: 09-21788 Application: INTEGRITYCHECKER Description: BMXAA6551E error occurs during upgrade integrity checker. APAR: IZ64966 Issue: 09-21846 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Start empty setting on lookup affects smart fill. APAR: IZ65146 Issue: 09-21954 Application: LOCATION Description: Long running query - ((SITEID =:SITEID AND LOCATION LIKE %NYS114%)). APAR: IZ65180 Issue: 09-21973 Application: RECEIPTS Description: "Record has been updated by another user" occurs when receipting at a new cost. APAR: IZ65184 Issue: 09-21999 Application: WOTRACK Description: Condition field becomes a required field in the duplicate work order. APAR: IZ65308 Issue: 09-22043 Application: ITEM Description: Disqualified vendors displayed in the VENDOR SELECT value list for item master. APAR: IZ65319 Issue: 09-22042 Application: ORGANIZATION Description: ORGANIZATION-> PMOPTION-> Site description filter error. APAR: IZ65376 Issue: 09-22140 Application: PROBLEM Description: Apply problem template does not copy activities from template when the problem record was created from a service request. APAR: IZ65426 Issue: 09-22156 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Cannot attach a document to a closed work order in edit history mode. APAR: IZ65436 Issue: 09-22170 Application: PO Description: Maximo 6.2.2 - Warning error is continuously displayed on the service receipts. APAR: IZ65438 Issue: 09-22202 Application: INVISSUE Description: Object asset is read-only when you try to transfer out rotating item, with the new asset number field populated. APAR: IZ65442 Issue: 09-22203 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Actual date on transfer for inspection required items is the same as the actual date of the receipt. APAR: IZ65448 Issue: 09-22204 Application: INVISSUE Description: Material reservations for task work orders do not populate issue details and cannot be issued. APAR: IZ65450 Issue: 09-22208 Application: ITEM Description: DB error 180 occurs when changing existing classification with defined attributes to different classification with new attributes. APAR: IZ65454 Issue: 09-22206 Application: WOTRACK Description: The message "CANNOT COPY JOB PLAN INS1002. TASK 10 IS USED BY ANOTHER ASK" occurs when adding a job plan to a parent work order. APAR: IZ65457 Issue: 09-22210 Application: CREATE_REQ Description: If you have the same ITEMNUM in multiple storerooms, the incorrect storeroom is populating in DESKTOP REQ application. APAR: IZ65460 Issue: 09-22211 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Items returned do not include tax on line cost. APAR: IZ65464 Issue: 09-22209 Application: ITEM Description: Hazard lookup does not return any rows when added to the advanced search page in the item master application. APAR: IZ65470 Issue: 09-22234 Application: COSTMGT Description: Project ID and task ID not crossing over to INVRESERVE. APAR: IZ65472 Issue: 09-22236 Application: PM Description: Maximo allows a PM to generate work orders on an asset with NOT READY status. APAR: IZ65477 Issue: 09-22274 Application: MASTER_CONTR Description: ACCTS: The end date must be greater than the start date. APAR: IZ65586 Issue: 09-22379 Application: WOTRACK Description: Estimated costs from child work order still showing on parent work order after child work order is deleted. APAR:IZ65643 Issue: 09-22388 Application: CONFIGSTARTCENT Description: Changed the length of the "GROUPNAME" attribute in MAXGROUP to longer than 30 ALN characters. APAR: IZ65646 Issue: 09-22392 Application: CONTLEASE Description: Client is getting "BMXAA0773E: ASSET ALREADY PRESENT IN REV 0 OF CONTRACT" error on a lease contract. APAR: IZ65647 Issue: 09-22391 Application: APP DESIGNER Description: Application restrictions are not enforced in presentation properties in base service APAR: IZ65648 Issue: 09-22396 Application: ASSETS Description: - BS table data type attribute not working in ASSETS->SPECIFICATION tab. APAR: IZ65653 Issue: 09-22395 Application: MIGRATIONMGR Description: Migration manager uses report number seed from the source DB instead of target system's AUTOKEY seed. APAR: IZ65655 Issue: 09-22397 Application: INVOICE Description: When receipted, the received cost does not equal purchased cost, which leads to confusion and reconciliation problems. APAR: IZ65656 Issue: 09-22394 Application: CONFIGSTARTCENT Description: (Firefox only) Result set link does not work after applying a hotfix. APAR: IZ65667 Issue: 09-22508 Application: PR Description: When regional settings are French Canadian, canceling a PR created by an MR causes a database error on MRID. APAR: IZ65668 Issue: 09-22393 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Download output on MOVE/MODIFY assets still shows old location. APAR: IZ65728 Issue: 09-22500 Application: INVENTOR Description: SELECT ITEMS for return option in the issues and transfer application only allowing to search for task work orders. APAR: IZ65784 Issue: 09-22506 Application: INVOICE Description: Cannot approve invoice XXXX. The difference in cost between line 1 of the invoice and the purchase order line is -0 USD. APAR: IZ65793 Issue: 09-22505 Application: CLASSCAT Description: Cannot use a space as a delimiter for classifications. APAR: IZ65744 Issue: 09-22511 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Unable to receive direct issue items if default insert site has different item set. APAR: IZ65747 Issue: 09-22514 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Quantity received is doubled in PO application if user create attribute that is required is not populated before save. APAR: IZ65853 Issue: 09-22565 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Internal PO to transfer rotating item between sites not updating balance at destination storeroom. APAR: IZ65935 Issue: 09-22610 Application: SECURITY_AUTH Description: Special characters >,<,% are not usable after preventing cross-site script. APAR: IZ65976 Issue: 09-22636 Application: UPGRADE Description: Maximo 6 to 7 upgrade failed - INDEX OUTOFBOUNDS error. APAR: IZ65978 Issue: 09-22637 Application: JOBPLAN Description: Duplicate location STORELOCSITE will not be read only. When location is read only, location is also required->BMXAA4195E - Required field Location is blank. APAR: IZ66080 Issue: 09-22639 Application: INVOICE Description: Invoice MATUSETRANS.GLDEBITACCT has wrong values. APAR: IZ66101 Issue: 09-22679 Application: MEA Description: Update location deletes specs. APAR: IZ66114 Issue: 09-22681 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Return of a PO line type item does not return the tax1 field with a -VE value. APAR: IZ66132 Issue: 09-22688 Application: LOCATION Description: Out of memory issue. APAR: IZ66201 Issue: 09-22724 Application: COMPANY Description: BMXAA4210E - Database error number 102 has occurred - incorrect syntax near 'S'. APAR: IZ66207 Issue: 09-22718 Application: UPGRADE Description: Upgrade 6 to 7 integrity checker repair mode does not repair same-as columns. APAR: IZ66225 Issue: 09-22722 Application: PR Description: Inventory item transferred to new location, say BIN, changes last receipt cost. APAR: IZ66228 Issue: 09-22735 Application: WOTRACK Description: Cannot add material into the WO in 'Edit history state'. APAR: IZ66241 Issue: 09-22738 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: When user clicks on CLEAR CHANGES button in work order tracking application, Maximo opens the list tab with all work order records. APAR: IZ66309 Issue: 09-22770 Application: CONTWARRANTY Description: Maximo 6.2.2 - return with value on warranty contracts allows vendor from different site than contract to be associated. APAR: IZ66317 Issue: 09-22779 Application: SERVICE_DESK Description: Duplicating an incident record with activities does not carry the activities over to duplicated record. APAR: IZ66326 Issue: 09-22782 Application: CONFIGSTARTCENT Description: User in DEFLTREG group with no start center can still see it. APAR: IZ66348 Issue: 09-22803 Application: CREATE_REQ Description: Not able to set a default value for LINETYPE in desktop request. APAR: IZ66375 Issue: 09-22806 Application: SECURITY_GROUP Description: When a global restriction is in place to make a record read only when the condition is met, workflow errors out but the app is OK. APAR: IZ66405 Issue: 09-22847 Application: ASSETS Description: Updates to CRON task log file parameters do not work unless server is restarted. APAR: IZ66418 Issue: 09-22854 Application: IAS Description: Spare parts not copied over when receiving rotating items and applying IAS. APAR: IZ66444 Issue: 09-22846 Application: WOTRACK Description: Remarks date field is not updated with latest entry, always defaults to system date and time. APAR: IZ66453 Issue: 09-22855 Application: ASSETS Description: ASSET application: Adding subassembly on spare parts tab is clearing previous changes. APAR: IZ66471 Issue: 09-22888 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Line does not expand after error message. APAR: IZ66473 Issue: 09-22889 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Lotted item received shelf life entered 20,000 days. Year calculates to 2064. When the record is saved year changes to 1964. APAR: IZ66537 Issue: 09-22892 Application: RECEIPTS Description: SERVRECTRANS - POLINE.RECEIVEDTOTALCOST is being updated with LOADEDCOST rather than LINECOST for both RECEIPT and INVOICE. APAR: IZ66500 Issue: 09-22893 Application: INVISSUE Description: BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred. APAR: IZ66527 Issue: 09-22896 Application: RECEIPTS Description: MATRECTRANS invoice transactions. APAR: IZ66545 Issue: 09-22895 Application: ACTIONS Description: SETVALUE in workflow actions does not work well when setting values including Chinese characters. APAR: IZ66548 Issue: 09-22910 Application: MIGRATIONMGR Description: DMPACKAGEDEF source on the target is not large enough in migration manager. APAR: IZ66566 Issue: 09-22911 Application: MEA Description: 7.x integration import from external system - enterprise service - misleading error message. APAR: IZ66657 Issue: 09-22936 Application: CONFIGSTARTCENT Description: The search on the start center works differently than the search on the list views. APAR: IZ66671 Issue: 09-22947 Application: MEA Description: Purchase contract of with type "purchase" cannot be imported using integration framework. APAR: IZ66672 Issue: 09-22948 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Communication variables are not displayed correctly. APAR: IZ66767 Issue: 09-22982 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: New Xerces library was introduced in CCMDB 7115. APAR: IZ66674 Issue: 09-22946 Application: INVOICE Description: Average cost not updated when an item is returned and it sets the current balance to 0. APAR: IZ66766 Issue: 09-22973 Application: WOGEN Description: Open cursors exceeded error during PM workorder generation APAR: IZ66787 Issue: 09-23001 Application: CLASSCAT Description: Slow performance in ASSETCATALOGSERVICE.GETCLASSSTRUCTUREFROMPATH. APAR: IZ66809 Issue: 09-23183 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Attribute TARGETFINISH is displayed as "null" instead of being left blank. APAR: IZ66810 Issue: 09-23000 Application: RECEIPTS Description: BMXAA1196E - The financial period for the specified date is closed. The next open financial period will be used. APAR: IZ66811 Issue: 09-22997 Application: LOCATION Description: Cannot delete location because it is referenced in application. APAR: IZ66826 Issue: 09-23011 Application: RECEIPTS Description: POLINE.RECEIVEDUNITCOST is not being updated properly. APAR: IZ66868 Issue: 09-23029 Application: LABOR Description: Change status for all labor records does not work. APAR: IZ66870 Issue: 09-23028 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Workflow canvas not visible when XCOORDINATE or YCOORDINATE is greater than 999. APAR: IZ66899 Issue: 09-23031 Application: ASSETS Description: There are charge store purchase order line items. Cannot move asset to inventory type location error. APAR: IZ66930 Issue: 09-23037 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Hidden data from SELECT VALUE lookup and APPLINK is not masked through data restriction. APAR: IZ66928 Issue: 09-23038 Application: WOTRACK Description: Only one asset displays in asset drill down in asset field in work order tracking. APAR: IZ67109 Issue: 09-23074 Application: RPT-ADMIN Description: In BIRT designer, Korean parameters works well, but, from Maximo, it does not work. APAR: IZ67129 Issue: 09-23076 Application: LOCATION Description: LOCATION.SYSTEMID not being exported to XML via the integration framework. APAR: IZ67134 Issue: 09-23102 Application: MEA Description: Receiving multiples of one rotating item with MXRCVROTITM interface fails to create some assets. APAR: IZ67154 Issue: 09-23103 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Calendar issue. 30 day months show incorrect calendar day. APAR: IZ67173 Issue: 09-23101 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Clicking on mouse over on start center for KPI graph goes to blank screen. APAR: IZ67179 Issue: 09-23108 Application: UPGRADE Description: Patch upgrades fail on script V7113_59 with unique constraint. APAR: IZ67180 Issue: 09-23110 Application: LOCATION Description: ORA-00001: Unique constraint (MAXIMO.LOCANCESTOR_NDX1) violated. APAR: IZ67187 Issue: 09-23119 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Workflow node properties windows gets hidden. APAR: IZ67197 Issue: 09-23144 Application: ASSETS Description: Changing an item number causes an error. APAR: IZ67225 Issue: 09-23140 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: REPORT.REPORTNAME is not associated with related tables. APAR: IZ67235 Issue: 09-23138 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Prorating not working when receiving a POLINE (service) with a negative value. APAR: IZ67231 Issue: 09-23143 Application: INVISSUE Description: BMXAA2956E-Please enter a requisition that already exists. APAR: IZ67236 Issue: 09-23139 Application: RECEIPTS Description: With INVOICEMGT turned off, the receipt is not carrying forward the prorated value through to the final receipt transaction. APAR: IZ67262 Issue: 09-23150 Application: MEA Description: Integration framework in 7.X: Null pointer occurs during create operation when record is skipped during processing. APAR: IZ67293 Issue: 09-23164 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: Active X POWERHTML is not being used when installed and always promotes. APAR: IZ67291 Issue: 09-23169 Application: RECEIPTS Description: The receipt cannot be created for the selected row. APAR: IZ67295 Issue: 09-23166 Application: ASSETS Description: Data restriction against LOCATIONS does not take the drill down into account. APAR: IZ67299 Issue: 09-23170 Application: ITEM Description: Error when adding classification with mandatory attribute to item. APAR: IZ67301 Issue: 09-23173 Application: UPGRADE Description: While performing the 6 to 7 upgrade, the WORKORDER_NDX1 does not remain as a clustered index. APAR: IZ67309 Issue: 09-23176 Application: MEA Description: User added cross-reference control in the integration framework, but it does not show on subrecord fields. APAR: IZ67316 Issue: 09-23177 Application: ASSETS Description: Asset INVCOST got updated during receipt. APAR: IZ66809 Issue: 09-23183 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Attribute TARGETFINISH is displayed as "null" instead of blank. APAR: IZ67323 Issue: 09-23212 Application: INVISSUE Description: Multiple inbound MATUSETRANS cause balance to go negative. APAR: IZ67332 Issue: 09-23190 Application: INVENTOR Description: Inventory "Return" returns an item value on an item with a PENDING or OBSOLETE status. APAR: IZ67373 Issue: 09-23198 Application: INVENTOR Description: Physical count item cost not reporting correctly (follow up of IZ63840). APAR: IZ67403 Issue: 09-23224 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Order unit 'REQUIRED' is not functioning through conditional express manager. APAR: IZ67476 Issue: 10-10032 Application: WOTRACK Description: Error: "ATTRIBUTE LABOR.PERSON.DISPLAYNAME DOES NOT EXIST". APAR: IZ67489 Issue: 10-10033 Application: INVENTOR Description: BMXAA4214E-An unknown error occurred in pop-up window when trying to transfer in and clicking new row. APAR: IZ67504 Issue: 10-10078 Application: INSTALL Description: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE: -104, SQLSTATE: 42601, SQLERRMC: );N_NDX1 PRIMARY KEY (;. APAR: IZ67515 Issue: 10-10075 Application: WOTRACK Description: Assign to new parent assigns all work orders. APAR: IZ67533 Issue: 10-10076 Application: RECEIPTS Description: BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred. please contact your system administrator for assistance. APAR: IZ67541 Issue: 10-10083 Application: DOMAINS Description: In Maximo, domain application user interface is not user-friendly. APAR: IZ67547 Issue: 10-10084 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Maximo allows saving records without have entry on required field. APAR: IZ67680 Issue: 10-10139 Application: PO Description: User can change the quantity when transfer in. APAR: IZ67781 Issue: 10-10197 Application: WOTRACK Description: Cannot change owner for multiple records in work order tracking application. APAR: IZ67795 Issue: 10-10196 Application: LABREP Description: BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred error in LABOR REPORTING application when trying to enter by labor, work order. APAR: IZ67847 Issue: 10-10239 Application: PO Description: The cost of the release PO exceeds the maximum value of xxx USD on the contract. APAR: IZ67967 Issue: 10-10235 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Receiving application incorrectly process line cost for services with foreign currencies. APAR: IZ68000 Issue: 10-10246 Application: PO Description: Cannot approve the PO from the workflow. APAR: IZ68045 Issue: 10-10272 Application: REORDER Description: PR line and PO line numbers do not match when generated from REORDER. APAR: IZ68090 Issue: 10-10292 Application: SECURITY_GROUP Description: Issue related to security and independent groups and "Authorize group for all sites?" APAR: IZ68105 Issue: 10-10323 Application: PROBLEM Description: BMXAA4313E Error occurs when applying work order change to problem record. APAR: IZ68109 Issue: 10-10321 Application: LABOR Description: Mass status change from Labor List tab not changing status. APAR: IZ68110 Issue: 10-10322 Application: ASSETS Description: Unable to change the downtime on an asset in the manage downtime history. APAR: IZ68111 Issue: 10-10319 Application: PR Description: PO/PR lines item SELECT VALUE filter not working properly. APAR: IZ68113 Issue: 10-10324 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- The application needs to implement a "SKIP TO CONTENT" link that allows users to skip the main navigation links. APAR: IZ68115 Issue: 10-10318 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR)- (menus): Using supplied hot key combinations, the action with the screen reader active is inconsistent. APAR: IZ68118 Issue: 10-10359 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- Bulletin Board Dialog - The three icons at the top right of this form are in the tab order of the form but they are not labeled. APAR: IZ68120 Issue: 10-10389 