====================================================================== Readme file for: IBM Maximo for Utilities version 6 Release 3 Fix Pack 1 and IBM Maximo spatial Asset Management Version 6 Release 3 Fix Pack 1 IBM Corporation 25 April 2008 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ====================================================================== Contents - About this fix pack - Fixed issues - Installation information - Contacting IBM Support - Notices and trademarks About this fix pack ====================================================================== IBM® Maximo® for Utilities 6.3.1 and IBM Maximo spatial Asset Management 6.3.1 is supported on a Maximo 6.2.2 base platform. Fixed issues ====================================================================== The following section provides a complete list of the fixes in this fix pack. 08-13298 ALL First time Map tab is entered all task dialogs display and remain displayed. 08-11920 ALL Default SYNONUM does not show up on the list of statuses on the Change Status dialog. 08-11454 ALL When the Task panel is minimized to expand the map viewing area, the map area drawn is reduced to a small area, about 1/5 of the entire map area. 07-26862 ALL CREW MANAGEMENT - STATUS SYNONYMS / SESSION locks up when attempting to change the status. 07-27159 ALL Add Layer filter to Map view. Present a list of layers in the map resource. Use check boxes to select the layers to display. 07-27157 ALL Develop security for GIS data matching Maximo security as closely as possible. 07-13825 ASSETS Modify the Identify information in the Task Results. 07-26881 ASSETS Find Address does not function on Edit Map Features dialog. 07-25668 ASSETS Accumulated Results Feature Class Node display is not updated correctly when Individual Features are added. 08-12507 ASSETS Identify tool zooms in to area clicked on. 08-12514 ASSETS Identify tool does not identify all features. 08-14482 ASSETS Editing Task missing when turned on in some apps and off in others. 07-27318 ASSETS Map operations are twice as slow in Maximo than stand-alone GIS application. 08-15029 Assets Map extent does not refresh correctly when moving between assets. 07-27310 ASSIGNMENT MGR Miscalculating remaining hours for current day. 07-29336 ASSIGNMENT MGR Cannot Start Assignment. 08-10155 ASSIGNMENT MGr (T&D) Invalid Binding when starting and interrupting assignment (Vectren Mantis issue 1858) 08-10341 CONFIGUR MaxObjectCfg Changed field still set to M after running ConfigDB. 08-11055 CONTPURCH "Sub-Craft" displays instead of "Work Type". 08-12576 CUE ESTIMATE ITEMSETID does not get set consistently. 06-19318 CUE ESTIMATE MEA fails to update or delete an existing CUE Request if it has a SITEID different from the MEA DB USER default SITEID. 08-11917 CUE ESTIMATE Cannot create synonyms for estimate type of TEST. 08-12548 CUE ESTIMATE Work order XXXX is not in WAPPR Status. 08-12783 CUE ESTIMATE Perform Estimation fails during Support Activity Overhead Testing. 08-13842 CUE ESTIMATE TDFIELDDESIGN - PLUSDESTVERSION section missing TOTALESTIMATECOST. 08-13425 CUE ESTIMATE Version Site ID is not defaulting to Request Header Site ID. 08-13574 CUE ESTIMATE MEA fails to import CUE. 07-25052 CUE ESTIMATE Estimation Errors are not being recorded to database. 07-25238 ALL CREW TYPES - STATUS SYNONYMS / ERROR when attempting to change. 07-28996 CUE ESTIMATE Accepted As-Built Version field does not populate when Acceptance is completed. 07-29051 CUE ESTIMATE "PLUSDEXTSYS_TDACCOUNTING, Inbound Process: error file is not created, nothing happens" 07-25907 CUE ESTIMATE APAR IZ11285 - Duplicate Request only copies station 1. 07-25909 CUE ESTIMATE APAR IZ14800 Perform Acceptance - Labor costs are being calculated incorrectly. 07-29692 CUE ESTIMATE Problems with STORELOCSITEID and OVERRIDESITEID. 07-30009 CUE ESTIMATE Description fields for estimate request T&D version are not next to the appropriate fields. 08-11358 CUE ESTIMATE "MAXVARS setting for "Create Task Work Order" in CU ESTIMATING does not work properly. 