Readme document for the Oracle R11i Adapter fix pack 6.2.4 Date: 06/30/2009 (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ==================================================================================== Contents ==================================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Pre-installation instructions 4. Installation instructions 5. Post-installation instructions 6. Resolved issues 7. Notices ==================================================================================== 1. Introduction ==================================================================================== This readme document provides information about fix pack 4 for IBM(R) Maximo(R) Enterprise Adapter 6.2 for Oracle Applications R11i. This readme document describes the contents of this fix pack, provides installation instructions, and a list of the fixed issues in this release and the previous releases. Dependencies If you use IBM Maximo Asset Management 6.2.4, you must apply the Maximo hotfixes 006 and 008 before you install fix pack 4 of IBM Maximo Enterprise Adapter 6.2 for Oracle Applications R11i). Prerequisites - Make sure that you have installed all products in the order listed: - IBM Maximo Asset Management 6.2.4 - IBM Maximo Enterprise Adapter 6.2 (for Oracle Applications R11i) - Back up your database. ==================================================================================== 2. Contents ==================================================================================== The following items are included: 1) meaupdfixpack.exe -------------------------------------- This .exe file contains fix pack 4 for Maximo Enterprise Adapter for Oracle Applications R11i. ==================================================================================== 3. Pre-installation instructions ==================================================================================== Before you install fix pack 4 for Maximo Enterprise Adapter 6.2 for Oracle Applications R11i, you must complete the following steps: 1) Determine the current software version: a) Sign in to Maximo. b) From the Maximo navigation bar, click Help. c) From the Help list, select About MAXIMO. Maximo displays the current Maximo Enterprise Adapter for Oracle Applications 11i software version, in the following format: Oracle Adapter 6.2.4 Build 20090609-1621 DB Build V600-01 If this value matches your adapter version, the software is current. Do not install Maximo Enterprise Adapter 6.2 for Oracle Applications R11i fix pack 4. 2) Process any transactions in the inbound and outbound queues. For more information, see "Processing transactions in WebLogic Server queues" and "Processing transactions in WebSphere Application Server queues." 3) Process any transactions in the Maximo and Oracle Applications interface tables. For more information, see "Processing transactions in the Maximo interface tables" and "Processing transactions in the Oracle Applications open interface tables." 4) Disable the Oracle Applications external system in Maximo: a) From the Maximo Integration module, select the External Systems application. b) Select the external system that you want to disable. c) On the System tab, clear the Enabled check box. 5) Stop the Maximo application servers and services. 6) Stop the Actuate servers and services. 7) Back up the entire folder. 8) Back up the Maximo database. 9) Back up the Maximo interface tables and objects. Processing transactions in WebLogic Server queues To process transactions in the inbound and outbound queues on Oracle WebLogic Server, you must ensure that no messages remain in the following queue servers: - mxintcqinserver - mxintsqinserver - mxintsqoutserver Procedure: 1) Sign in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console. For example, http://:/console 2) On the WebLogic Server home page, navigate to mydomain > Services > JMS > Servers > mxintcqinserver. 3) On the Monitoring tab of the mxintcqinserver page, click the Monitor Active JMS Servers link. On the Active JMS Servers page, the Messages column for the mxintcqinserver queue server shows the number of unprocessed messages in that queue. 4) Wait until the queue contains zero messages. If some messages remain in the queue, check the error folder. This error folder is in the global directory location that you defined in the Integration Administration Setup window of the External Systems application. 5) If error messages exist, correct the corresponding transactions and place them in the retry folder. 6) Repeat the preceding steps for the mxintsqinserver and mxintsqoutserver queue servers. Processing transactions in WebSphere Application Server queues To process transactions in the inbound and outbound queues on IBM WebSphere(R) Application Server, you must ensure that no messages remain in the following queue destinations: - cqinbd - sqinbd - sqoutbd Procedure: 1) Sign in to the WebSphere Application Server console. For example, http://localhost:9060/ibm/console. 2) Navigate to Service Integration > Buses > meajmsbus > Destinations. 3) Click queue destination cqinbd. 4) On the Configuration tab, select Queue Points under Message Points. 5) Select the identifier for the queue. The Current Message Depth field on the Runtime tab shows the number of messages in the queue. 6) If the number of messages in the queue is zero, go to step 11. 