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR) - Form does not receive focus when it is selected. APAR: IZ68123 Issue: 10-10364 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR)- (Menus) Audible user guidance within the "REPORTS" menu does not correspond with the guidance in the "ACCESSIBILITY" help. APAR: IZ68124 Issue: 10-10367 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR)- When using the first form, screen reader focus is lost if a link is selected or a tab is pressed. APAR: IZ68125 Issue: 10-10358 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- A large number of images in the application register as "IMAGES/BLANK GRAPHIC". APAR: IZ68126 Issue: 10-10386 Application: INCIDENT Description: Problem occurs when sending e-mail to over 30 recipients. APAR: IZ68127 Issue: 10-10368 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- Items need to be in the tab order of all forms, available to the screen reader and usable by keyboard. APAR: IZ68128 Issue: 10-10385 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- The "VIEW ATTACHMENTS DIALOGUE" does not have focus when it is activated. APAR: IZ68129 Issue: 10-10360 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- In "CREATE A FILE ATTACHMENT DIALOGUE", the "SELECT A FOLDER" field is mislabeled. APAR: IZ68130 Issue: 10-10362 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- The "SPECIFY A FILE" file upload edit is not in the tab order directly after the "SELECT A FOLDER" field. APAR: IZ68132 Issue: 10-10374 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- The "SPECIFY A FILE" file upload is mislabeled. APAR: IZ68133 Issue: 10-10366 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB) - In "CREATE A URL ATTACHMENT DIALOGUE", the "SELECT A FOLDER" field is not labeled. Provide a label. APAR: IZ68135 Issue: 10-10375 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- "SHOW TABLE HELP" link of "CREATE ATTACHMENTS FROM DOCUMENTS IN THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE" has focus but does not respond APAR: IZ68136 Issue: 10-10373 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: SECTION 508 (02 MAR)- When a "clickable" line such as "complete air system picture" is selected, the form loses focus. APAR: IZ68137 Issue: 10-10361 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB))- Under "ADVANCED OPTIONS" all three check boxes are mislabeled, they should reflect the text labels as on the screen. APAR: IZ68138 Issue: 10-10369 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- The "PERSON" links cannot be activated with the Enter key. Provide links that respond to the Enter key. APAR: IZ68139 Issue: 10-10372 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- "WHERE CLAUSE DIALOGUE FORM", the "CURRENT QUERY" text field is not labeled - provide a label for this text field. APAR: IZ68140 Issue: 10-10363 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- The "DELETE" button cannot be activated with keyboard commands. APAR: IZ68141 Issue: 10-10394 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- The "USER" and "USER NAME" edits are mislabeled and the labels are mispronounced by the screen reader. APAR: IZ68142 Issue: 10-10388 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- The form generated from the "SET PASSWORD" button does not receive focus when it is activated. APAR: IZ68143 Issue: 10-10370 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 - The "CANVAS TAB" is a function that requires vision to use it. It is graphical in nature. APAR: IZ68145 Issue: 10-10391 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: SECTION 508 (03 APR)- "View/Modify Active Assignments" - This form will not open with the Enter key. APAR: IZ68146 Issue: 10-10371 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: SECTION 508 (03 APR)- "Stop process" (red stop sign) will not open with the Enter key. APAR: IZ68147 Issue: 10-10377 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- The calendar table does not provide row and header identification. APAR: IZ68148 Issue: 10-10384 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR) - The "1600 hours" link does not respond to the Enter key. All links must be activated by the Enter key. APAR: IZ68149 Issue: 10-10378 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR) - "SELECT KPIS TO COMPARE DIALOGUE" - when CHECKOUT is checked or unchecked, the screen reader focus is lost. APAR: IZ68150 Issue: 10-10379 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR)- When expanded, the "VIEW DETAILS GRAPHIC" focus lands on the "PAYMENT SCHEDULE" button and not the "LINE ITEM" form. APAR: IZ68151 Issue: 10-10376 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (02 MAR)- When expanded, the "VIEW DETAILS GRAPHIC" focus lands on the "NEW ROW" button, and not on the "DETAILS" form. APAR: IZ68152 Issue: 10-10382 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- "CLICK TO SEE IMAGE" - When an image is displayed here, it has to have an alternate text description. APAR: IZ68153 Issue: 10-10383 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: SECTION 508 (03 APR)- The "create/edit requisition button" cannot be opened with the Enter key or the space bar. APAR: IZ68154 Issue: 10-10393 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR)- The "DELETE ROW" graphic cannot be opened with the Enter key or space bar. APAR: IZ68155 Issue: 10-10380 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 - Select Value dialogue - The links beginning with "Name" can't be activated with the space bar or Enter key. APAR: IZ68156 Issue: 10-10387 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (01 FEB)- For the four edit fields in "GROUPING" and "SORTING" part of the label for these fields is missing. APAR: IZ68158 Issue: 10-10390 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: SECTION 508 (03 APR) - For two edit fields for the month and year, when a selection is made with the keyboard, focus returns to main form. APAR: IZ68163 Issue: 10-10413 Application: RPT-ADMIN Description: Request pages freeze if a hard return is entered after a value on a parameter box. APAR: IZ68180 Issue: 10-10447 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Cannot use relationship field(dot notation) in result set graph. APAR: IZ68188 Issue: 10-10418 Application: MEA Description: BMXAA4146E - NOT A VALID GLACCOUNT is thrown after GL accounts are removed in LABREP. APAR: IZ68189 Issue: 10-10448 Application: REORDER Description: When the item is planned on a task workorder the resource code of the GL account is not populating. APAR: IZ68203 Issue: 10-10416 Application: CONFIGUR Description: WFACTION.INSTRUCTION is not multi-language enabled. APAR: IZ68210 Issue: 10-10419 Application: LABOR Description: Expiration date not updating from the labor application. APAR: IZ68242 Issue: 10-10458 Application: PR Description: Quantity reset to zero on PR LINECOST and UNICOST. APAR: IZ68277 Issue: 10-10461 Application: RPT-ADMIN Description: WOPRINT.RPTDESIGN BIRT report does not show data for ONBEHALFOF field, or the label on the report. APAR: IZ68294 Issue: 10-10470 Application: PR Description: When you change a line type from ITEM to SERVICE, Maximo generates error message BMXAA3432E when the PR is saved. APAR: IZ68325 Issue: 10-10489 Application: LABOR Description: Craft description does not carry over in the LABOR application CRAFTS TAB. APAR: IZ68329 Issue: 10-10487 Application: INVENTOR Description: SENDERSYSID is not being populated with MX in INVTRANS. APAR: IZ68343 Issue: 10-10498 Application: INVOICE Description: Incorrect committed cost. APAR: IZ68345 Issue: 10-10497 Application: LABOR Description: Expiry date is not correctly populated after renewing qualification for a labor. APAR: IZ68382 Issue: 10-10512 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Workflow conditions get a BMXAA3056E syntax error if an EXISTS clause is used in the condition. APAR: IZ68385 Issue: 10-10515 Application: ASSETS Description: Crossover domain from classifications to asset specifications is not functioning. APAR: IZ68459 Issue: 10-10520 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: When using the TIVOLI09 skin, the Download button in the app does not work. APAR: IZ68489 Issue: 10-10549 Application: CLASSCAT Description: When selecting edit history work order, in WOTRACK, the classification field is still grayed out. APAR: IZ68490 Issue: 10-10530 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Invoice variance transaction updates MATRECTRANS incorrectly in Maximo 6.2.2 APAR: IZ68523 Issue: 10-10547 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Running maintenance cost rollup in Maximo 7114 does not set the ROLLUP FLAG = 1 when finished. APAR: IZ68547 Issue: 10-10548 Application: CONTPURCH Description: Term flagged as editable cannot be edited in release PO. APAR: IZ68549 Issue: 10-10544 Application: PO Description: Default terms and conditions not editable on a PO created from a contract. APAR: IZ68556 Issue: 10-10550 Application: COMPANY Description: Cannot set the default value to FALSE for companies attribute INCLUSIVE1 (pay tax to vendor check box). APAR: IZ68578 Issue: 10-10551 Application: CREATE_REQ Description: A quantity must be entered before adding an item to your requisition. APAR: IZ68579 Issue: 10-10578 Application: PERSON Description: Importing a person with the integration framework fails to update changes to the first name. APAR: IZ68588 Issue: 10-10563 Application: ACTUAL_CI Description: Performance issue in promoting CIS to IGA. APAR: IZ68591 Issue: 10-10572 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Section 508 (03 APR) The "select a folder" field identifies to the screen reader as an edit but it is actually a form of combo box. APAR: IZ68600 Issue: 10-10575 Application: INVOICE Description: BMXAA4191E - Work order XX is not valid error trying to invoice a PO that has a CLOSED work order associated with it. APAR: IZ68605 Issue: 10-10574 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: When the WFSTOP COMM template has a two recipients on it, errors BMXAA4407E and BMXAA4049E occur. APAR: IZ68613 Issue: 10-10573 Application: RECEIPTS Description: BMXAA3240E - The receipt cannot be created for the selected row 1. BMXAA0913E - Zero is not a valid value. APAR: IZ68614 Issue: 10-10577 Application: CLASSCAT Description: Issue with classification being used as a description on asset record. APAR: IZ68634 Issue: 10-10584 Application: PO Description: Added one conditional expression on PO, then cannot delete POLINE when the associated PR is closed. APAR: IZ68650 Issue: 10-10583 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Filtering in date columns in Maximo 6.2.5 doesn't work. APAR: IZ68682 Issue: 10-10604 Application: SECURITY_AUTH Description: Leading and trailing spaces in PHONENUM causes LDAPSYNC to fail with MBO errors. APAR: IZ68785 Issue: 10-10649 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Error occurs after applying WEBCLIENT.EMPTYLISTONCLEAR=TRUE in the web client. APAR: IZ68804 Issue: 10-10647 Application: WOTRACK Description: Performance is slow when displaying change status dialog box for a PM workorder. APAR: IZ68991 Issue: 10-10679 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: February is not selectable on the date lookup on SCHEDSTART of the workorder application. It skips to March. APAR: IZ68992 Issue: 10-10681 Application: RPT-ADMIN Description: Wrong current balance value in inventory balance report. APAR: IZ69045 Issue: 10-10689 Application: LOCATION Description: Unable to set default value of LOCATIONS.STATUS to 'NOT READY" in Maximo 6.2.5. APAR: IZ69052 Issue: 10-10692 Application: INVENTOR Description: "RECONCILE BALANCES" action does not work if selected on the STOCKED TOOLS application list tab. APAR: IZ69091 Issue: 10-10706 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Users who are not in maxdmin group cannot launch the ABC update report. APAR: IZ69113 Issue: 10-10718 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Special characters in long descriptions are saved differently in the database. APAR: IZ69133 Issue: 10-10722 Application: MIGRATIONMGR Description: Migration manager does not export internal objects APAR: IZ69134 Issue: 10-10719 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: During daily cold backup of the database, connections are not freed by Maximo, and they grow until database connections are exhausted. APAR: IZ69133 Issue: 10-10722 Application: MIGRATIONMGR Description: Migration manager does not export internal objects. APAR: IZ69143 Issue: 10-10744 Application: PR Description: Cannot key inventory item numbers into PO or PR lines. APAR: IZ69144 Issue: 10-10743 Application: MEA Description: Transfer of rotating item between sites is doubling the balance. APAR: IZ69165 Issue: 10-10745 Application: WF-DESIGN Description: Wait node firing even if event specified is not met on record. APAR: IZ69169 Issue: 10-10763 Application: WOTRACK Description: SOURCEMBO is not being populated in LABTRANS and MXGLTXN_IFACE tables. APAR: IZ69300 Issue: 10-10770 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Workflow conditions get a BMXAA3056E syntax error if an EXISTS clause is used in the condition. APAR: IZ69492 Issue: 10-10788 Application: INVENTOR Description: Incorrect inventory balance of rotating item occurs when item is returned and moved to the salvage location, and then deleted. APAR: IZ69575 Issue: 10-10810 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: IMPORTREPORTS.CMD not disconnecting from MAXSESSION. APAR: IZ69602 Issue: 10-10811 Application: ASSETS Description: UPDATE MASTER PM removes the meters on associated PM records. APAR: IZ69612 Issue: 10-10812 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Hashmap errors occur when TRM modifies MBOSETINFO, causing poor JVM performance. APAR: IZ69614 Issue: 10-10814 Application: INVISSUE Description: No reserved items when same requisition number is used in two sites. APAR: IZ69617 Issue: 10-10798 Application: MEA Description: Update program V7115_28 tries to insert with wrong data type for VALUE column. APAR: IZ69678 Issue: 10-10825 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: See Long Description APAR: IZ69679 Issue: 10-10823 Application: IAS Description: The ancestor attribute of an asset object does not get updated after receiving rotating item. APAR: IZ69680 Issue: 10-10824 Application: WOTRACK Description: In WORK ORDER tracking application, VIEW COSTS is not updated correctly if user changes task id in PLANS - TOOLS tab APAR: IZ69689 Issue: 10-10849 Application: DOMAINS Description: Able to delete domain values with read only privileges. APAR: IZ69739 Issue: 10-10842 Application: ASSETS Description: "Life-to-date" and delta do not update correctly when entering back-dated meter readings. APAR: IZ69758 Issue: 10-10856 Application: ASSETS Description: Error occurs when you click VIEW ASSET DETAILS on the safety related assets subtab in the asset application. APAR: IZ69780 Issue: 10-10855 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Dead locks occur on cron tasks with low INTERVALS and DBCONNECTION watchdog settings. APAR: IZ69794 Issue: 10-10884 Application: COND Description: Cannot delete a measure point once a work order has been generated from it, when no open work orders currently exist. APAR: IZ69805 Issue: 10-10887 Application: INVENTOR Description: Record has been updated by another user, refetch and try again if a spare part item is recorded against three assets and task work orders. APAR: IZ69889 Issue: 10-10916 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Messaging reprocessing generates error when special char. in corrected message transaction. APAR: IZ69950 Issue: 10-10915 Application: ASSETS Description: Moving asset with child asset associated from operating location to a storeroom breaks parent/child association. APAR: IZ69969 Issue: 10-10925 Application: WOTRACK Description: Default query on WO removes the history and ISTASK 'N'. APAR: IZ69973 Issue: 10-10946 Application: SLA Description: In a cloned SRVCOMMOD, application type is specified as PROCURE (rather than the required PROVIDE). APAR: IZ70100 Issue: 10-10950 Application: PO Description: PO number not getting displayed when created from PR. APAR: IZ70103 Issue: 10-10951 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Work order tracking application is listing all workorders including task and history work orders. APAR: IZ70109 Issue: 10-10952 Application: DOMAINS Description: When comma is presented in the VALUEID, the MAXDOMVALCON records are not shown for this domain value. APAR: IZ70139 Issue: 10-10979 Application: ASSETS Description: Move MODIFY function to mass update asset attributes. APAR: IZ70180 Issue: 10-10976 Application: WOTRACK Description: Tool description can be changed within the WORKORDER application. APAR: IZ70185 Issue: 10-10987 Application: PO Description: Incorrect LOADCOST in the MATRECTRANS table if you change the tax amount in the POLINE. APAR: IZ70186 Issue: 10-10988 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: The password does not work if it does not have only lower case letters. APAR: IZ70258 Issue: 10-11018 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Asset cost rollup does not roll up material costs when assets and storerooms are in different site locations in ASSET_COSTROLLUP.RPTDESIG APAR: IZ70265 Issue: 10-11017 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: with SSL - pop-up messages states: "This page contains both secure and non-secure items" displays. APAR: IZ70288 Issue: 10-11028 Application: WOTRACK Description: Some work orders do not have the item description field updated in actuals->material tab that has just been issued. APAR: IZ70291 Issue: 10-11019 Application: ASSETS Description: Delete of subassemblies not being refreshed/saved. APAR: IZ70319 Issue: 10-11035 Application: PR Description: Unit cost on PR line gets recalculated when the PR is saved. APAR: IZ70327 Issue: 10-11043 Application: CRAFT Description: UNDO DELETE causes a BMXAA4214E error in craft. APAR: IZ70328 Issue: 10-11042 Application: REORDER Description: Organizational-level settings in PO and Inventory reorder conflict with each other. APAR: IZ70329 Issue: 10-11044 Application: INVENTOR Description: When transferring an item that has a value in the commodity group to another storeroom, the commodity group become null. APAR: IZ70407 Issue: 10-11064 Application: EMAIL_LIST Description: Outgoing e-mail address does not populate, based on the original incoming mailbox address. APAR: IZ70491 Issue: 10-11070 Application: DOCLINK BROWSER Description: Doclink attachment file path is editable in IE 6 and IE 7, which allows documents to be saved with an incorrect file path. APAR: IZ70568 Issue: 10-11082 Application: INVENTOR Description: An unknown error has occurred in the issue & transfer. APAR: IZ70592 Issue: 10-11083 Application: PR Description: Wrong PR is reopened when PO is canceled in Maximo APAR: IZ70601 Issue: 10-11092 Application: CONTPURCH Description: Not a valid value when resetting a SEQ to 999. APAR: IZ70610 Issue: 10-11080 Application: CLASSCAT Description: Attributes do not come across after attempting to delete the USE WITH ITEM in the classifications. APAR: IZ70638 Issue: 10-11111 Application: INVISSUE Description: BMXAA1822E- This material has been fully returned. APAR: IZ70649 Issue: 10-11112 Application: VALIDATE Description: 6 to 7 upgrade - Validation program fails to identify invalid xml structure. APAR: IZ70650 Issue: 10-11113 Application: UPGRADE Description: Upgrade program fails to properly escape valid e-mail address characters for SQL when processing/importing the UPGEMAIL.XML. APAR: IZ70672 Issue: 10-11141 Application: INVOICE Description: Service tolerance not being applied to service line. APAR: IZ70699 Issue: 10-11147 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Using the # character in user name causes ad hoc reports to fail. APAR: IZ70731 Issue: 10-11146 Application: REORDER Description: "BMXAA3463E - Severe error. Please contact tech support" when running reorder against contract in multiple organizations. APAR: IZ70742 Issue: 10-11158 Application: COND Description: When more than 1 CM point is assigned to an asset, the asset meter screen shows an incorrect meter and CM point relationship. APAR: IZ70857 Issue: 10-11198 Application: SECURITY_GROUP Description: User validation takes a long time when AUTH FOR ALL SITES is not selected and certain sites are defined. APAR: IZ70871 Issue: 10-11203 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: LOGINTRACKING.CLIENTHOST is not being populated in 625 and 626. Some attributes are missing in that record (for example: CLIENTHOST). APAR: IZ70886 Issue: 10-11222 Application: WF Description: The problem occurs when they try to include the object name in the workflow inbox, on the Start Center. APAR: IZ70916 Issue: 10-11220 Application: LABOR Description: MEA - importing labor records with status INACTIVE - ORA-00001: unique constraint (MAXIMO.LABORSTATUS_NDX2) violated. APAR: IZ70950 Issue: 10-11227 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Required field is set in the attention field from the APP DESIGNER does not work properly when the PO is saved. APAR: IZ71070 Issue: 10-11241 Application: PM Description: Cannot delete a PM that is referenced by a measurement point. APAR: IZ71075 Issue: 10-11274 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Inventory issue with internal orders and UOM for ORDERUNIT and ISSUEUNIT. APAR: IZ71080 Issue: 10-11277 Application: MEA Description: Integration framework loads flat file multiple times if the file is locked by other application. APAR: IZ71304 Issue: 10-11315 Application: CALENDR Description: Calendar issue: When applying the shift 2nd time on a different period, the system will delete the 1st applied period. APAR: IZ71309 Issue: 10-11316 Application: MEA Description: MXPERSON inbound fails with error. The primary record can only be deleted if it is the last record, when deleting PHONE. APAR: IZ71353 Issue: 10-13561 Application: ASSETS Description: CI links (Assets, CI Location) validity is not being verified. APAR: IZ71778 Issue: 10-11342 Application: REORDER Description: Direct issue items with price contracts across sites not picked by reorder cron task. APAR: IZ71817 Issue: 10-11348 Application: INVISSUE Description: Closed and completed work orders can be filtered when issuing items to work orders. APAR: IZ71823 Issue: 10-11344 Application: CHANGE Description: Please enter a storeroom location. APAR: IZ71937 Issue: 10-11343 Application: LABREP Description: Vendor/Contract should auto-populate with labor Skill/Craft when entered in the Enter By Labor dialog box. APAR: IZ71990 Issue: 10-11355 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: Maximo BIRT report performance issue. APAR: IZ71925 Issue: 10-11356 Application: ITEM Description: For a rotating asset, cannot see list of items after hyperlinking from the asset application to the inventory application. APAR: IZ72063 Issue: 10-11382 Application: CONTPURCH Description: Maximo 6.2.2 - CANCEL CONTRACT from PR does not reopen PR when contract is canceled. APAR: IZ72099 Issue: 10-11385 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Searching for long description field is case-sensitive in Maximo, with DB2 only. APAR: IZ72084 Issue: 10-11388 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: ASSETNUM autokey not functioning when character exceed one billion. APAR: IZ72127 Issue: 10-11392 Application: INVENTOR Description: INVCOST table cannot be updated correctly. APAR: IZ72128 Issue: 10-11393 Application: INVENTOR Description: GLACCOUNT value in INVENTORY table has been updated incorrectly. APAR: IZ72130 Issue: 10-11383 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: "BMXAA2278E - You do not have authorization for LOCATIONS applications." APAR: IZ72172 Issue: 10-11409 Application: WOTRACK Description: A rollover gets applied and no error message displays when a meter reading is entered that is higher than the existing. APAR: IZ72158 Issue: 10-11421 Application: INVENTOR Description: Maximo 6.2.2 GL shrinkage account should not be required for reconciliation of inventory balances. APAR: IZ72166 Issue: 10-11418 Application: INVISSUE Description: Cannot move asset because asset XXXX in site XXXX already exists. APAR: IZ72171 Issue: 10-11424 Application: CONFIGSTARTCENT Description: "Description" is shown in English on start center (duplicate of 09-22476). APAR: IZ72238 Issue: 10-11433 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Not possible to jump from a result set list to a record in an application. APAR: IZ72266 Issue: 10-11430 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: 'REPLYTO' is not working if the receipt is defined as a role in COMMUNICATE template. APAR: IZ72280 Issue: 10-11477 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Maintenance (asset) cost rollup update report does not close cursors (ASSET_COSTROLLUP & ASSET_COSTROLLUP_UPDATE.RPTDESIGN). APAR: IZ72289 Issue: 10-11481 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Loaded COST and TAX1 return amount incorrect on receipt and return transactions. APAR: IZ72294 Issue: 10-11480 Application: APP DESIGNER Description: Changes made in incident - SR- problem application, using Application Designer, are not taken into effect. APAR: IZ72323 Issue: 10-11535 Application: CRONTASK Description: Growing number of REPORTSCHEDULE cron tasks. APAR: IZ72332 Issue: 10-11540 Application: LOCATION Description: Invalid binding is displayed when clicking on view work details from the toolbar menu in LOCATIONS application. APAR: IZ72408 Issue: 10-11542 Application: ESIG Description: Multilanguage electronic signature text not showing correctly. APAR: IZ72410 Issue: 10-11534 Application: REORDER Description: Maximo - Reorder is not picking up service lines with null qty and unit cost APAR: IZ72470 Issue: 10-11599 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: BMXAA4210E - Database error number 1795 has occurred. ORA-01795: Maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000. APAR: IZ72484 Issue: 10-11608 Application: PR Description: Need to update OPENPOEXISTSFORCLOSE error message (bmxaa4577e). APAR: IZ72680 Issue: 10-11718 Application: WOGEN Description: Entering meter readings from a work order does not generate a work order and units to go shows a negative value. APAR: IZ72756 Issue: 10-11720 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Focus is not on field within pop-up window after choosing Select Owner from the Action menu. APAR: IZ72757 Issue: 10-11727 Application: WF Description: Invalid class cast into WFINSTANCE. APAR: IZ72758 Issue: 10-11737 Application: APP DESIGNER Description: Cannot view element type lookup in Select Action-> Add/Modify. APAR: IZ72764 Issue: 10-11736 Application: WF-DESIGN-APP Description: Problem exists when displaying the node title, in Korean, in the workflow view map. APAR: IZ72802 Issue: 10-11777 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: PMSCOAUSR is not able to approve SR by route icon. APAR: IZ72815 Issue: 10-11774 Application: WOTRACK Description: Invoicing against work orders could not change invoice status to APPR. APAR: IZ72873 Issue: 10-11783 Application: ITEM Description: Unable to make an item with a 0 balance a rotating item using the integration framework. APAR: IZ72901 Issue: 10-11805 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: Clicking the scheduling buttons for a KPI report takes 2 clicks. APAR: IZ72904 Issue: 10-11808 Application: WOTRACK Description: Must undo approval of work order to change work order from WMATL to INPRG. APAR: IZ72906 Issue: 10-11809 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Static text control does not override label value. APAR: IZ72938 Issue: 10-11844 Application: RECEIPTS Description: "Record has been updated by another user" message occurs while trying to change inspection status. APAR: IZ72943 Issue: 10-11846 Application: PR Description: PRLINES in WAPPR status show on the COPY PRLINES TO CONTRACT in Maximo 6.2.2 - Only in southern VM. APAR: IZ72975 Issue: 10-11885 Application: SECURITY_AUTH Description: Global data restriction not working properly in customers environment. APAR: IZ72983 Issue: 10-11888 Application: INVENTOR Description: Item cannot be changed to obsolete status if same item exists at another site with pending transactions. APAR: IZ73019 Issue: 10-11895 Application: INVENTOR Description: With escalation turned on, get incorrect current balance after return. APAR: IZ73027 Issue: 10-11900 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Added date field displays date one day earlier than selected. APAR: IZ73034 Issue: 10-11896 Application: WOTRACK Description: Problem exists with contract lookup on duplicated work order application. APAR: IZ73041 Issue: 10-11922 Application: UPGRADE Description: UPDATEDB fails trying to insert already existing data into MAXSERVICES. APAR: IZ73068 Issue: 10-11925 Application: DOCLINK Description: Browser attached document Web site ends up with WWW appended to address. APAR: IZ73088 Issue: 10-11952 Application: ASSETS Description: Error: BMXAA0139E - Asset item 0000001130 does not match location item 0000001115 and is not an alternate item. APAR: IZ73099 Issue: 10-11949 Application: ASSETS Description: Meter Reading INSPECTOR field defaults to USERID instead of PERSONID. APAR: IZ73115 Issue: 10-11941 Application: WOTRACK Description: It takes one minute for the change status dialog box to display. APAR: IZ73123 Issue: 10-11956 Application: ASSETS Description: BMXAA4146E - Not a valid GL account. Either the required components are not filled or the component values are not valid. APAR: IZ73129 Issue: 10-11967 Application: APP DESIGNER Description: Cannot add a field in WOTRACK/WORKLOG screen using designer. APAR: IZ73132 Issue: 10-11966 Application: CLASSCAT Description: When using Advanced Search -> Attribute Search, the search value is not restricted to the domain-specific attribute. APAR: IZ73145 Issue: 10-11983 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION occurs when running WRITEREPORTPROPERTIES as part of install or on its own. APAR: IZ73150 Issue: 10-11986 Application: MEA Description: Microsoft SQL specific: Error occurs using reprocessing application. APAR: IZ73191 Issue: 10-11992 Application: WOTRACK Description: When selecting an originating record, Maximo is showing choices from sites and organizations that the user does not have access to. APAR: IZ73194 Issue: 10-11990 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Cost roll up update report does not update the database once it is scheduled. APAR: IZ73197 Issue: 10-11991 Application: LOCATION Description: Local systems created with incorrect ORGID. APAR: IZ73224 Issue: 10-12035 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Cursor moves to bottom of screen when records are selected. APAR: IZ73230 Issue: 10-12033 Application: WOTRACK Description: Upgrade incorrectly numbers work order unique IDs for existing work orders. APAR: IZ73231 Issue: 10-12036 Application: WF Description: Long delays on NOSTATUS reset when canceling out of workflow. APAR: IZ73252 Issue: 10-12042 Application: INVOICE Description: Application allows you to add an attachment into the approved invoice. APAR: IZ73253 Issue: 10-12041 Application: IAS Description: Cannot create assembled rotating item asset as expected using receiving application. APAR: IZ73412 Issue: 10-12108 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: 7115 BIRT report. Labor reporting report does not show workorders unless they are tasks. APAR: IZ73413 Issue: 10-12104 Application: SECURITY_GROUP Description: Security Application icon on go to menu. APAR: IZ73425 Issue: 10-12106 Application: CLASSCAT Description: Alphanumeric value is not validating. APAR: IZ73442 Issue: 10-12111 Application: USERS Description: E-mail notifications are one hour ahead of the time received. APAR: IZ73483 Issue: 10-12148 Application: INVOICE Description: BMXAA2013E could not change invoice XXXX status to APPR. APAR: IZ73520 Issue: 10-12164 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Error BMXAA4210E occurs on Solution application when Hebrew language is used. APAR: IZ73535 Issue: 10-12216 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Tickets or work orders cannot be created correctly - limited long description. APAR: IZ73541 Issue: 10-12214 Application: PR Description: Default GL account code for PR lines issue. APAR: IZ73549 Issue: 10-12215 Application: RFQ Description: Create PO from RFQ produces unexpected value for GL debit account field. APAR: IZ73561 Issue: 10-12217 Application: SR Description: BMXAA4198E - Organization needed for GL attribute GLACCOUNT on object 1. APAR: IZ73567 Issue: 10-12228 Application: MIGRATIONMGR Description: Migration manager data dictionary snapshot fails if condition is attached. APAR: IZ73695 Issue: 10-12261 Application: INVENTOR Description: Able to change item to rotating even if added to item assembly. APAR: IZ73703 Issue: 10-12260 Application: WOTRACK Description: Work order change status crashes server when "run in background mode" is not checked. APAR: IZ73728 Issue: 10-12263 Application: INVISSUE Description: When transfer in from the transit, the status of the generated transaction (MATRECTRANS) is null. APAR: IZ73851 Issue: 10-12309 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Incorrect month displayed by date time widget. APAR: IZ73859 Issue: 10-12310 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Performance problem cause by row lock contention for select DUMMY_BLOB from DUMMY_TABLE for update. APAR: IZ74017 Issue: 10-12372 Application: INCIDENT Description: The value from the alphanumeric value field does not get copied over to incident record created from accounts receivable. APAR: IZ74027 Issue: 10-12389 Application: ASSETS Description: BMXAA4214E - an unknown error has occurred when performing Move/Modify asset for work order. APAR: IZ74031 Issue: 10-12619 Application: CI Description: Unable to add multiple CI relationships. APAR: IZ74032 Issue: 10-12390 Application: ASSETS Description: Asset move dates incorrect. APAR: IZ74035 Issue: 10-12392 Application: START CENTERS Description: Result set does not order records according to "DECODE" specification on the WHERE clause. APAR: IZ74060 Issue: 10-12457 Application: INVOICE Description: No contract reference number is recorded for invoice when created from labor contract. APAR: IZ74091 Issue: 10-12455 Application: DOMAINS Description: Read-only user can modify domain properties. APAR: IZ74112 Issue: 10-12465 Application: INVOICE Description: Incorrect financial period in the SERVRECTRANS for direct pay invoice. APAR: IZ74153 Issue: 10-12504 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Error occurred after applying 6.2.4 core hot fix and nuclear hot fix APAR: IZ74168 Issue: 10-12503 Application: ASSETS Description: It is not possible to retrieve information from the inventory application, when you change the item number of an asset. A BMXAA4107E error occurs. APAR: IZ74177 Issue: 10-12520 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Error occurs after increasing ESCREFPOINT.EVENTCONDITION length. APAR: IZ74187 Issue: 10-12572 Application: MEA-INTERACTION Description: On upgrade from 7.1 to on DB2, the script, V7115_28, fails. APAR: IZ74231 Issue: 10-12568 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Searching in WOTRACK actuals tab with !=X in status field is returning the incorrect values. APAR: IZ74233 Issue: 10-12565 Application: INVOICE (version 6.2.2) Description: Copying more than 2000 POLINES to Invoice or Approving Invoice causes out of memory errors and system halt APAR: IZ74252 Issue: 10-12570 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: BMXAA3056E The expression could not be parsed because of a syntax error. APAR: IZ74291 Issue: 10-12569 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Additional issue with shortcut Ctrl+Down Arrow on expanded line. The field focus is lost; related to APAR IZ54496. APAR: IZ74357 Issue: 10-12610 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Within the WOTRACK application, unable to navigate within WOTRACK screens. APAR: IZ74461 Issue: 10-12652 Application: INVOICE Description: If buying currency differs from base currency, approval of invoice writes wrong data to INVOICETRANS. APAR: IZ74471 Issue: 10-12653 Application: WOTRACK Description: Crossover fields are not crossing over from the work order to associated task work orders in Maximo 6. APAR: IZ74502 Issue: 10-12664 Application: PM Description: Error occurs running PMWOGENCRONTASK: "BMXAA3782E - The item set identifier is not valid" APAR: IZ74557 Issue: 10-12693 Application: INVOICE Description: Invoice field is not being cleared for a labor transaction line in, the labor reporting application, after invoice is canceled. APAR: IZ74596 Issue: 10-12728 Application: COMMTMPLT Description: Need the ability to use variables in the COMMTEMPLATE.SENDFROM field. APAR: IZ74626 Issue: 10-12721 Application: DRILLDOWN Description: Text from the asset drill down is missing when there is no asset listed. APAR: IZ74666 Issue: 10-12760 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Cannot query on field SENDTO on communication log. APAR: IZ74669 Issue: 10-12759 Application: WF Description: When multilanguage is enabled for workflow, the multilanguage data is not copied over when a new revision is made. APAR: IZ74679 Issue: 10-12765 Application: ASSETS Description: Downtime report prompt upon workorder completion even when asset is up. APAR: IZ74683 Issue: 10-12767 Application: WOGEN Description: OUTOFMEMORY when running PMWogen from PM app 'Generate Work' menu action on a large set of PMs. APAR: IZ74685 Issue: 10-12794 Application: WOTRACK Description: Costs on the work order are not rolling up to the parent view costs. APAR: IZ74688 Issue: 10-12795 Application: PR Description: Users can copy PR lines to approved PO, even if the user does not have the rights to approve the PO. Also, the application does not check for PO limits. APAR: IZ74704 Issue: 10-12764 Application: WOTRACK Description: WOPRLINE does not get populated with PR number and line on direct issued items when Accept Charges is checked. APAR: IZ74712 Issue: 10-12808 Application: RPT-ADHOC Description: Cannot create a query based report with invoice cost detail. APAR: IZ74747 Issue: 10-12813 Application: INVISSUE Description: Item description changed from the Issues Transfer application filter row description field APAR: IZ74757 Issue: 10-12816 Application: CONTWARRANTY Description: Change by change date is not updating properly in warranty contract. APAR: IZ74838 Issue: 10-13182 Application: WOTRACK