07-30249 CUE ESTIMATE Duplicate Request only copies Station 1. 08-12551 CU ESTIMATE Perform Acceptance action wipes out work plan for non-targeted wo/tasks when an estimate version is accepted. 07-24308 CUE ESTIMATE Research items when reviewing CUE code. 07-24316 CUE ESTIMATE Perform Estimation - Task by Type is supposed to estimate when work order does not have task type. 08-11112 CUE ESTIMATE Remove extra selection check box from Version tab. 07-17148 CUE ESTIMATE Unexpected behavior of the Estimate Version field on the Duplicate Version dialog. 07-24391 CUE LIBRARY Go to Crew Types displays list page instead of crew type details. 08-10056 CUE LIBRARY The Where Used tab is missing the Move To command on the CU Name field. 08-13534 CUE LIBRARY The Material Tab - Select Value for Item should not show services. 07-24422 CUE LIBRARY Hourly Rate field on Labor Tab does not refresh. 07-28932 CUE LIBRARY UOM for CU'S is not working correctly - Error message does not display. 07-30139 CUE LIBRARY "PARENT CUS" table displays all CUs for which any version of the current CU is a child. 07-30179 CUE LIBRARY "Work Type" fields are incorrectly labeled as "Sub Craft". 07-29195 CUE LIBRARY APAR IZ10826 - CU Library: Action Duplicate CU does not copy Service Details. 07-30007 CUE LIBRARY Duplicate CU action does not copy service details (duplicate). 07-24313 DOMAINS Update descriptions for PLUSD domains. 08-13490 DOMAINS PLUSDCREWSTATUS does not have a default value selected, resulting in INVALID BINDING in Crew Management. 08-10340 DOMAINS Maxtype should not be "ALN" for PLUSDYORN, it should be "UPPER." 08-12572 INSTALL Crew-related tool data disappears after installing Utilities 6.3. 08-12573 INSTALL PLUSDCREWTYPE and PLUSDCREWID / flagged as user defined in JOBLABOR and WPLABOR. 08-10510 INSTALL MAXIMO FOR UTILITIES 6.3 INSTALL REPLACES WEB.XML UNDER APPLICATIONS MAXIMO MAXIMOUIWEB WEBMODULE WEB-INF. 07-29481 INSTALL Utilities installation fails in French db Error running file: V600_44 08-10787 INSTALL "INSTALLATION T&D - MAXOBJECTCFG.CHANGED SET TO ""M""" 08-11005 INTEGRITYCHECKER There are columns that do not have the domainid of their SAME AS columns. 08-12534 LOCATION Selection Tools result in automatic Zoom in. 08-12654 LOCATION Update GIS List tool does not function. 08-10171 LOCATION Map tab - Layer Selection is in Tasks list. 08-10332 LOCATION Cannot Edit Map Content - IE error: Object required. 08-15241 LOCATION Map extent is incorrect for new location. 08-14786 LOCATION Layer selection dialog title does not match Task. 08-15519 MEA-EXTSYSTEM TDFIELDDESIGN_TDCULIBUPDATE missing fields in PLUSDCU section. 08-13732 MEA-EXTSYSTEM TD Adapter - Perform Estimation does not result in creation of TDFIELDDESIGN_TDCUESTIMATE_<>.XML 07-30250 ORGANIZATION Not able to enter new rows for Loading Type options. Maximo considers a check box a required field. 08-10881 ORGANIZATION INSTALL OF MAXIMO UTILITIES INDUSTRY SOLUTION V6.3 FAILS ON MAXIMO FOR UTILITIES 6.2.1. 08-13012 PLUSDCREWMGMT No warning message for reassignment of labor. 08-14225 PLUSDCREWMGMT Maximo does not let the user to add a craft on Crew Management (T&D). 07-26290 PLUSDCREWMGMT On the Labor Assignment Tab, the Position field select value is displaying positions from other crew records. 07-26297 PLUSDCREWMGMT On Crew Tab, Required Craft Table, cannot use contracted labor. 08-11012 PLUSDCREWMGMT Need ERDIAGRAM for T&D Industry Solution Tables. We have ERD diagrams for base tables, but that does not include the plusd tables. 08-11324 PLUSDCREWMGMT Crew Type field validates Synonym domains incorrectly. 08-12636 PLUSDCREWMGMT Cannot add craft to the Required Crafts in Crew Management (T&D). 08-14519 PLUSDCREWMGMT Problem with the Advanced Search screen field lookup. 08-11642 PLUSDCREWTEMPL CREW TYPES (T&D) - status SYNONYMS / DOMAINS CTSTAT and CTSTATUS should be deleted. 07-24860 RPT-ACT Job Cost Summary has truncated Costs fields. 