7) To see the messages with their Transaction IDs, click the Messages link under Additional Properties. 8) Click Refresh until the queue is empty. 9) If some messages remain in the queue, check the error folder. This error folder is in the global directory location that you defined in the Integration Administration Setup window of the External Systems application. 10) If error messages exist, correct the corresponding transactions and place them in the retry folder. 11) Repeat the preceding steps for the sqinbd and sqoutbd queues. Processing transactions in the Maximo interface tables 1) Connect to the MAXORA schema in the Oracle Applications database. 2) To check for unprocessed transactions in the inbound queue table, complete the following steps: a) Enter the following SQL statement: select * from MXIN_INTER_TRANS; b) If the SQL statement does not return any records, no unprocessed transactions exist. If the SQL statement returns any records, wait for the Maximo server to process the transactions. 3) To check for unprocessed transactions in the outbound queue table, complete the following steps: a) Enter the following SQL statement: select distinct iface_name from MXOUT_INTER_TRANS; b) If the SQL statement returns records, use the following table to determine the interface table that corresponds to each interface (iface_name) returned by the SQL statement. Interface Interface table MX6_COA MXCOA_IFACE MX6_CRAFT MXCRAFT_IFACE MX6_GLCOMP MXGLCOMP_IFACE MX6_GLTXN MXGLTXN_IFACE MX6_INVBAL MXINVBAL_IFACE MX6_INVENTORY MXINVENTORY_IFACE MX6_INVISSUE MXINVISSUE_IFACE MX6_INVOICE MXINVOICE_IFACE MX6_INVRES MXINVRES_IFACE MX6_ITEM MXITEM_IFACE MX6_LABOR MXLABOR_IFACE MX6_PC MXPC_IFACE MX6_PO MXPO_IFACE MX6_PR MXPR_IFACE *MX6_PROJ *MXPROJ_IFACE *MX6_PROJTXN *MXPROJTXN_IFACE MX6_RCVROTITM MXRCVROTITM_IFACE MX6_RECEIPT MXRECEIPT_IFACE MX6_VENDOR MXVENDOR_IFACE * If you use the Projects integration, these interfaces and interface tables apply to Oracle Project Accounting. c) For each interface table that corresponds to an interface name returned by the SQL statement in step 3a, enter the following SQL statement: select * from interfacetablename where oa_ifacestatus <> ’DONE’; This statement returns any unprocessed transactions. d) Correct the unprocessed transactions. 4) Back up the interface tables to retain them for historical purposes. Depending on the current fix pack level, the patch process might drop the interface tables. Processing transactions in the Oracle Applications open interface tables 1) In Oracle E-Business Suite, run the concurrent request for each integration point that you use. 2) Check the exception reports and correct any errors. 3) Rerun the concurrent reports until no errors exist. ==================================================================================== 4. Installation instructions ==================================================================================== Installing the fix pack 1) From the \PowerUpdateClient\MEAOraAdapterPowerUpdate folder, run the update.exe file. 2) In the Welcome to PowerUpdate window, click Next and follow the onscreen instructions. If updates are available, select and install the updates. Otherwise, skip to step 7. 3) In the Choose Install Folder window, ensure that the fix pack is installed in the folder. 4) Click Next and follow the onscreen instructions. 5) If the Install Complete window displays an error message, check the Maximo installation log after you close the window. 6) Click Done. 7) Rebuild and deploy the maximo.ear file. 8) Start the Maximo application servers and services. 9) Start the Actuate servers and services. 10) To check that the Maximo application server is started, sign in to Maximo. ==================================================================================== 5. Post-installation instructions ==================================================================================== Importing the fix pack into Maximo 1) In the External Systems application, select any external system. 2) From the Select Action menu, select Install Product/Updates. 3) In the Adapter field of the Install Product/Updates window, enter OA11I. The Install Product/Updates window shows the products, fix packs, and add-ons available for Maximo Enterprise Adapter 6.2 for Oracle Applications R11i. You see a combination of the following items: - Install Oracle Adapter for OA11I - Install patch for OA11I - Install < language> as secondary language - Install patch for secondary language 4) Select the Install check box that corresponds to “Install patch for OA11I” and click Install. When the “Please wait" message disappears, the fix pack import process into Maximo is completed. Importing a secondary language file and the corresponding fix pack into Maximo If you use secondary languages, you must import the language files and the corresponding fix packs into Maximo. Secondary language files add error messages, column titles, and column remarks in additional languages. Before you import a secondary language file and the associated fix pack, you must enable that language in Maximo. You can import as many secondary languages as you enabled in Maximo. For each language, import the secondary language, and then import the corresponding fix pack. Procedure: 1) In the External Systems application, select any external system. 2) From the Select Action menu, select Install Product/Updates. 