Description: Vendor read only for task work order with direct issue item APAR: IZ74893 Issue: 10-13206 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: E-mail authentication does not work in some cases. APAR: IZ74911 Issue: 10-13209 Application: IAS Description: Apply IAS incorrectly updating inventory balances. APAR: IZ74954 Issue: 10-13217 Application: PM Description: Null pointer exception errors on PMWO generation. APAR: IZ74957 Issue: 10-13205 Application: INVOICE Description: Uninvoiced quantity is incorrect if a PO has been received, returned and any portion rereceived. APAR: IZ74966 Issue: 10-13245 Application: EAUDIT Description: E-audit can be selected for non-persistent attributes. APAR: IZ74976 Issue: 10-13242 Application: CLASSCAT Description: Specifications table value for attribute type of Table does not show in asset description. APAR: IZ75054 Issue: 10-13299 Application: ITAM-RECON Description: Reconciliation issue. APAR: IZ75056 Issue: 10-13298 Application: WF Description: Workflow should allow you to change status even if you have not been granted access to that status in security groups. APAR: IZ75060 Issue: 10-13292 Application: CONTPURCH Description: When in Purchase Contracts app, copy PR lines does not copy the long description to the contract lines tab. APAR: IZ75069 Issue: 10-13377 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: E-mail listener not working after upgrade. APAR: IZ75087 Issue: 10-13313 Application: PM Description: "BMXAA3210E Failure occurs when generating WO" in English login from METERBASED PM with METERREADING entered in Dutch login. APAR: IZ75118 Issue: 10-13391 Application: WF Description: Workflow route icon grayed out on certain scenarios. APAR: IZ75154 Issue: 10-13457 Application: ITM-MAXIMO Description: ITM monitoring agent LDAP support for 6.2.5. APAR: IZ75181 Issue: 10-13456 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Receipts-line type service received a quantity doubled on PO line. APAR: IZ75209 Issue: 10-13490 Application: CONFIGSTARTCENT Description: Start center bar chart is out of order. APAR: IZ75216 Issue: 10-13566 Application: EMAIL_LIST Description: E-mail listener attachment spaces have + signs instead of % signs when opening the attachment. APAR: IZ75217 Issue: 10-13568 Application: PO Description: Canceled PO line not tied to original RFQ. APAR: IZ75236 Issue: 10-13489 Application: SYSTEM-OBJ Description: Date time search queries fail when time specified (hh:mm) after updating AIX from TL06 to TL09. APAR: IZ75253 Issue: 10-13565 Application: RECEIPTS Description: Inconsistent/incorrect transactions in MATRECTRANS for receipt of rotating items. APAR: IZ75254 Issue: 10-13567 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Users are not asked to save work before leaving screen. APAR: IZ75267 Issue: 10-13562 Application: PO Description: Core FLDPURORDERQTY class not recalculating UNITCOST once PO is updated via the integration framework MEA after applying 7115_LAFIX.20100406-0659. APAR: IZ75271 Issue: 10-13571 Application: CLASSCAT Description: Assets from classifications can be viewed from different sites that users don't have access to view. APAR: IZ75279 Issue: 10-13584 Application: ESCALATION Description: CHANGED BY and CHANGED DATE fields are not updated in escalations applications when modifying records. APAR: IZ75342 Issue: 10-13626 Application: PO Description: Unable to set a default value for POLINE.STORELOC. APAR: IZ75347 Issue: 10-13628 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Maximo adds additional horizontal and vertical padding of 5 pixels. APAR: IZ75464 Issue: 10-13644 Application: WOTRACK Description: Customer experiences out of memory condition when updating 50 rows out of 1500 WO steps in quick reporting. APAR: IZ75516 Issue: 10-13698 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Calendars show incorrect date/data in February when system date is the 30th. APAR: IZ75592 Issue: 10-13788 Application: REORDER Description: BMXAA3496E - Trouble processing item error when reorder crontask with revised purchase contract. APAR: IZ75642 Issue: 10-13857 Application: PM Description: Job plans lookup enters TR application when TR access has been disabled. APAR: IZ75701 Issue: 10-13869 Application: LABOR Description: Error occurred when trying to remove calendar value from labor in labor application. APAR: IZ75739 Issue: 10-13902 Application: INVENTOR Description: Unable to receive rotating items (not condition based). APAR: IZ75744 Issue: 10-13917 Application: INVOICE Description: Incorrect remit to address got copied to the invoice. APAR: IZ75755 Issue: 10-13916 Application: MEA-SAP Description: MBS_7115_LAFIX.20100406-0659 causes WO.CLASS to not send out task+child Workorders by integration framework. APAR: IZ75783 Issue: 10-14002 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Not authorized to run the report. APAR: IZ75833 Issue: 10-14040 Application: ITEM Description: Allowing item that is PENDOBS status at organization level to be placed on a work order plan as a direct issue line. APAR: IZ76002 Issue: 10-14161 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: Query based reports and report icons disappear when skin is used. APAR: IZ76034 Issue: 10-14199 Application: CLASSCAT Description: When using the advanced search in incident, get error BMXAA4185E: CANNOT QUERY ON FIELD HIERARCHYPATH. APAR: IZ76081 Issue: 10-14242 Application: SYSTEM-UI Description: Users must type user ID and password twice after a session timeout. APAR: IZ76285 Issue: 10-14370 Application: INVOICE Description: Invoice header APSUSPENSE account uses company default account instead of PO vendor account. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Services fix pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR: IZ44238 Issue: 09-11219 Application: Invoice Description: You cannot invoice for a vendor that has been disqualified after a PO has been approved. APAR: IZ47257 Issue: 09-12180 Application: System-OBJ Description: LDAPSYNC released with cannot run two LDAPSYNC cron tasks because the second one generates a unique constraint error. APAR: IZ49320 Issue: 09-12937 Application: System-UI Description: You cannot select labor records for approval in the labor reporting application. APAR: IZ49790 Issue: 09-13234 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Work order status not updated from WMATL to APPR after received all direct issues items. APAR: IZ49886 Issue: 09-13268 Application: Security_Group Description: During the migration of application security, the following error is displayed: "Sequence of condition XX is already in use." APAR: IZ50341 Issue: 09-13518 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: If you do not use English as a base language and or use a synonym value for Storeroom, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4025E " Importing Storeroom locations via MIF." APAR: IZ50546 Issue: 09-13587 Application: All Description: In Maximo, when you change a user profile, the following error occurs: BMXAA3821E Multiple users named XXX are currently signed in. APAR: IZ50812 Issue: 09-13716 Application: RPT-ADMIN Description: In the Incident application, if you run a filter in the Summary field, run a report using the Select Action menu and try to create the report, this report is empty. APAR: IZ50886 Issue: 09-13795 Application: Classifications Description: In the Asses application, a classification attribute can only be seen after you save the record. APAR: IZ51052 Issue: 09-13866 Application: Inventory Description: In the Inventory application, when you select an asset using the Where Used tab, the wrong asset is selected. APAR: IZ51060 Issue: 09-13871 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: In Maximo Enterprise Adapter, the Integration Framework file based reprocessing reports an inaccurate count of errors. As a result, the system does not detect when the file processing is complete. APAR: IZ51103 Issue: 09-13904 Application: System-UI Description: In Application Designer, you cannot set a query default value for the WOCLASS field and the default value of "&" does not work. APAR: IZ51209 Issue: 09-13961 Application: Migration Manager Description: In Maximo, migration manager fails to migrate condition expression on security restriction due to the read-only condition, this is probably a Maximo core bug. APAR: IZ51197 Issue: 09-13962 Application: Dbchange Description: DB2 high availability disaster recovery (HADR) does not work for 2G BLOB/ CLOB. APAR: IZ51216 Issue: 09-13994 Application: Assets Description: If a location is associated with a network and or a non- network system and you de-commission the location, the associated and other unrelated systems are also decommissioned. APAR: IZ51221 Issue: 09-13998 Application: Invoice Description: In the Invoice application, when you try to import an invoice with more than 100 lines, an error occurs. However, this error message does not specify the GL account or the invoice line that is causing the problem. APAR: IZ51287 Issue: 09-14027 Application: System-UI Description: When you are using the workflow designer, and you have a properties window for either a node or a line opened, the logout window opens in front of the properties window. APAR: IZ51458 Issue: 09-14079 Application: Upgrade Description: When you upgrade from Maximo 6 to Maximo 7, the work flow process for the LSNRBP process and the records associated with it are not added. APAR: IZ51493 Issue: 09-14106 Application: Assets Description: When you use the Move and or Modify action, a change of an attribute does not modify the asset description. APAR: IZ51567 Issue: 09-14110 Application: Doc link Browser Description: In a clustered environment BS, when you view an attachment, this attachment appears blank when the number of current users shows 100. APAR: IZ51576 Issue: 09-14144 Application: Upgrade Description: After you upgrade from Maximo 6 - 7, the LSNRBP workflow is missing. APAR: IZ51587 Issue: 09-14145 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: BIRT inventory balance report shows incorrect values for some items. APAR: IZ51593 Issue: 09-14147 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: Work orders generated with the PMWOGEN cron task are not auto populating the Assets and or the Location Priority fields. APAR: IZ51598 Issue: 09-14150 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: If you are using Maximo, you cannot create an On Demand report using a multiple Language Environment. APAR: IZ51715 Issue: 09-14194 Application: Security_Group Description: You can access the maxreg profile, despite not having any Maximo privileges. APAR: IZ51707 Issue: 09-14196 Application: Job Plan Description: Job plan selection and flow action are read-only fields. APAR: IZ51997 Issue: 09-14254 Application: System-UI Description: The 'Select Owner' dialog box appears intermittently. APAR: IZ52020 Issue: 09-14331 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: An error occurs while you are generating work orders. APAR: IZ52085 Issue: 09-14337 Application: Purchase Order Description: In work flow, you cannot close a PO. APAR: IZ52130 Issue: 09-14338 Application: Assets Description: The assets drill down on location shows only the first asset. APAR: IZ52218 Issue: 09-14413 Application: System-OBJ Description: In Maximo 7, the saved queries list order is not sorted by private first and then public. APAR: IZ52242 Issue: 09-14429 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: When you try to save a newly created QBR report, the error BMXAA4210E occurs. APAR: IZ52328 Issue: 09-14485 Application: System-UI Description: If you leave an active WF record, a prompting warning message is not displayed. APAR: IZ52375 Issue: 09-14521 Application: Assets Description: If you duplicate a location that has a parent with a name with more than 12 characters, the value specified exceeds the maximum field length. APAR: IZ52382 Issue: 09-14548 Application: System-OBJ Description: If you select a communication template that has assigned recipients and search a name on the Recipients tab using any search criteria, the following error message is displayed: "BMXAA4210E - Database error number -206 has occurred. 'COMMTMPLTSENDTO.RO-LEID' is not valid in the context where it is used." APAR: IZ52423 Issue: 09-14550 Application: Receipts Description: The systems hang when receiving a large quantity of rotating items that have a number of attributes associated to it. APAR: IZ52593 Issue: 09-14664 Application: View_SR Description: Viewable and non-viewable work logs are shown in the login cloned VIEWSR. APAR: IZ52690 Issue: 09-14714 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: An extract error occurs when you are exporting with pipe or caret delimiter. APAR: IZ52735 Issue: 09-14741 Application: Inventory Description: In the Item Master application, an unknown error occurs when you clear a lot type field and then tab out. APAR: IZ52839 Issue: 09-14811 Application: Dbchange Description: When you install a PMP onto TPAE 7.1.1, the following error occurs: "ORA00904 - 'ROWSTAMP': INVALID IDENTIFIER." APAR: IZ46819 Issue: 09-15037 Application: All Description: A mass move does not update the CI location. APAR: IZ53306 Issue: 09-15087 Application: Classifications Description: When you are creating a change from a service request, the following error is returned: "BMXAA4129E - Record already exists for WORK ORDER=XXXX, SITE=XXX, ATTRIBUTE=SOM_SSU, SECTION=." APAR: IZ53350 Issue: 09-15089 Application: Receipts Description: When you receive a rotating item with a MXRCVROTITM interface, the system fails to create some assets. APAR: IZ53408 Issue: 09-15155 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: When you use an exception destination on the sequential inbound or outbound queue to prevent blocking of message, and the message fails to be delivered and autocorrects, a message is left behind in the message reprocessing application tables. APAR: IZ53434 Issue: 09-15174 Application: Search Solutions Description: In Service Request, if Search Solutions does not have any records and you press the Enter key on the list tab, an error occurs. APAR: IZ53436 Issue: 09-15175 Application: Receipts Description: Only one invoicetrans line is created in the database if the pay on receipt flag is checked with more than one line with a tax line. APAR: IZ53565 Issue: 09-15251 Application: System-UI Description: You cannot delete a bookmark when the user ID and login ID values are different for a user. APAR: IZ53646 Issue: 09-15293 Application: Change Description: When you try to change the status of multiple assets, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4200E - RECORD HAS BEEN UPDATED BY ANOTHER USER." APAR: IZ53880 Issue: 09-15415 Application: Security_Auth Description: LDAPSYNC fails when loading location and location site. APAR: IZ53959 Issue: 09-15504 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: Asset availability does not always return correct results. APAR: IZ54006 Issue: 09-15518 Application: System-UI Description: When a user tries to approve and print multiple work orders the following error occurs: "BMXAA4210E - Database error number 0 has occurred. ResultSet is closed." APAR: IZ54017 Issue: 09-15522 Application: System-UI Description: You cannot clear select records check box in some of the single page applications. APAR: IZ54197 Issue: 09-15604 Application: System-OBJ Description: If you create an organization that has more than 35000 items and then try to create another organization, an out of memory error occurs. APAR: IZ54256 Issue: 09-15605 Application: Receipts Description: When you are receiving an item that needs to b inspected, the MXRECEIPTINTERFACE for receipt leaves a line with the WINSP status and does not update it. APAR: IZ54312 Issue: 09-15665 Application: Change Description: When a job plan is added to a change, the flow action is auto populating. APAR: IZ54304 Issue: 09-15667 Application: Location Description: Inconsistent UI behavior when Associate Services is used to add a second service to the same service group. APAR: IZ54295 Issue: 09-15668 Application: Calendar Description: In the Calendar application, an error message of "The value specified exceeds the maximum filed length" is displayed. APAR: IZ54276 Issue: 09-15669 Application: RPT-ADMIN Description: You receive the database error BMXAA4210E when using the filter option within the run report menu. APAR: IZ54300 Issue: 09-15672 Application: System-UI Description: When you navigate to a new tab, without clearing the search criteria, the error BMXAA4210E-ORA-20000 occurs causing the browser to hang. APAR: IZ54496 Issue: 09-15736 Application: System-UI Description: On Specifications tab, navigating using the short cut Ctrl+Down Arrow causes a strange behavior. APAR: IZ54509 Issue: 09-15738 Application: System-UI Description: On Specifications tab, changes are not saved when you navigate between alphanumeric value and numeric value fields. APAR: IZ54536 Issue: 09-15769 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: If you are using Maximo with SQL 2005DB, if you try to query using the descriptions, the work order list returns no data and just the header if the report is returned. APAR: IZ54568 Issue: 09-15778 Application: Users Description: The session is not removed from the MAXSESSION table if the user is inactive. APAR: IZ54567 Issue: 09-15779 Application: Assets Description: In the Assets application, autonumbering is working incorrectly. APAR: IZ54590 Issue: 09-15807 Application: Purchase Requisitions Description: In the Purchase Requisitions application, if you set a new default siteid the positeid is not changed to this new default siteid. APAR: IZ54632 Issue: 09-15841 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: When you try to duplicate a work order, the error 'BMXAA4214E' occurs. APAR: IZ54601 Issue: 09-15847 Application: Assets Description: If you try to filter your search for an attribute using the detail menu of the Feature field, the following error occurs: BMXAA4160E - A major exception has occurred. APAR: IZ54639 Issue: 09-15855 Application: Application Designer Description: In Application Designer, any labels using {x} parameters disappear after you save an application and the label is replaced by 'parentempylable'. APAR: IZ54640 Issue: 09-15856 Application: Assets Description: An asset assembly can be modified even when either the parent or the child is in a storeroom. APAR: IZ54854 Issue: 09-15960 Application: Change Description: In the Changes application, after you change the job plan of a record, the system populates the Owner and Owner Group fields of some tasks with the other tasks owner information. APAR: IZ54878 Issue: 09-15995 Application: Users Description: When you try to create a user, the error message "BMXAA4129E" is displayed. APAR: IZ54883 Issue: 09-16005 Application: System-OBJ Description: When you try to create an SR, using an e-mail attachment, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4049E - The value specified LS14742X0 exceeds the maximum field length." APAR: IZ54947 Issue: 09-16015 Application: Assets Description: When you try to edit the alnvalue for an asset attribute, a MXEXCEPTION occurs. APAR: IZ55016 Issue: 09-16033 Application: RFQ Description: When you use the 'Copy PR Line Items to RFQ' action, the following error occurs: "BMXAA4176E - ATTRIBUTE SENTTOVENDOR DOES NOT EXIST." APAR: IZ55083 Issue: 09-16034 Application: Classifications Description: Slow performance in service catalog. APAR: IZ55278 Issue: 09-16106 Application: Application Designer Description: An "Invalid Biding" message is display after you modify the external systems using Application designer. APAR: IZ55262 Issue: 09-16108 Application: Classifications Description: You cannot define default value for numeric data type attribute in classifications. APAR: IZ55430 Issue: 09-16194 Application: System-UI Description: Attached documents are opening in the background. APAR: IZ55455 Issue: 09-16197 Application: System-OBJ Description: After you install hotfix 5/20, when you change a workflow, this change is not saved to the Change record and does not appear when you try to requery for the record. APAR: IZ55431 Issue: 09-16198 Application: Search Solutions Description: In the Search Solutions application, when you try to use the '*' as a filter on the Description field, the following error occurs: 'BMXAA4210E - Database Error 20000 Occurred.' APAR: IZ55507 Issue: 09-16233 Application: Application Designer Description: In Application Designer, any labels using {x} parameters disappear after you save an application and the label is replaced by 'parentempylable'. APAR: IZ55512 Issue: 09-16234 Application: Inventory Description: In the Inventory application, if you select an item and try to issue it using Issue Current Item, a high object count may occur when you manually enter a Work Order. APAR: IZ55520 Issue: 09-16240 Application: Users Description: In the Users application, when you change the password for a user, the new password is set to ':loginid' and not to the password entered. APAR: IZ55546 Issue: 09-16253 Application: System-UI Description: In Maximo 7, you cannot edit the sectionheader, paramvalues and or paramvalue controls in application designer. APAR: IZ55586 Issue: 09-16286 Application: ITAM-SWCONTRACTS Description: You cannot update a software record. APAR: IZ55594 Issue: 09-16291 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: When you use a user name that is close to the maximum length of 30 characters and you try to save QBRs, the following error occurs: 'BMXAA4049E - THE VALUE SPECIFIED EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM FIELD LENGTH.' APAR: IZ55637 Issue: 09-16317 Application: Assets Description: You cannot use the features that are shared as reference points. APAR: IZ55695 Issue: 09-16323 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you manually enter a start and or finish date on the Advanced Search Screen, an invalid Where Clause is created and the results returned by the search are incorrect. APAR: IZ55824 Issue: 09-16406 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you try to duplicate a job plan you receive a database error number 803. APAR: IZ55875 Issue: 09-16423 Application: System-UI Description: The read-only condition of the conditional UI works intermittently. APAR: IZ55837 Issue: 09-16445 Application: System-OBJ Description: In a communication template, an "Is Null" message appears when you try to add date fields that are blank. APAR: IZ56012 Issue: 09-16447 Application: System-OBJ Description: patch results in unique constraints errors during updatedb. APAR: IZ56103 Issue: 09-16481 Application: Cron task Description: Multiple LDAPSYNC cron tasks cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'DBO.LDAPSYNCPARAMS' with unique index 'LDAPSYNC_NDX1'. APAR: IZ56165 Issue: 09-16527 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter-EXTSYSTEM Description: The MAXVAR Maximo Enterprise Adapter Upgrade is installed only in MAX-VARS and needs to be inserted to MAXVARTYPE or it causes MM to fail. APAR: IZ56185 Issue: 09-16538 Application: Receiving Description: If you approve a PO, and the PO has a rotating item that requires inspection as a POLINE, and then receive the PO and change the inspection status, two different statuses are displayed. APAR: IZ56246 Issue: 09-16572 Application: Work Flow Description: When WF process ends with a create WO action, the process is either incorrect or does not occur. APAR: IZ56247 Issue: 09-16573 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: When you try to receive a rotating item using the MXRCVROTITMINTERFACE, the average cost does not update as it should. APAR: IZ56294 Issue: 09-16617 Application: System-UI Description: The AppBar does not display the links to any application in a module. APAR: IZ56507 Issue: 09-16679 Application: All Description: A performance issue is caused when you click the select value button on the advanced search dialog box. APAR: IZ56673 Issue: 09-16727 Application: MOVEEQ Description: If you try to move more than 300 assets from one operating location to another, the Java virtual machine locks up. APAR: IZ56756 Issue: 09-16781 Application: Master Contracts Description: When you try to copy a Purchase Requisition or a Material Line to a Purchase Contract, the Item field remains as required and the field continues to be editable. APAR: IZ56754 Issue: 09-16787 Application: Routes Description: In the Routes application, when you try to save a route after selecting an asset from drill-down, the following error occurs: "Boolean value is blank and requires a value." APAR: IZ57368 Issue: 09-16850 Application: Assets Description: In the Assets application, you cannot find an asset single feature or multiple features by filtering for attributes. APAR: IZ57509 Issue: 09-16884 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: In Application Designer, a woclass default does not take precedence over domain default. APAR: IZ57964 Issue: 09-17082 Application: Assets Description: A major exception occurs when you refine for asset linear attributes APAR: IZ58195 Issue: 09-17115 Application: Updatedb Description: When you try to update Arabic or Hebrew Yes or No values, the database does not convert these Unicodes into question marks and a script failure occurs. APAR: IZ58355 Issue: 09-17126 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: Work order generation for a PM hierarchy does not always generate work orders for all the current active children of the parent PM. APAR: IZ58684 Issue: 09-17204 Application: Search Solutions "Description: In the Search Solutions applications, if you use Oracle specific word in the self service module, the 'ORA-20000' error occurs and the dialog box that appears can only be cleared if you close the browser. APAR: IZ58708 Issue: 09-17210 Application: Escalation Description: In the Escalation application, if you have a secondary language set as the default language in your Maximo user profile and you try to run an Escalation cron task for an on object that has its own language table, an error message is displayed and the Escalation cron fails. APAR: IZ59107 Issue: 09-17424 Application: Drill down Description: In the drill-down menu, the asset hierarchy is showing decommissioned assets. APAR: IZ59194 Issue: 09-17491 Application: Reorder Description: Reordering not considering future date for direct issue item APAR: IZ59238 Issue: 09-17537 Application: System-UI Description: In the Assets application, when you try to make the To Location a required field, the field is marked as required. However, you can still able to move or modify an asset when you leave the To Location field blank. APAR: IZ59272 Issue: 09-17602 Application: RPT-HARE REP Description: The report footer displays the time and date that the report was generated according to the server time zone and not according to the time zone that you set. APAR: IZ59312 Issue: 09-17611 Application: Service Desk Description: Incorrect summary and details data for work log on service request record in View Service Requests application. APAR: IZ59330 Issue: 09-17662 Application: System-UI Description: In Application Designer, when you assign an image to a push button, this image does not display. APAR: IZ59368 Issue: 09-17663 Application: System-OBJ Description: In Maximo Enterprise Adapter, if a default storage partition cannot be identified, the error "BMXAA4195E" is displayed. APAR: IZ59471 Issue: 09-17670 Application: Config Start Center Description: Set incident view as a default page instead of start center but it won't display any incident. APAR: IZ59481 Issue: 09-17736 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: In Maximo Enterprise Adapter, when you set a rule for a field using action SET, add a subrecord field to set a value, and try to use an object relationship to retrieve this rule to use it on a second rule with action COMBINE, you cannot access the first field rule that you set. APAR: IZ59494 Issue: 09-17739 Application: Receiving Description: In the Receiving application, an error occurs when you try to receive a direct issue item. APAR: IZ59508 Issue: 09-17747 Application: System-OBJ Description: In the Migration Manager application, When you try to deploy a package to the target system the following error occurs: "BMXAA4134E - LOGGER DID NOT VALIDATE". APAR: IZ59582 Issue: 09-17749 Application: Assets Description: In the Assets application, when you try refine by Asset Linear attributes, a major exception occurs. APAR: IZ59510 Issue: 09-17752 Application: System-UI Description: You cannot use APPFIELDDEFAULTS for customized fields. APAR: IZ59659 Issue: 09-17863 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter for SAP Description: When you try to send a partial receipt of rotating assets using the Maximo Enterprise Adapter/IF, the following error occurs: "BMXAA1826E - ENTER All THE ASSETS." APAR: IZ59732 Issue: 09-17911 Application: Item Master Description: In Maximo 7, an error occurs when you use a synonym for the Storeroom. APAR: IZ59736 Issue: 09-17914 Application: Classcat Description: Ticket SPEC.ALNVALUE are not displaying the value from ALN domain created. APAR: IZ59729 Issue: 09-17919 Application: RPT-ADMIN Description: When you query for a result, certain queries return a result set to Maximo. However, the list report fails when you use it against this resultset. APAR: IZ59808 Issue: 09-17930 Application: Invoice Description: In the Invoices application, if the conversion factor is higher than 1, the system does not write the invoice variance to the Invoicetrans table. APAR: IZ59824 Issue: 09-17974 Application: Item Master Description: In Application Designer, when you copy the Items application, change the default item type, and save this new application, the default item type is set back to the item type specified for the original application. APAR: IZ59833 Issue: 09-17977 Application: Security_Group Description: When you create a user using lowercase and you set it to MXE.CONVERT-LOGIN=1, this user can log in directly into Maximo. APAR: IZ60066 Issue: 09-18109 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you use the lookup to search for a job plan, the following error occurs: BMXAA4187E A relationship called location does not exist for the PM business object. APAR: IZ60238 Issue: 09-18184 Application: Assets Description: In the Assets application, when you do an advanced search for a Classification and the process returns no results, an error message is displayed. However, the message does not inform that no search results were found. APAR: IZ60268 Issue: 09-18201 Application: Job Plan Description: In the Job Plan application, an error occurs when you try to read a deleted job plan from a change. APAR: IZ60284 Issue: 09-18265 Application: System-UI Description: The application linking option does not work when SSO is enabled. APAR: IZ60291 Issue: 09-18628 Application: Upgrade Description: Deploy_Error in Migration Manager. APAR: IZ60377 Issue: 09-18323 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Regular hours cannot be modified. Want this value to be independent from start/end time calculation as before. APAR: IZ60376 Issue: 09-18324 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you do an inbound transaction using FR1CODE and FR2CODE, the following error message is displayed: "The failure report code is not valid." APAR: IZ60367 Issue: 09-18326 Application: Inventory Description: In the Create Requisition application, if you are creating a requisition and try to select an active item using the Inventory application, this item becomes pending in Create requisition and an error occurs. APAR: IZ60383 Issue: 09-18327 Application: System-UI Description: The help link setting in the system property is not working. APAR: IZ60409 Issue: 09-18383 Application: System-UI Description: In Item Master application, if you are using Internet Explorer 7,an error occurs when you try to upload a jpg file. APAR: IZ60419 Issue: 09-18392 Application: Dbchange Description: If you installed a previous hot fix that contains MaxVar and you try to upgrade your system to a later version, a duplicated key error occurs. APAR: IZ60503 Issue: 09-18405 Application: Reports Description: QBR report is created but in a minimized window. APAR: IZ60506 Issue: 09-18454 Application: System-Obj Description: The description for US/Mountain is (GMT -8 DST/Y) Pacific Standard Time is wrong. APAR: IZ60456 Issue: 09-18522 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Inconsistency in Maximo core between individual and multiple record work order change status. APAR: IZ60547 Issue: 09-18525 Application: System-UI Description: In Application Designer, you cannot add a signature option to an attachment. APAR: IZ60600 Issue: 09-18526 Application: Inventory Description: In the Item Master application, if an item exists on one or more balance records at the item level, you cannot change the status of the item. APAR: IZ60566 Issue: 09-18535 Application: Contract Warranty Description: Person's location field view contracts receive error BMXAA4187E-Relationship called viewcontinput does not exist. APAR: IZ60597 Issue: 09-18536 Application: Job Plan Description: In the Job Plan application, when you create a job plan, add a flow action task to this job plan, and then add more tasks and save the job plan, all tasks are defined as flow action when you try to check all the tasks. APAR: IZ60604 Issue: 09-18588 Application: Kpi Manager Description: The information about the kpi graph is not being displayed. APAR: IZ60632 Issue: 09-18598 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Duplicate tool reservations are created on a WO when status changes. APAR: IZ60790 Issue: 09-18659 Application: System-UI Description: In the Result Set on the Start Center, you cannot display the federated data from an external source. APAR: IZ60784 Issue: 09-18661 Application: ITAM-RECON Description: In TAMIT, the task filter in the Assets application is not working as it should. APAR: IZ60817 Issue: 09-18709 Application: Inventory Description: A memory leak is occurring. APAR: IZ60858 Issue: 09-18710 Application: Dbchange Description: In the Assets (TR) application, you cannot create an asset. APAR: IZ60826 Issue: 09-18712 Application: Updatedb Description: The updatedb.bat file needs to be modified so that the IPV4 is set as the preferred stack. APAR: IZ60933 Issue: 09-18787 Application: System-UI Description: The option of filtering for a record and then selecting it is working incorrectly. APAR: IZ61294 Issue: 09-18800 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: If you duplicate a work order without duplicating the tasks related to this work order, the Storeroom and or Site attributes are editable when they should be read only. APAR: IZ61300 Issue: 09-18875 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: When you run a large report and try to page through this report from the initial report view, the system stops processing any other reports and an error occurs. APAR: IZ61302 Issue: 09-18877 Application: System-OBJ Description: There is not a method to define the RMI port for each instance. APAR: IZ61326 Issue: 09-18895 Application: Contract Purchase Description: Contract total cost values displays total of all contract lines regardless of revision, using Oracle Adapter integration. APAR: IZ61660 Issue: 09-18955 Application: Assets Description: On the Specification tab of the Assets application, if you select a classification for an asset that you have not already saved, the system does not display the classification. APAR: IZ61516 Issue: 09-18959 Application: Master Contracts Description: In the Warranty Contracts application, when you try to specify a cost for a row in a warranty contract, the total cost of the warranty contract is not updated. APAR: IZ61692 Issue: 09-19030 Application: System-Obj Description: Upgrade not removing MAXVARs causing Migration Manager to fail deployment. APAR: IZ60518 Issue: 09-19103 Application: Job Plan Description: In the Job Plan application, when you create a job plan, add a flow action task to this job plan, add more tasks and then save the job plan, all tasks are defined as flow action. APAR: IZ62194 Issue: 09-19269 Application: Logging Description: In the Logging application, if you use a cluster environment and you apply a new value to the log level, the setting is effective only to the JVM instance that you are connected to. On all other JVM instances, the setting is effective only after you restart them. APAR: IZ62164 Issue: 09-19271 Application: Assets Description: If you clone the Asset application, the cloned application uses the same permission setting as the one of the original application. APAR: IZ62263 Issue: 09-19334 Application: Migration Manager Description: A duplicated data dictionary group loses its core functionality such as Admin Mode enforcement and the invoking of DBCONFIG. APAR: IZ62302 Issue: 09-19367 Application; Migration Manager Description: Integration object structure's exclude/include files are migrated. APAR: IZ62549 Issue: 09-19556 Application: Start Center Configuration Description: In the Start Center, a 'Request page has not been generated' error is displayed on the report list portal. APAR: IZ62560 Issue: 09-19579 Application: MEA Description: Unable to define a load balanced Oracle connection string. APAR: IZ62607 Issue: 09-19621 Application: RPT-HARE ENG Description: Test connection for data source fails. APAR: IZ62668 Issue: 09-19734 Application: ESIG Description: The electronic signature application does not update the reason for all records changed on the logintracking table. APAR: IZ62704 Issue: 09-19759 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: If the The object structure web service xml schema is generated incorrectly if it has an object that has been used more than once on a single hierarchy path. APAR: IZ62719 Issue: 09-19780 Application: Master Contracts Description: In Maximo, when you copy a PR line to a contract, the Service and Material fields become required and the Item field is blank. APAR: IZ62752 Issue: 09-19821 Application: System-Obj Description: Data entered on Comm template when reassigning a record in WF Admin gets saved back to the Comm template. APAR: IZ62781 Issue: 09-19844 Application: Reporting - HARE REP Description: When you run a report and another user runs a report almost at the same time, both your siteauth condition and the siteauth condition from the other user are added to the report if both users belong to a group with limited site authorization level. APAR: IZ62828 Issue: 09-19914 Application: Performance Description: A connection leak occurs in Service Desk. APAR: IZ62827 Issue: 09-19915 Application: Performance Description: If a main record contains an attachment control, the system performance becomes slow when you try to open the main record and run the doc links related query. APAR: IZ62874 Issue: 09-19921 Application: Migration Manager Description: In the Migration Manager application, if you try to deploy a package, the following error occurs: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MAXTEST.MAXMENU_NDX2) violated." APAR: IZ62979 Issue: 09-20069 Application: Workflow Description: Some substitution variables do not substitute when reassigning a workflow assignment. APAR: IZ63037 Issue: 09-20072 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Measurement point should be blank on the WO tasks where a meter was not referenced in job plan. APAR: IZ63054 Issue: 09-20148 Application: System-Obj Description: Default value not working against "Estimated Duration" (WOACTIVITY.ESTDUR) in Work Order -> Activities and Tasks. APAR: IZ63064 Issue: 09-20182 Application: Item Master Description: In the Item Master application, you cannot set an item to obsolete if this item is attached to a canceled work order. APAR: IZ63065 Issue: 09-20183 Application: Receipts Description: Receiving rotating items, items which were deleted get registered as assets. APAR: IZ63101 Issue: 09-20262 Application: Upgrade Description: In DB2, upgrading from 6 to 7 fails on UPGRADELOADMETADATA03LOGINTRACKING.CLASS APAR: IZ63120 Issue: 09-20265 Application: Receipts Description: In the Receipts (Tr) application, the rights of the Select Item to Return are not available if you do not have the rights to the core application. APAR: IZ63118 Issue: 09-20268 Application: MEA Description: Object structure web service create operation not returning alt key. APAR: IZ63154 Issue: 09-20385 Application: All Description: When you try to delete cron task history records, the deletion process is slow and locks the tables. APAR: IZ63142 Issue: 09-20386 Application: Maximo Enterprise Adapter Description: In Maximo Enterprise Adapter, when you try to load xml information using cron tasks, the following error message is displayed: "ORA-00001: UNIQUE CONSTRAINT (NAASY1C.MAXINTMSGTRK_X1) VIOLATED." APAR: IZ63149 Issue: 09-20388 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Numeric value fields are not consistent in a Classification. APAR: IZ63182 Issue: 09-20393 Application: Inventory Description: Issuing material from Inventory app, entering new physical balance, reconcile balancing, item issued twice from storeroom. APAR: IZ63331 Issue: 09-20506 Application: System UI Description: Maximo request URL not working properly. APAR: IZ63360 Issue: 09-20539 Application: Assets Description: In the Assets application, when you specify a numeric value for an attribute in the specifications tab and then specify a value for another attribute, the first value specified is cleared. APAR: IZ63837 Issue: 09-20998 Application: System UI Description: Greater than and less than characters in substitution variables with double quotes appear incorrectly in the inbox. APAR: IZ63921 Issue: 09-21089 Application: Email List Description: Maximo, free form e-mail not processing with Outlook 2007 APAR: IZ64014 Issue: 09-21195 Application: ITAM-Recon Description: Exception - Unable to format system date APAR: IZ64128 Issue: 09-21274 Application: System UI Description: Wrapping issue for title on long description box. APAR: IZ64105 Issue: 09-21277 Application: System UI Description: New row is missing from the conditional expression form in the domain. APAR: IZ63698 Issue: 09-21323 Application: System UI Description: Stop Query button doesn't work. APAR: IZ64208 Issue: 09-21344 Application: Classcat Description: Classstructure.Java performance, related to APAR IZ48298 for SRM. APAR: IZ64359 Issue: 09-21414 Application: MEA Description: Null pointer exception on inbound if when object has a date field in primary key. APAR: IZ64379 Issue: 09-21423 Application: Assets Description: Toolbar missing after migration. APAR: IZ64398 Issue: 09-21502 Application: Reports Description: BIRT reporting time discrepancy when user profile contains an entry for time zone. APAR: IZ64495 Issue: 09-21517 Application: MEA Description: BMXAA4024E - External value crossreference is not in domain controltype. APAR: IZ64715 Issue: 09-21664 Application: Reports Description: Randomly the users get an error 500 when running reports. APAR: IZ64849 Issue: 09-21746 Application: PR Description: Client is getting error when adding a synonym domain to item status. APAR: IZ64902 Issue: 09-21790 Application: Security Groups Description: TAMIT 7.2: Condition specified in the synonym domain does not take effect. APAR: IZ64904 Issue: 09-21792 Application: System Object Description: TAMIT 7.2: Cannot add condition to a domain value without existing condition associated to it. APAR: IZ64975 Issue: 09-21901 Application: TDT Description: During pmpupdate title is updated to null in l_maxattribute/-cfg for records with only remarks in xliff files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Services fix pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR: IZ23889 Issue: 08-17113 Application: Integration framework Description: WONUM autokey values are being used up APAR: IZ29126 Issue: 08-19667 Application: System object Description: No attributes are added in Database Configuration during creation of MBO on federated table. APAR: IZ29220 Issue: 08-19781 Application: Integrity checker Description: Unknown domain type defined for domain APAR: IZ32505 Issue: 08-21714 Application: Assets Description: Error BMXAA0112E - Cannot move asset since ASSET 1 in SITE 2 already APAR: IZ35487 Issue: 08-23358 Application: System user interface Description: Client cannot restrict new asset option in Assets (Oil and Gas) APAR: IZ35631 Issue: 08-23473 Application: System user interface Description: Unable to change default query after entering app restriction APAR: IZ35736 Issue: 08-23622 Application: Assets Description: (Integration framework) Concurrent session issues when loading data into linear assets via integration framework APAR: IZ35933 Issue: 08-23758 Application: Default value lists Description: Client upgraded to 7.1 and field control has carried over and is causing issues. APAR: IZ36651 Issue: 08-24067 Application: Reports Description: The Labor Reporting BIRT report yields no data APAR: IZ37143 Issue: 08-24383 Application: Upgrade utility Description: Validation phase completes with error BMXAA0525E, but no errors found in validation log APAR: IZ37427 Issue: 08-24486 Application: Cron tasks Description: Parameter change doesn't work with VMMSYNC parameters until restart APAR: IZ37478 Issue: 08-24525 Application: Report Administration Description: Error BMXAA4118E - BOOLEAN FIELD IS BLANK AND REQUIRES A VALUE when clicking a New Report button APAR: IZ37821 Issue: 08-24717 Application: Report Administration Description: Error BMXAA5502E when e-mailing report if user record does not match person record APAR: IZ37851 Issue: 08-24761 Application: Reports Description: Inventory transaction reports error when storeroom data restrictions applied from Inventory application APAR: IZ38385 Issue: 08-24866 Application: Integration framework Description: Using integration framework, unable to change status using inbound tool transaction APAR: IZ38412 Issue: 08-24877 Application: System user interface Description: The Create SR application's Submit button conflicts with Workflows pop-up message box APAR: IZ38506 Issue: 08-24920 Application: System related Description: Duplicated related ticket record created with no class data when user does not have delete privilege in Incident application APAR: IZ38487 Issue: 08-24923 Application: Reports Description: Work order Pick report fails to include duplicate material items APAR: IZ38840 Issue: 08-25060 Application: System user interface Description: Asset installation date is shown one day ahead when application server and clients are in different time zones APAR: IZ39083 Issue: 08-25235 Application: Inventory Description: Rotating asset moves when issued but the wrong balances are updated APAR: IZ39106 Issue: 08-25312 Application: Start Center Description: Adding an order by to a query causes error BMXAA4210E APAR: IZ39309 Issue: 08-25350 Application: Reports Description: Location cost by system report returns 0 APAR: IZ39321 Issue: 08-25358 Application: Login Description: IZE() is leaking connections APAR: IZ39409 Issue: 08-25398 Application: Receipts Description: Transfer to capitalized rotating item uses incorrect GL debit acc APAR: IZ39416 Issue: 08-25399 Application: Solutions Description: Symptom, cause, and resolution data disappears from screen APAR: IZ39462 Issue: 08-25512 Application: Start Center Description: Template IDs are not stored for the portlet APAR: IZ39444 Issue: 08-25517 Application: Job Plans Description: Nested job plans do not work with PMs APAR: IZ39541 Issue: 08-25522 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: WOTASKRELATIONS should have an additional index on WONUM and SITEID APAR: IZ39720 Issue: 08-25536 Application: Solutions Description: Apostrophe (single quote) searches result in an error/hang APAR: IZ39821 Issue: 08-25555 Application: Changes Description: Predecessor field on task is empty on duplicate of change record APAR: IZ40000 Issue: 08-25582 Application: System related Description: Admin Mode hangs when placing cron tasks into sleep mode APAR: IZ39989 Issue: 08-25583 Application: Assets Description: Linear license problem APAR: IZ40147 Issue: 08-25607 Application: System user interface Description: Application Designer property filter expanded does not stay on APAR: IZ40175 Issue: 08-25617 Application: Classification catalog Description: Org becomes read-only when using the Move To option for child specification on attribute new row APAR: IZ40392 Issue: 08-25636 Application: Chart of Accounts Description: Maximo allows labor entry for a closed financial period APAR: IZ40376 Issue: 08-25639 Application: Integration framework Description: The integration framework failed when importing classifications with changes to CLASSSPECUSEWITH APAR: IZ40370 Issue: 08-25640 Application: Reports Description: Attachments to a PM do not print on a WO generated from that PM APAR: IZ40377 Issue: 08-25641 Application: Incidents Description: AFFECTED BY PERSON FILLS IN INACTIVE CONTACT IN INCIDENT APPLICATION APAR: IZ40478 Issue: 08-25661 Application: E-mail listener Description: E-mail listener used to close a ticker results in exception APAR: IZ40481 Issue: 08-25662 Application: Integration framework Description: With SSL turned on for app server, unable to granularly unprotect APAR: IZ40634 Issue: 08-25674 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Poor performance when saving a work order with job plans APAR: IZ40635 Issue: 08-25676 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Poor performance when saving a work order with job plans #2 APAR: IZ40666 Issue: 08-25689 Application: System object Description: Admin Mode cannot be turned off in multiple-server clustered environment except through the backend APAR: IZ40731 Issue: 08-25706 Application: System related Description: Invalid binding in Select Predecessor window in Work Order Tracking APAR: IZ40908 Issue: 09-10058 Application: Assets Description: Unable to associate multiple meters/points to an asset APAR: IZ40966 Issue: 09-10071 Application: Assets Description: Locations drill down not sorting alphabetically APAR: IZ41179 Issue: 09-10146 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Communication Log attachment has been attaching itself to every work order APAR: IZ41247 Issue: 09-10163 Application: Application Designer Description: Cannot select presentation level of app to get to the presentation properties APAR: IZ41257 Issue: 09-10172 Application: Classification Catalog Description: The default alphanumeric value is added to the generated description even if Generate Description is not checked APAR: IZ41259 Issue: 09-10173 Application: System user interface Description: Incorrect system date-time when in date and time fields APAR: IZ41263 Issue: 09-10174 Application: Purchase Orders Description: Maximo does not show * on Item field as mandatory on PO line and PR line APAR: IZ41658 Issue: 09-10190 Application: Integrity Checker Description: Setting the storage partition to null for text search indexes APAR: IZ41796 Issue: 09-10221 Application: Upgrade utility Description: Domain type validation fails during integrity check in non-English environments APAR: IZ41878 Issue: 09-10228 Application: Migration Manager Description: A package created in a clustered environment sometimes cannot be activated APAR: IZ41906 Issue: 09-10249 Application: Application Designer Description: Image Not Found icon appears when rolling over the key value field APAR: IZ42128 Issue: 09-10255 Application: System related Description: Disable the auto bulletin board message when Admin Mode is turned on APAR: IZ42125 Issue: 09-10272 Application: Reports Description: BMXAA5214E - An unknown error has occurred. APAR: IZ42183 Issue: 09-10279 Application: Reports Description: Data was displayed incorrectly APAR: IZ42171 Issue: 09-10280 Application: System UI Description: Hitting Enter key to confirm DBCS characters in the filter field launches searching on the List tab. APAR: IZ42264 Issue: 09-10316 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Application restriction for Tasks for Work Order table does not work APAR: IZ42348 Issue: 09-10365 Application: Upgrade utility Description: Missing integrity check to identify tables that are defined in MAXTABLE but not defined in MAXOBJECT APAR: IZ42406 Issue: 09-10374 Application: Workflow Description: Workflow button doesn't show the correct status when process launches a dialog APAR: IZ42408 Issue: 09-10375 Application: Classification Catalog Description: Integration framework fails to update CLASSIFICATION.DESCRIPTION when it updates CLASSSTRUCTURE.DESCRIPTION when importing APAR: IZ42405 Issue: 09-10376 Application: Assets Description: View Work Details action will not display work orders that have a closed status APAR: IZ42471 Issue: 09-10452 Application: Reports Description: Work Order Detail report fails with max open exceeded after having max=900. APAR: IZ42637 Issue: 09-10478 Application: Configuration Items Description: Error displayed trying to relate a record to itself APAR: IZ42652 Issue: 09-10483 Application: Actual CI Description: The reconciliation full CI comparison is not comparing related. APAR: IZ42684 Issue: 09-10487 Application: Communication Template Description: Notification of escalation gets repeated APAR: IZ42680 Issue: 09-10504 Application: Classification Catalog Description: Inconsistency when clicking on Classification Description and getting Select Value you get all classifications APAR: IZ42714 Issue: 09-10505 Application: Locations Description: System cannot be flagged as primary if it is the only system in the site and is not flagged as primary upon creation APAR: IZ42689 Issue: 09-10507 Application: DBChange Utility Description: CONFIGDB fails with error when configuring MULTIASSETLOCCIPR APAR: IZ42188 Issue: 09-10508 Application: Service Desk Description: Affected / Reported By name lookup failure for duplicate person display names APAR: IZ42793 Issue: 09-10562 Application: System user interface Description: Calendar lookup skips the month of February APAR: IZ42795 Issue: 09-10572 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Poor performance when saving a work order with job plans #3 APAR: IZ42976 Issue: 09-10655 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: 'Update Workorder set first APPRSTATUS' statement in 7.1.14, takes days in a large database. APAR: IZ42980 Issue: 09-10660 Application: System related Description: Cannot use Korean OU for group VMM Sync APAR: IZ43138 Issue: 09-10705 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: When work order has children, changing status on parent does not send outbound text APAR: IZ43196 Issue: 09-10893 Application: System Obj Description: When turning the admin on, all logged in users are receiving six e-mail notifications rather than one. APAR: IZ43199 Issue: 09-10736 Application: Reports Description: Service level exception not including closed status incident records that have dates showing breach of SLA APAR: IZ43203 Issue: 09-10737 Application: Domains Description: Length is grayed out when adding LONGALN data type to ALN domain APAR: IZ43280 Issue: 09-10773 Application: Receipts Description: Rotating asset can be received without being numbered APAR: IZ43282 Issue: 09-10774 Application: Reports Description: SLA list reports error - invalid expression to retrieve value in PRESENTATION.DATA.ENGINE APAR: IZ43337 Issue: 09-10809 Application: System user interface Description: Default values not working correctly in APAR: IZ43338 Issue: 09-10808 Application: Release Description: User shouldn't be thrown out of the dialog box after clicking on OK on the message BMXAA5768E - Please select part of the time. APAR: IZ43576 Issue: 09-10860 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Report downtime does not return correct time APAR: IZ43587 Issue: 09-10894 Application: Upgrade utility Description: Upgrade is trying to create an index named MAXSYSKEYS_NDX1, but the database already has an index with that name APAR: IZ43712 Issue: 09-10941 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: Average Meter Units/Day not calculating correctly using the SLIDING calculation methods APAR: IZ43633 Issue: 09-10897 Application: Reports Description: Create report in Lab Reporting gives unknown error when submitting. APAR: IZ43673 Issue: 09-10943 Application: Configure Description: Error when adding a new user: Boolean field is blank and requires a value APAR: IZ43830 Issue: 09-11009 Application: Classification Catalog Description: Classification search is not working for Assets application APAR: IZ43823 Issue: 09-11011 Application: Integration framework Description: Data migration issue APAR: IZ43840 Issue: 09-11022 Application: Reports Description: Using Chinese characters in parameters, cannot run a hyperlink from first report to second report APAR: IZ44038 Issue: 09-11099 Application: ITAM Reconciliation Description: Reconciliation rules in Migration Manager package cannot be deployed APAR: IZ44072 Issue: 09-11119 Application: System related Description: List tab does not wrap nor truncate long data strings in Description field APAR: IZ41173 Issue: 09-11147 Application: Configuration Items Description: Don't stop adding configuration items to collection on first duplicate APAR: IZ44184 Issue: 09-11207 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Activities and tasks not copied over to new work order APAR: IZ44233 Issue: 09-11211 Application: Classification Catalog Description: We would like the integration facility to import data from an existing customer-written database APAR: IZ44290 Issue: 09-11269 Application: Security Groups Description: VMMSYNC cron task for LDAP with mapping EMAILPSWD = 0 fails to sync users APAR: IZ44300 Issue: 09-11270 Application: Invoice Description: Cannot approve invoice APAR: IZ44498 Issue: 09-11283 Application: Reports Description: Incorrect output in BIRT version of Inventory Balance report APAR: IZ44420 Issue: 09-11316 Application: Application Designer Description: Problem with