3) In the Adapter field of the Install Product/Updates window, enter OA11I. The Install Product/Updates window shows the products, fix packs, and add-ons available for Maximo Enterprise Adapter 6.2 for Oracle Applications R11i. 4) Select the Install check box that corresponds to “Install as secondary language" and click Install. When the “Please wait" message disappears, the import process of a secondary language file into Maximo is completed. 5) Select the Install check box that corresponds to “Install patch for language as secondary language" and click Install. When the “Please wait" message disappears, the import process of the fix pack for a secondary language file into Maximo is completed. Re-creating all the interface tables and configuring the database 1) Stop the Maximo application servers and services. 2) Stop the Actuate servers and services. 3) From the /tools/maximo directory, run the configdb.bat file. 4) Start the Maximo application servers and services. 5) Start the Actuate servers and services. 6) Go to the External Systems application in Maximo. 7) Click the System tab. 8) From the Select Action menu, select Create Interface Tables. 9) In the End Point field, enter the Oracle system end point or click Select Value. 10) Select the check box to the left of the interface table listing to re-create this interface table. 11) Click Create. Configuring installation-dependent parameters in the setofvar.sql script 1) In the \ORACLEAPIS\install directory, open the setofvar.sql script. 2) Configure the following parameters: Parameter Description hostStrOF = 'service name for Oracle database' Enter the Oracle database service name configured in tnsnames.ora. MaximoUserName = 'MAXORA' User name created for the Oracle E-Business Suite integration schema. MaximoPass = 'MAXORA user password' Password for MAXORA. ORAAPPLSYSUSERNAME = 'APPS' Owner for the Oracle E-Business Suite database. ORAAPPLSYSPASS = 'APPS' Password for the Oracle E-Business Suite owner. RootApis = '\ORACLEAPIS' The install directory for the Oracle E-Business Suite adapter. It contains the following subdirectories: - apiuser - install - interfac - log - paapis LogDir = '\ORACLEAPIS\log' The location of output log files. UserDir = The location of user exit templates. '\ORACLEAPIS\apiuser' If you have customized versions of the user exits, be sure to add them to the templates. PAVar = ’’ Specifies if the Oracle Projects adapter is to be installed. Valid values are: y: Install the adapter n: Do not install the adapter Note: The value must be lowercase. OAVer = ’’ Specifies the Oracle release number. Valid values are: 10: Release 11.5.10 9: Versions prior to 11.5.10 Installing store procedures 1) In SQL*PLUS(R), connect to the Oracle Applications database as user MAXORA. 2) To list and set the install parameters defined in the setofvar.sql script, enter the following command: SQL> start \ORACLEAPIS\install\setofvar The defined install parameters are displayed. 3) Enter the following command: SQL> start &InstallDir.install 4) Press Enter. The generated file is in the following location: \ORACLEAPIS\log\install.out 5) Open the install.out file and check for errors. The following table describes the errors that you might find: Error type Error text and action File not found Search for text similar to “unable to open file \ \ORACLEAPIS\...”. If you find this text, verify that the setofvar.sql script has the correct folder settings. Statement not accepted Search for “unknown command” text. by the system If you find this text, check that the version of SQL*PLUS for Microsoft(R) Windows(R) is the same or later than Oracle error Search for “ORA –” text. If you find this text, contact your Oracle database administrator. Compile error Search for “PLS –” text. If you find this text, search for “with compilation error.” 6) Fix any problems that you find and rerun the install.sql file without errors. Enabling the external system 1) In the External Systems application, select the external system that you want to enable. 2) On the System tab, select the Enabled check box. Correcting the length and type of the MXVENDOR_IFACE interface table vendor field 1) Sign in to Maximo and open the Database Configuration application. 2) In the Object tab, select the COMPANY field and write down the corresponding length and type. 3) In the Attributes tab, select the OA_OLD_VNDSITECODE field. 4) Set the length and type of the OA_OLD_VENDSITECODE field to be the same as the length and type of the COMPANIES.COMPANY field. 5) Stop the Maximo application server and run the configdb.bat file. 6) Start the Maximo application server. 7) Sign in to Maximo again and re-create the MXVENDOR_IFACE interface table. ==================================================================================== 6. Resolved issues ==================================================================================== The following issues were resolved in this fix pack release: ISSUE: 08-18301 Description: When you integrate issues from Oracle E-Business Suite to Maximo, multipe records are sent for one issue transaction. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\mtlbal.trg ISSUE: 08-21436 Description: If you send a PO from Oracle E-Business Suite to Maximo Asset Management, receive the PO items in Maximo, and return it to Oracle E-Business Suite, the PO line on the Oracle side is not found. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\orcvx10.sp ISSUE: 08-25354 Description: If you send partial receipts of service lines on purchase orders (PO) from Oracle E-Business Suite to Maximo, Maximo receives them with the wrong total quantity. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofrcv.sp ISSUE: 09-10049 Description: In Oracle E-Business Suite, if you cancel a PO of Blanket Purchase Agreement type, the following error message is displayed: “Please enter revision comments.” Replaced file(s): applications\maximo\businessobjects\src\psdi\iface\oa11i\ ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofpc.sp ISSUE: 09-10254 Description: When you create invoices with tax lines in Oracle E-Business Suite, the record is sent to Maximo Asset Management through the interface tables of Maximo Enterprise Adapter for Oracle Applications, and the following error message is displayed: "Required field Description is blank." Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofap.sp ISSUE: 09-10306 Description: If you receive a PO item in Maximo Asset Management, and return it to Oracle E-Business Suite, the inventory orgid is not retrieved for the storeroom of the item that is returned. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\orcvx10.sp ISSUE: 09-10308 Description: If you generate purchase orders with distributed PO lines in Oracle E-Business Suite and receive the associated items in Maximo, the Receiving application of Maximo does not extract the distribution line numbers from the PO line numbers. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\orcvx10.sp ISSUE: 09-10643 Description: In Oracle E-Business Suite, if you create a blanket contract with no item number, approve an associated PO with no item number, and replicate them in Maximo using the adapter, the PO is created in Maximo, but the total cost, line cost, quantity, and unit cost on the PO line are null. Replaced file(s): applications\maximo\businessobjects\src\psdi\iface\oa11i\ ISSUE: 09-10807 Description: The End date field for contract and blanket expiration is not sent from Oracle E-Business Suite to Maximo Asset Management. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofpc.sp ISSUE: 09-11171 Description: If you approve an invoice in Oracle E-Business Suite and try to replicate it in Maximo, the following error message is displayed: “Could not change invoice XXX status to APPR. There is a cost or tax amount difference between the invoice header and lines.” Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofap.sp ISSUE: 09-11492 Description: If two Maximo invoices have the same vendor invoice number, the first one in canceled status and the second one in open status, and you send a payment transaction for the open status invoice, Maximo tries to update the canceled invoice to PAID status and an error occurs. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofap.sp ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofapx.sp applications\maximo\businessobjects\src\psdi\iface\oa11i\ ISSUE: 09-11637 Description: In Oracle E-Business Suite, if you transfer item quantities from one bin to another, the bin balance is not updated correctly in Maximo. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofbal.sp ISSUE: 09-11743 Description: If you create a blanket contract and an associated release PO in Oracle E-Business Suite, replicate and receive the PO in Maximo, the data is not received into the MXRECEIPT_IFACE interface table. Replaced files(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\orcvx10.sp ISSUE: 09-11960 Description: If you send a PR from Maximo to Oracle E-Business Suite, and the PR is filled in with a foreign currency, the adapter leaves the UNIT_PRICE field blank and Oracle E-Business Suite cannot import the PR. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\oprx.sp ISSUE: 09-12178 Description: The work order cost is not updated with the variance amount. Replaced file(s): applications\maximo\businessobjects\src\psdi\iface\oa11i\ ISSUE: 09-12304 Description: A fully receipted PO in Oracle E-Business Suite is set to closed status. When the PO is revised, the revision process sends the closed status to Maximo before it sends the PO changes. As a result, an error transaction occurs and the PO is no longer in synchronation. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofpo.sp ORACLEAPIS\interfac\poactpkg.pkg ISSUE: 09-12717 Description: In Oracle E-Business Suite, when you create and approve a PO, and the PO contains goods line type and no items selected, the PO is successfully created in Maximo. If you create a partial receipt for the PO in Oracle E-Business Suite, the receipt is created as a full receipt in Maximo. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\ofrcv.sp ISSUE: 09-12728 Description: If you update a vendor site in Oracle E-Business Suite, the vendor site fails to pass through the Maximo Enterprise Adapter processing class and the following error message is displayed: "DISABLED attribute does not exist." ISSUE: 09-14198 Description: If synonyms for outbound POs are used, and a synonym status in the PO status list does not have an equivalent synonym status in the contract status list, Maximo Enterprise Adapter for Oracle Applications tries to match the PO status list to the contract status list and a null pointer occurs. Replaced file(s): applications\maximo\businessobjects\src\psdi\iface\oa11i\ The following issues were resolved for Maximo Enterprise Adapter v6.2.3 for Oracle Applications 11i: ISSUE: 07-14673 Description: The ACTIVE attribute does not exist for COMPANIES object. Replaced file(s): psdi\iface\oa11i\VendorInExt.class ISSUE: 08-10482 Description: The Maximo Oracle Adapter DBOA11I variable must be stored in the system to support the upgrade to Maximo Enterprise Adapter 7.1 for Oracle Applications R12. Replaced file(s): applications\maximo\properties\product\oa11i.xml tools\maximo\en\oa11i\V600_01db2 tools\maximo\en\oa11i\V600_01.ora tools\maximo\en\oa11i\V600_01.sqs ISSUE: 08-14110 Description: A purchasing contract without any lines does not enter into Maximo through Maximo Enterprise Adapter for Oracle for Purchasing Contract. Replaced file(s): psdi\iface\oa11i\PCInExt.class ISSUE: 08-14965 Description: Material Receipts for a Project Account are skipped in the Oracle Projects Adapter. Replaced file(s): psdi\iface\oa11i\ProjTxnOutExt.class The following issues were resolved for Maximo Enterprise Adapter v6.2.2 for Oracle Applications 11i: ISSUE: 07-13850 Description: PO header line errors occur when users update and send POs from Maximo to Oracle Financials using the CAI PO interface. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\opox.sp ISSUE: 07-16073 Description: Maximo sends incorrect ship to and storeroom PO receipt information to Oracle Financials when users receive one of two line items on a PO. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\orcvx10.sp ISSUE: 07-17940 Description: PLS-00302: component 'RATE_SCHEDULE_ID' must be declared error occurs when Maximo users run the install.sql. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\paapis\oflcpa.sp The following issues were resolved for Maximo Enterprise Adapter v6.2.1 for Oracle Applications 11i: ISSUE: 07-10068 Description: When users delete PO Lines from the Maximo database, the data import process cancels PO Lines in the Oracle Applications. Replaced file(s): psdi\iface\oa11i\POOutExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\intobj.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\de\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\en\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\es\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\fr\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\it\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\ja\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\ko\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\nl\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\pt\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\sv\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\sv\objectcfg.xml psdi\iface\oa11i\patch\zh\objectcfg.xml ORACLEAPIS\interfac\opox.sp ISSUE: 07-10801 Description: Unhandled exception occurs when Maximo sends CAI PO lines to the Oracle Applications. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\povali2b.pkg ISSUE: 07-10855 Description: Maximo updates CAI PO records incorrectly in the Oracle Applications when users approve PO records with null quantity service lines. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\polodm3b.pkg ORACLEAPIS\interfac\polodm3s.psp ISSUE: 07-11496 Description: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'MXE_USR_RCV_SP' error occurs when Maximo users run the install.sql. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\orcvx9.sp ISSUE: 07-14322 Description: Oracle Multiple Operating Units functionality has changed for MIG Release 4.1.1 upgrade customers only. Multiple Operating Units can now be added within a single site. Note: If you configured your Maximo Integration Gateway Release 4.1.1 system to use Multiple Operating Units, do not upgrade your Maximo Enterprise Adapter for Oracle Applications to Release 6.2, until Maximo Enterprise Adapter 6.2.1 for Oracle Applications, or later, is available. Replaced file(s): psdi\iface\oa11i\ERPExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\InvoiceInExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\InvoiceOutExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\PCInExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\PCOutExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\POInExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\POOutExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\PROutExt.class psdi\iface\oa11i\ReceiptOutExt.class ISSUE: 07-14741 Description: Maximo does not send invoice costs to Oracle Applications when the loaded cost amount is zero. Replaced file(s): psdi\iface\oa11i\GLTxnOutExt.class ISSUE: 07-15068 Description: PO Line updates were sent from Maximo to Oracle Applications CAI table after Maximo users cancel the PO. Replaced file(s): ORACLEAPIS\interfac\opoxx.sp ISSUE: 06-20464 Description: Oracle integration now allows the item rotating flag to be set to True or False only when users insert new item records. Users cannot update the rotating flag on existing items. Replaced file(s): psdi\iface\oa11i\ItemInExt.class ===================================================================================== 7. Notices ===================================================================================== This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. 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