Change Status action in cloned app APAR: IZ44582 Issue: 09-11322 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: Job plan lookup not working from PM Advanced Search APAR: IZ44553 Issue: 09-11323 Application: Assets Description: Asset Manage Downtime History dialog not displaying filter fields when selected APAR: IZ44585 Issue: 09-11351 Application: Start Center Description: Report list portlet option not in Security Groups APAR: IZ44602 Issue: 09-11356 Application: System object Description: Admin Mode request must be reflected on all JVMs at all times but this is not stable APAR: IZ44645 Issue: 09-11374 Application: Reports Description: Failure class hierarchy BIRT report shows remedies outside of the failure class specified APAR: IZ44677 Issue: 09-11407 Application: Attached documents Description: Error DOCLINK#ERRORPRINTTHRULINK when attaching an unknown document type in the Create SR app APAR: IZ44675 Issue: 09-11408 Application: Security Groups Description: Forgot Password functionality is not changing the password APAR: IZ44682 Issue: 09-11409 Application: System user interface Description: HttpGZIPFilter with Korean language causes corrupt characters APAR: IZ44755 Issue: 09-11450 Application: System user interface Description: Maximo hangs when listing incidents APAR: IZ44784 Issue: 09-11461 Application: Locations Description: Location CONTROLACC when added to screen is read-only and type is Labor APAR: IZ44796 Issue: 09-11465 Application: System user interface Description: Return with value functionality is not refreshing APAR: IZ44828 Issue: 09-11487 Application: Integration framework Description: After installing, import preview does not display Details dialog APAR: IZ44820 Issue: 09-11491 Application: Migration Manager Description: Migration issue with Start Center templates APAR: IZ44835 Issue: 09-11493 Application: System object Description: Searching for Turkish uppercase dotted I does not correctly map to lowercase dotted/undotted I APAR: IZ44827 Issue: 09-11495 Application: Start Center Description: Imported start centers not working correctly APAR: IZ44893 Issue: 09-11507 Application: Start Center Description: Error: SQL0805N NULLID.SYSLH203 APAR: IZ44911 Issue: 09-11525 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Task route stops are placed in child table on a work order if a job plan is first applied APAR: IZ44919 Issue: 09-11527 Application: All Description: JavaScript error when selecting Direct Print button from the Job Plan application APAR: IZ44950 Issue: 09-11538 Application: Purchase Orders Description: Unexpected behavior with crossover domain from PR to PO APAR: IZ44928 Issue: 09-11539 Application: Classification Catalog Description: Issue with classifications advanced search APAR: IZ44966 Issue: 09-11567 Application: Migration Manager Description: Error: PSDI.UTIL.MXAPPLICATIONEXCEPTION: BMXAA4129E APAR: IZ45167 Issue: 09-11606 Application: Reports Description: Labor Utilization Report returns no data and has EAGLENA hardcoded for the ORGID APAR: IZ45168 Issue: 09-11613 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: No value is returned in the Location field of the search APAR: IZ45222 Issue: 09-11616 Application: Reports Description: Inventory balance report does not display the last issue date APAR: IZ45229 Issue: 09-11617 Application: System object Description: Date preview shows an empty list when selecting every 1 month on day 31 while system date is set to a month with 30 days APAR: IZ45334 Issue: 09-11691 Application: Application Designer Description: CREATESR application fails to save in Application Designer APAR: IZ45406 Issue: 09-11700 Application: Person Description: Integration framework: updating a person record deletes the email and phone information if not included on the XML APAR: IZ45612 Issue: 09-11794 Application: Application Designer Description: (Transportation) Cloning removes tag, found only in Transportation applications, in cloned app and original app APAR: IZ45536 Issue: 09-11795 Application: Reports Description: EAGLENA is hardcoded in the master contract details report APAR: IZ45597 Issue: 09-11796 Application: Migration Manager Description: Where clause validation failure for a valid statement APAR: IZ45672 Issue: 09-11802 Application: System user interface Description: Long Description icon does not disappear when set to None APAR: IZ45663 Issue: 09-11803 Application: Job Plans Description: Job plan task attachment does not propagate to the Work Order/Change app APAR: IZ45675 Issue: 09-11841 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Job plan processing performance can be improved APAR: IZ45706 Issue: 09-11843 Application: Changes Description: Work log will get carried over on duplicated change records APAR: IZ45712 Issue: 09-11845 Application: ITAM Reconciliation Description: Asset/CI linking using reconciliation task and Asset/CI data sets APAR: IZ45760 Issue: 09-11879 Application: System user interface Description: Unable to terminate session with LDAP enabled APAR: IZ45781 Issue: 09-11882 Application: Changes Description: Extra children of change record created when using New Row > Select Assets in Changes > Plans APAR: IZ45148 Issue: 09-11885 Application: System user interface Description: Error SRVE0068E is logged in SYSTEMOUT.LOG several times a day APAR: IZ45856 Issue: 09-11894 Application: Translation Data Toolkit Description: Tdtoolkit takes a long time to process values in upgrade from Maximo 6 to Maximo 7 APAR: IZ44905 Issue: 09-11941 Application: Start Center Description: SRM 7103 and MBS 7114 removed the Order By from SR result sets APAR: IZ46041 Issue: 09-11944 Application: System user interface Description: Memory leak in APAR: IZ46118 Issue: 09-11978 Application: System user interface Description: Date picker is returning incorrect date values. When selecting date for second time, it is returning plus or minus one day. APAR: IZ46713 Issue: 09-12006 Application: System object Description: 911 lock timeout errors are causing performance problems APAR: IZ46683 Issue: 09-12007 Application: Integration framework Description: XMLFILECONSUMER cron task not closing producers or consumers APAR: IZ46759 Issue: 09-12010 Application: Bulletin Board Description: Bulletin board is holding a large amount of memory, causing SQL0805N NULLID.SYSLH203 error APAR: IZ46764 Issue: 09-12044 Application: Report Administration Description: JavaScript error while running reports in APAR: IZ46770 Issue: 09-12047 Application: Labor Reporting Description: The labor GL account is being overwritten when associating a location APAR: IZ46822 Issue: 09-12054 Application: Ticket Templates Description: Error: Record already exists for ticket when selecting owner in the Incidents app APAR: IZ46917 Issue: 09-12106 Application: System user interface Description: Unable to switch UI language when application server security with forms-based login is enabled APAR: IZ46969 Issue: 09-12146 Application: Upgrade utility Description: An error occurs while executing the UPGRADEITEMORGINFO application callout APAR: IZ47006 Issue: 09-12147 Application: Classification Catalog Description: Record already exists APAR: IZ47204 Issue: 09-12168 Application: Receipts Description: When you have a stock tool on PO with distribute cost, you receive an error when trying to receive the stock tool APAR: IZ47222 Issue: 09-12169 Application: Migration Manager Description: Changing package status from APPR to WAPPR or INPR or UNLOCKED APAR: IZ47197 Issue: 09-12170 Application: System user interface Description: Scheduling reports requires repeated clicking on Month Up arrow icon APAR: IZ47257 Issue: 09-12180 Application: System object Description: LDAPSYNC released with cannot run two LDAPSYNC cron tasks because the second one generates a unique constraint error APAR: IZ47390 Issue: 09-12212 Application: Issues and transfers Description: Unable to issue to a person using Issues and Transfers application APAR: IZ47447 Issue: 09-12217 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Error when clicking on a task or activity of a canceled work order APAR: IZ47450 Issue: 09-12249 Application: System Properties Description: Restoring the global defaults of the MAIL.SMTP.HOST parameter does not prevent e-mail messages APAR: IZ47476 Issue: 09-12252 Application: Start Center Description: Error MXAA4025E - No external default value found for internal value #800080 in domain PORTLETCOLOR. APAR: IZ47483 Issue: 09-12259 Application: Reports Description: The Login History report in 7112, Oracle 10G, doesn't display the correct date format APAR: IZ47010 Issue: 09-12266 Application: Communication Template Description: E-mail is sent even if the incident record has not yet saved APAR: IZ47523 Issue: 09-12271 Application: Reports Description: Work order details services section does not show actuals if they were from an invoice APAR: IZ47601 Issue: 09-12296 Application: Migration Manager Description: the Migration Manager restricts selection of certain groups when preparing packages APAR: IZ47676 Issue: 09-12325 Application: Ad Hoc Reports Description: In French language only, received system message REPORTS#FAILEDTO CREATELISTREPORT when tried to create a report APAR: IZ47705 Issue: 09-12328 Application: System user interface Description: Password masking feature for input mode in Application Designer is not enforced APAR: IZ47727 Issue: 09-12338 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: Location not populated for the asset on a work order generated from a PM cron task APAR: IZ47801 Issue: 09-12360 Application: Job Plans Description: Duplicated job plan with JPTASKRELATION are duplicated twice APAR: IZ47988 Issue: 09-12430 Application: System user interface Description: Searching drill down issues APAR: IZ48033 Issue: 09-12495 Application: Integration framework Description: Unable to override recurrence in MAXIMOEVENTFILTER APAR: IZ48061 Issue: 09-12496 Application: System Description: The validate() method is not called by the framework when a field validation is set up on a Long Description field APAR: IZ48059 Issue: 09-12497 Application: Items Description: Workflow allows an item to change status to OBSOLETE when the Item Master application would not allow it APAR: IZ48087 Issue: 09-12521 Application: Security Authentication Description: After applying hot fix 008, VMMSYNC function does not synchronize APAR: IZ48064 Issue: 09-12524 Application: System related Description: Communication template sent to wrong person when using workflow escalation APAR: IZ48088 Issue: 09-12579 Application: Start Center Description: Graph view showing all SR records despite restriction APAR: IZ48263 Issue: 09-12647 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Changing work order to Comp status returns error message and opens old unrelated work order APAR: IZ48265 Issue: 09-12648 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Downtime reporting on work order is recording canceled input APAR: IZ48281 Issue: 09-12677 Application: Translation data toolkit Description: Out of memory errors APAR: IZ48443 Issue: 09-12725 Application: Locations Description: If a security group only as read access to locations in the Locations app, users are not able to do an attribute search APAR: IZ48487 Issue: 09-12729 Application: Warranty Contracts Description: Approve Warranty contract option is not available in Security Groups > Application > Warranty Contracts APAR: IZ48595 Issue: 09-12812 Application: Database data Description: Integrity Checker failure with default value lists - TRANSPORTATION - CUSTOM FIELD APAR: IZ48621 Issue: 09-12814 Application: Report Administration Description: Where clause handling for reports fails APAR: IZ48624 Issue: 09-12818 Application: Reports Description: Identical documents attached to multiple work orders do not print when the work orders are printed at the same time APAR: IZ48678 Issue: 09-12824 Application: Receipts Description: Error BMXAA2660E - Storeroom boiler is not a valid inventory location APAR: IZ48677 Issue: 09-12843 Application: Assets Description: Invalid binding in Assets > Advanced Search > Rotating Item > Select Value APAR: IZ49115 Issue: 09-12880 Application: Assets Description: If you populate the rotating item field then remove it before saving, the record does not clear the Item Type field APAR: IZ39742 Issue: 09-12909 Application: Translation data toolkit Description: Toolbar buttons and Action Menu items disappeared in three applications APAR: IZ49152 Issue: 09-12925 Application: Reporting Description: User able to create report from site that user has no privileges to APAR: IZ49479 Issue: 09-13033 Application: System user interface Description: Show menu lost in 600 users run APAR: IZ49478 Issue: 09-13034 Application: System user interface Description: Lookup and dialog lost in 600 users run APAR: IZ49437 Issue: 09-13035 Application: System user interface Description: Users are not required to reauthenticate when refreshing browser after using the Back button APAR: IZ49499 Issue: 09-13065 Application: Integration framework Description: Integration framework MICUTIL.GETKEYARRAY issue when alternate key is modified APAR: IZ49494 Issue: 09-13067 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Problem with person ID and user ID when creating an asset APAR: IZ49640 Issue: 09-13136 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Can approve with negative available balances APAR: IZ49642 Issue: 09-13151 Application: Purchase Requisitions Description: Currency conversion not taking place for some types APAR: IZ49605 Issue: 09-13152 Application: Changes Description: Record type for Change, new activity is incorrect APAR: IZ49664 Issue: 09-13154 Application: Job Plans Description: Job plan does not write transaction in integration although listener is enabled APAR: IZ49871 Issue: 09-13267 Application: System related Description: Error BMXAA4407E - A nested exception caused the WORKFLOWPROCESS to fail - null APAR: IZ49892 Issue: 09-13299 Application: Start Center Description: Sorting a column in the Workflow Inbox by a column header and then hitting Refresh for the list causes the icon to show a broken link APAR: IZ50048 Issue: 09-13344 Application: System user interface Description: SIGOPTIONS on a tab control are not working correctly for conditional UI APAR: IZ50157 Issue: 09-13363 Application: Start Center Description: Editing parts of Start Centers APAR: IZ50200 Issue: 09-13426 Application: Assets Description: The calendar appears behind the Report Downtime dialog and is not accessible APAR: IZ50197 Issue: 09-13427 Application: System object Description: LDAPSYNC get value from LDAP, test for null, then trims. Space can result in null. Required field ??? is blank. APAR: IZ50261 Issue: 09-13468 Application: Assets Description: When moving a capitalized rotating asset back to stores, the LOCATION.CONTROLLACC is debited instead of INVCOST APAR: IZ50327 Issue: 09-13517 Application: Classification Catalog Description: Attribute search doesn't have an efficient SQL query command APAR: IZ50663 Issue: 09-13640 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Communication log created an attached doc for every record APAR: IZ50664 Issue: 09-13649 Application: System object Description: Searching with commas in a description field results in a database error APAR: IZ50765 Issue: 09-13693 Application: Invoices Description: Cannot copy PO lines on an invoice that is referencing a price contract. The following error is displayed: BMXAA0799E APAR: IZ50781 Issue: 09-13715 Application: ITAM Software Contracts Description: Software contract has wrong status after duplicate APAR: IZ50798 Issue: 09-13720 Application: Reports Description: Jprint bug causing some PDFs to fail APAR: IZ50797 Issue: 09-13721 Application: Reports Description: Scanned PDF attachments are not printing via direct print APAR: IZ58078 Issue: 09-13794 Application: System Description: Go To menu does not launch the correct duplicated application when security is removed from the core application APAR: IZ50882 Issue: 09-13798 Application: Assets Description: Error BMXAA2660E - Storeroom HWSTOCK is not a valid inventory location APAR: IZ51051 Issue: 09-13867 Application: Purchase Orders Description: PO is getting closed on receipt if pay on receipt flag is chosen and the option to automatically close POs on invoice is not checked APAR: IZ51061 Issue: 09-13870 Application: Integration framework Description: Integration framework file reprocessing does not correctly handle error messages that contain end of message markers APAR: IZ51139 Issue: 09-13913 Application: System related Description: User can't associate or delete users or custodians on the Assets application if new or delete options are not granted to the security group APAR: IZ51560 Issue: 09-14103 Application: Issues and transfers Description: MATUSETRANS records are being updated when TXN errors APAR: IZ51707 Issue: 09-14196 Application: Job Plans Description: Job plan selection and flow action is read only APAR: IZ51656 Issue: 09-14325 Application: All Description: Unchecked SR and Incident records status was changed APAR: IZ52106 Issue: 09-14341 Application: Start Center Description: Quick insert portlet will only support one ticket template APAR: IZ52609 Issue: 09-14663 Application: System objects Description: Lack of stack traces in fetch limit logging -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Services fix pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR: IZ25543 Issue: 08-17806 Application: Workflow Designer Description: Error occurs when revising a workflow. APAR: IZ26724 Issue: 08-18476 Application: Assets Description: Cannot change the length of the ASSETNUM field. APAR: IZ27970 Issue: 08-18922 Application: Changes Description: Third-level nested job plan saves a change instead of a linked activity. APAR: IZ29846 Issue: 08-20194 Application: All Description: In Application Designer, where clause value is lost. APAR: IZ30079 Issue: 08-20419 Application: All Description: Performance issues occur when checking selecting records on List tab. APAR: IZ30206 Issue: 08-20458 Application: All Description: Browser printing function cannot print full pages when an application has multiple pages. APAR: IZ30269 Issue: 08-20514 Application: Report Administration Description: Direct print does not work in BIRT. APAR: IZ30488 Issue: 08-20594 Application: ITAM Description: All data types of CHAR are improperly mapped by Integration Composer. APAR: IZ30657 Issue: 08-20706 Application: Lease Contracts Description: WSTART displays as status option of an approved rental/lease contract. APAR: IZ31076 Issue: 08-21155 Application: Actual CIs Description: Last modified time displays incorrectly. APAR: IZ31188 Issue: 08-21121 Application: All Description: Workflow canvas does not display. APAR: IZ31200 Issue: 08-21126 Application: Workflow Designer Description: In Workflow Designer, cannot activate or inactivate a toolbar button. APAR: IZ31242 Issue: 08-21167 Application: All Description: Performance issues occur when selecting check boxes. APAR: IZ31244 Issue: 08-21164 Application: Labor Reporting Description: Tab key does not work in single-page applications. APAR: IZ31380 Issue: 08-21303 Application: E-mail Listener Description: When an incoming e-mail is received, search for the sender is case-sensitive. APAR: IZ31411 Issue: 08-21305 Application: ITAM Description: Memory error occurs in Integration Composer. APAR: IZ31446 Issue: 08-21319 Application: Migration Manager Description: Cannot deploy a change that calls for an attribute to be added to an object that is audit-enabled. APAR: IZ31447 Issue: 08-21316 Application: Configuration Description: Error occurs when initializing cache. APAR: IZ31485 Issue: 08-21315 Application: Application Designer Description: Adding new text box in Application Designer does not create a new control ID. APAR: IZ31719 Issue: 08-21376 Application: Report Administration Description: Reporting error occurs. APAR: IZ31731 Issue: 08-21377 Application: Incident Description: Application restrictions not working correctly. APAR: IZ31779 Issue: 08-21431 Application: Classifications Description: Search value is read-only during a classification search. APAR: IZ31814 Issue: 08-21437 Application: Configuration Description: Database privileges to views are lost after configuring on DB2. APAR: IZ31854 Issue: 08-21469 Application: All Description: Performance problem occurs with Tab key. APAR: IZ31925 Issue: 08-21514 Application: Integration Description: Transaction IDs are missing in GL interface table. APAR: IZ31907 Issue: 08-21515 Application: Report Administration Description: Direct print problem occurs after first user logs out. APAR: IZ32350 Issue: 08-21644 Application: Locations Description: For Locations integration, LOCATIONS.PARENT attribute must be populated. Issue: 08-21698 Application: Report Administration Description: Memory leak when running BIRT to display report output. Using Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 7, if a number of BIRT Reports are executed from the same report browser, the memory usage of iexplore.exe grows progressively. If the reports are large and complex, the report browser can hang. Workaround: Close the report browser after executing a few reports to release memory. APAR: IZ32502 Issue: 08-21716 Application: Migration Manager Description: When user ID and person ID do not match for a user record,migration package deployment sets person ID to user ID. APAR: IZ32571 Issue: 08-21754 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: Quick insert setup for apps that contain an underscore in their name causes error. APAR: IZ32596 Issue: 08-21779 Application: All Description: In the Select Date and Time dialog box, hours appear incorrectly. APAR: IZ32883 Issue: 08-21883 Application: Integrity Checker Description: Integrity checker problem with user-defined data type. APAR: IZ33066 Issue: 08-21964 Application: All Description: Problem viewing attachments in web browser. APAR: IZ33200 Issue: 08-22027 Application: All Description: Cannot create interface tables with hotfix applied. APAR: IZ33444 Issue: 08-22148 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Asset/Location priority that is on the parent work order does not copy to the task work order. APAR: IZ33446 Issue: 08-22215 Application: Bulletin Board Description: Performance problems occur when there are a large number of messages in Maximo bulletin board. APAR: IZ33603 Issue: 08-22255 Application: All Description: Instance properties are not loaded when Maximo application server name does not match name in MAXIMO.PROPERTIES file. APAR: IZ33820 Issue: 08-22479 Application: Assets Description: Maximo does not delete a relationship when a linear asset is deleted. APAR: IZ34021 Issue: 08-22584 Application: Incident Description: Inactive person appears in Reported By field. APAR: IZ34135 Issue: 08-22611 Application: All Description: Validation error in Premium Pay Code field. APAR: IZ34219 Issue: 08-22714 Application: All Description: Cannot set restrictions in single-page custom applications. APAR: IZ34249 Issue: 08-22742 Application: All Description: Search More dialog box contains invalid binding errors. APAR: IZ34256 Issue: 08-22743 Application: ALL Description: Workflow routing button is disabled. APAR: IZ34254 Issue: 08-22745 Application: All Description: Notification e-mails are sent to all users instead of only ones that are logged in. APAR: IZ34258 Issue: 08-22787 Application: All Description: Hidden fields display after applying APAR: IZ34322 Issue: 08-22788 Application: Purchase Requisitions Description: Error occurs when creating a PO from a PR that references a contract. APAR: IZ34259 Issue: 08-22792 Application: All Description: Main tab calendars not working correctly. APAR: IZ34145 Issue: 08-22839 Application: Purchase Orders Description: Users can change the order quantity in a PO to a quantity less than already received. APAR: IZ34679 Issue: 08-22907 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: Color error occurs in Start Center. APAR: IZ34974 Issue: 08-22991 Application: Application Designer Description: Setting part two of a multi-part text box to read-only does not work. APAR: IZ35160 Issue: 08-23200 Application: All Description: Scroll bar for attachments does not work correctly. APAR: IZ35168 Issue: 08-23130 Application: Cron Task Setup Description: Cron task can run twice. APAR: IZ35527 Issue: 08-23435 Application: ITAM Description: Integration Composer does not batch update classes. APAR: IZ35592 Issue: 08-23467 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: When specifying a query to a portlet, cannot sort by column. APAR: IZ35627 Issue: 08-23470 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: Condition attribute cannot be entered manually in Start Center set up. APAR: IZ35598 Issue: 08-23472 Application: ITAM Description: Memory error occurs with DPA adapters. APAR: IZ35676 Issue: 08-23596 Application: Assets Description: Error occurs with 50 or more children in drill down hierarchy. APAR: IZ35852 Issue: 08-23692 Application: All Description: RMI invocation of objects results in an error due to a mismatch in files. APAR: IZ35872 Issue: 08-23694 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: Clicking on new result set graph brings up a blank page. APAR: IZ36016 Issue: 08-23755 Application: TADDM Description: Security authorization synchronization does not work in TADDM. APAR: IZ36139 Issue: 08-23836 Application: Report Administration Description: Attachments do not print with detail report. APAR: IZ36177 Issue: 08-23840 Application: All Description: Incorrect message displays. APAR: IZ36185 Issue: 08-23855 Application: Classifications Description: Unable to assign a classification to a tool attached to rotating assets. APAR: IZ36189 Issue: 08-23857 Application: All Description: Calendar control disappears. APAR: IZ36190 Issue: 08-23858 Application: All Description: Calendar control disappears. APAR: IZ36473 Issue: 08-23919 Application: All Description: Wrong date displays. APAR: IZ36477 Issue: 08-23921 Application: All Description: Error message needs more detail. APAR: IZ36475 Issue: 08-23923 Application: All Description: Text from List tab does not get truncated correctly. APAR: IZ36501 Issue: 08-23979 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: Error occurs in result set filters of attributes with an underscore in the name. APAR: IZ36604 Issue: 08-24051 Application: Service Requests Description: Cannot import ticket templates via integration framework. APAR: IZ36245 Issue: 08-24086 Application: Assets Description: Incorrect location appears when item number does not validate via Integration framework. APAR: IZ36710 Issue: 08-24123 Application: Application Designer Description: Value entered in WHERE clause causes unknown error. APAR: IZ36700 Issue: 08-24127 Application: Assets Description: Maximo generates incorrect description for asset record. APAR: IZ36739 Issue: 08-24129 Application: All Description: Need to validate all incomplete configuration changes. APAR: IZ36764 Issue: 08-24185 Application: Integration Description: Integration framework can only consume XML for file Import functionality of UTF-8 encoding. APAR: IZ36920 Issue: 08-24229 Application: All Description: Error occurs when WHERE clause contains 1=1. APAR: IZ36975 Issue: 08-24264 Application: All Description: When logging level is changed, integration framework locks messages in the queues. APAR: IZ37057 Issue: 08-24307 Application: All Description: Images are not absolute even when set as such. APAR: IZ37093 Issue: 08-24331 Application: All Description: Cannot delete in Long Description field. APAR: IZ37094 Issue: 08-24332 Application: Chart of Accounts Description: Edit Dialogs button does not work. APAR: IZ37097 Issue: 08-24336 Application: Inventory Description: Cannot record item availability in reorder preview screen. APAR: IZ37154 Issue: 08-24387 Application: All Description: Tab error occurs after editing a field. APAR: IZ37368 Issue: 08-24481 Application: Assets Description: Move/Modify Asset dialog box does not filter records. APAR: IZ37479 Issue: 08-24528 Application: Report Administration Description: Direct Print icon does not work. APAR: IZ37774 Issue: 08-24695 Application: All Description: Date format error occurs. APAR: IZ37785 Issue: 08-24714 Application: Incidents Description: Access modifier is not used when deleting a Maximo business object. APAR: IZ37450 Issue: 08-24762 Application: All Description: User needs delete privileges to cancel attachment creation. APAR: IZ37834 Issue: 08-24763 Application: All Description: Values for third column do not display when downloading system properties. APAR: IZ37946 Issue: 08-24783 Application: All Description: Users with read-only access cannot cancel attachment creation. APAR: IZ37911 Issue: 08-24784 Application: Configuration Description: Value of MAXSYSINDEXES.CLUSTERRULE is incorrect. APAR: IZ38282 Issue: 08-24821 Application: All Description: MAXVARS updates are not written to log when applying APAR: IZ38341 Issue: 08-24850 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: When duplicating a work order with a hierarchy, tasks from the activity/job plan are visible on the new work order before saving the record. APAR: IZ39641 Issue: 08-25527 Application: ITAM Reconciliation Description: Making measure unit optional for comparison rules -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Services fix pack -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR: IZ24840 ISSUE: 08-17504 Application: Application Designer Description: Japanese translation incomplete. APAR: IZ25897 ISSUE: 08-17957 Application: Ticket Templates Description: Job Plan Description doesn't copy to template. APAR: IZ25946 ISSUE: 08-18016 Application: All Description: Crontask VMMSYNC instance VMMSYNC01 ldap sync task sets an invalid value into person record in field 'VIP.' APAR: IZ26566 ISSUE: 08-18363 Application: Classifications Description: Apply Down Hierarchy does not work. APAR: IZ26722 ISSUE: 08-18475 Application: Configure Description: Federated table in CCMDB 7.1.1 which comes with base services is not working. APAR: IZ26692 ISSUE: 08-18477 Application: All Description: Error occurs when exporting custom applications. APAR: IZ26878 ISSUE: 08-18582 Application: Application Designer Description: Error occurs when trying to modify a field's properties. APAR: IZ26949 ISSUE: 08-18588 Application: Warranty Contracts Description: Can't associate more than one asset on a warranty contract. APAR: IZ26906 ISSUE: 08-18593 Application: All Description: Read-only combo box can still be edited. APAR: IZ27040 ISSUE: 08-18620 Application: Reorder Description: Expected list of items to be reordered does not come up after clicking Preview. APAR: IZ27272 ISSUE: 08-18663 Application: All Description: Cannot delete attached document records in the Change application if the user's security group does not have Delete rights to the Change app and does not have rights to all sites. APAR: IZ27244 ISSUE: 08-18667 Application: Application Designer Description: Cannot remove default property in Application Designer. APAR: IZ27527 ISSUE: 08-18737 Application: All Description: Error occurs in date/time select dialog. APAR: IZ27545 ISSUE: 08-18738 Application: DRILLDOWN Description: Wrong Asset is getting selected from drill down. APAR: IZ27591 ISSUE: 08-18791 Application: SECURITY AUTHENTICATION Description: Case-sensitive and mixed-case passwords fail at log in. APAR: IZ27869 ISSUE: 08-18905 Application: All Description: Configuration users cannot populate Organization field on the Security Groups application. APAR: IZ27999 ISSUE: 08-18983 Application: Integration Description: Unable to import Polish Characters. APAR: IZ28119 ISSUE: 08-19065 Application: Upgrade Description: UPDATEDB script contains the same insert statement twice. APAR: IZ28090 ISSUE: 08-19066 Application: All Description: Request date appears incorrectly. APAR: IZ28100 ISSUE: 08-19068 Application: All Description: Request Date on reservation is not modified if request date is changed in Work Order Tracking. APAR: IZ28229 ISSUE: 08-19143 Application: Job Plans Description: Duplicating a job plan that has tasks with predecessors does not copy predecessors to new record. APAR: IZ28291 ISSUE: 08-19170 Application: Change Description: Flow Control? check box in a job plan is checked by default. APAR: IZ28340 ISSUE: 08-19192 Application: All Description: Calendar errors occur in Government. APAR: IZ28341 ISSUE: 08-19220 Application: All Description: Read-only combo box can be modified. APAR: IZ28342 ISSUE: 08-19223 Application: All Description: Create Communication dialog box rejects Japanese character when selected by mouse. APAR: IZ28326 ISSUE: 08-19230 Application: Migration Manager Description: System XML files are not deployed. APAR: IZ28482 ISSUE: 08-19299 Application: Integration Description: Invalid Alt key. APAR: IZ28470 ISSUE: 08-19300 Application: Migration Manager Description: Long Description of Workflow is not included. APAR: IZ28471 ISSUE: 08-19301 Application: Integration Description: Error occurs in classifications for asset attributes. APAR: IZ28474 ISSUE: 08-19302 Application: Integration Description: Error occurs in classifications for Use With. APAR: IZ28484 ISSUE: 08-19303 Application: Workflow Designer Description: Incident Route Workflow icon is not enabled. APAR: IZ28623 ISSUE: 08-19379 Application: Classifications Description: Error occurs when updating the classification attribute when the Apply Down Hierarchy flag is true. APAR: IZ28717 ISSUE: 08-19506 Application: Classifications Description: Error occurs when you classify in service request. APAR: IZ29105 ISSUE: 08-19664 Application: All Description: Cannot turn off global catalog. APAR: IZ29107 ISSUE: 08-19665 Application: All Description: Database sync error does not appear in log. APAR: IZ29210 ISSUE: 08-19776 Application: Application Designer Description: Error occurs with Signature options. APAR: IZ29531 ISSUE: 08-19916 Application: All Description: Enterprise services not available in all clusters until restart. APAR: IZ29536 ISSUE: 08-19917 Application: All Description: Properties from installation are not added to the upgraded database in APAR: IZ29612 ISSUE: 08-19999 Application: All Description: Error occurs when clicking Save icon after backspace in read-only field. APAR: IZ29640 ISSUE: 08-20010 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Error occurs when using quotation marks in text field. APAR: IZ29800 ISSUE: 08-20140 Application: All Description: Integrity Error checker error. APAR: IZ29902 ISSUE: 08-20201 Application: All Description: Exception does not appear when deleting bookmark. APAR: IZ30013 ISSUE: 08-20368 Application: Crontask Setup Description: Unable to execute crontask more than once. APAR: IZ30028 ISSUE: 08-20381 Application: Application Designer Description: Error occurs with Signature options. APAR: IZ30206 ISSUE: 08-20458 Application: All Description: Browser printing function cannot print full pages when an application has multiple pages. APAR: IZ30664 ISSUE: 08-20704 Application: Preventive Maintenance Description: Generated work orders from crontasks fail due to date/time format. APAR: IZ30954 ISSUE: 08-20857 Application: Classifications Description: Error in classification logic. APAR: IZ31061 ISSUE: 08-20945 Application: Application Designer Description: Error occurs when adding a new combo box. APAR: IZ31188 ISSUE: 08-21121 Application: All Description: Cannot view Workflow canvas. APAR: IZ31297 ISSUE: 08-21163 Application: Workflow Description: Error occurs when stopping a workflow via custom actions. APAR: IZ31305 ISSUE: 08-21179 Application: Doclink Browser Description: Print with Work Pack option can't be set to No by default. APAR: IZ31412 ISSUE: 08-21301 Application: Work Order Tracking Description: Workflow action not executed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Services fix pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR: IZ18168 ISSUE: 08-14250 Application: KPI Manager Description: Cannot search for historical values on DB2 database2. APAR: IZ20132 ISSUE: 08-15443 Application: MEA Integration Framework Description: MXOBJECTCFG interface fails when you import a customized object. APAR: IZ21273 Issue: 08-15969 Application: Security Groups Description: Wrong list is displayed if access to security groups is removed. APAR: IZ21976 ISSUE: 08-16220 Application: ITAM - Fusion Description: Relationships do not exist between parent and child configuration items. APAR: IZ22818 ISSUE: 08-16598 Application: Configurable Start Center Description: Cannot sort Inbox/Assignment portlet by description. APAR: IZ23241 ISSUE: 08-16764 Application: Security Authentication Description: You are blocked from system access after entering five non-sequential incorrect passwords. Defect: 220950 Application: Common Code Description: Upgrade failed to remove the Portal Log Trace Analyzer WAR. Defect: 221084 Application: Common Code Description: Upgrade failed during the uninstall of Maximo help. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in Base Services fix pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue: 08-15713 Application: Application Designer Description: Cannot select attribute2 of multi-part text on Application Designer. Issue: 08-15973 Application: TD Toolkit Description: No start center on German installation. Issue: 08-15812 Application: Application Designer Description: Search filter of LONGALN type field in list tab is not shown. Issue: 08-15814 Application: Migration Manager Description: Windows DB2 to AIX DB2 migration fails with platform validation error. Issue: 08-16116 Application: Calendars Application Description: The date control in the UI does not display properly. Defect: 220649 Application: Common Code Description: The Process Management Requester start center would not display on German systems. =============================================================================== 10. Checksum information =============================================================================== Before you unpack the fixpack .zip file, use the MD5 checksum file,, with an MD5 checksum utility to confirm that the fix pack .zip file was not corrupted during the download. =============================================================================== 11. Notices =============================================================================== Please read the IBM Maximo Asset Management NOTICES AND INFORMATION in the file notices1.txt included in this fix before you proceed with silentUpdate. The additional Notices file can be located in the base zip file. This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. 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