08-13503 RPT-ADMIN ReportDialogBean needs to be extended for GIS integration to resolve axis conflicts and core hotfix conflicts. 07-25030 RPT-ACT CU Estimating Errors -A8 field is being populated when it should not for Estimate Errors Reports. 08-15214 RPT-ACT Can't run Reports - Parameter fields display Invalid binding. 08-10169 SECURITY_GROUP Allow Editing Map Features is an Option in GIS-enabled Applications. 08-12537 SECURITY_GROUP Non-versioned editing does not exist for Spatial-enabled applications. 07-27135 SR Service Request T&D cloned application does not have a menu button for Workflow. 07-24378 SR Edit Map Features dialog has incorrect field. 07-24927 SR Edit Map Feature has incorrect fields in header. 08-15059 SR Show Related right-click options do not work. 08-10200 SYSTEM Add Session Context support for GIS-enabled applications. 08-11573 UPDATEDB Updatedb fails on Utilities script V600_43 on DB2. 08-14066 UPDATEDB Updatedb fails on V600_147. 07-24695 WF PlusD applications are not workflow enabled. 08-12056 WOTRACK Work group does not copy from job plan. 08-13815 WOTRACK Crew Type field not populated from Job Plan. 08-11328 WOTRACK Crew field validates Synonym domains incorrectly. 07-24729 WOTRACK The values in Status and Status Date fields are not being selected from the correct table. 07-24844 WOTRACK Edit Map Feature has incorrect fields in header. 08-10481 WOTRACK Maximo for Utilities 6.3 added TASKTYPE to the PLUSDCUEWRKTYPE correctly, but improperly identified it as a primary key. 08-10503 WOTRACK Subcraft column not dropped. 08-15040 Wotrack Update GIS List does not function properly. 08-15043 Wotrack Add to AR adds duplicate records to Accumulated Results when Update GIS List is used. 08-14191 WOTRACK Enter time by Crew error. ESRI provided fixes for the following issues: --------------------------------------------- 07-22095 ASSETS When continuous panning is enabled on dynamic map service, panning sometimes causes blank tiles. 07-22096 ASSETS When continuous panning is enabled on dynamic map service, panning sometimes causes misaligned tiles (gaps or overlapping tiles). 07-14338 ASSETS Map Overview section is blank with a red rectangle; also on SR 07-19771 and WOTRACK 07-20084 ESRI Putative Bug. 07-18804 ASSETS Non Versioned Editing dialog shows error even though saving edit is successful - Reproduced ESRI Core code 7/31. 07-18587 LOCATION Incorrect message for unusable query - QFE not working as expected. 07-19771 SR Map Overview section is blank with a red rectangle - also on WO 07-20084 and Assets 07-14338. 07-24811 WOTRACK Numerous Map actions only recognize Point Features - DB2. 07-20084 WOTRACK Map Overview section is blank with a red rectangle - also on Assets 07-14338 and SR 07-19771. 07-22090 Application with more than one resource, usually on first time application is loaded, the connection to the resource will fail. =========================================================Installation information Update process: --------------- To apply the fix pack, complete these tasks: 1 Check that pre-installation requirements are met. 2 Install the fix pack. 3 Run the database scripts. 4 Rebuild the EAR files. 5 Restart the application server and deploy the EAR files. 6 Optional: Install the reports. Pre-installation requirements: ------------------------------ Before you install this fix pack, check the following requirements: - You have system administrator rights and privileges. - IBM Maximo Asset Management 6.2.2 is installed - IBM Maximo for Utilities 6.3 or IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management 6.3 is installed. - ArcGIS Server 9.2 Service Pack 5 is installed if you use GIS-enhanced applications. - ArcSDE 9.2 Service Pack 5 is installed if you use GIS-enhanced applications. - All users are logged off Maximo. - All Maximo application servers and services are stopped. - No other programs are open. - The entire directory where Maximo is installed is backed up. - The Maximo database is backed up. - The Maximo help system is backed up. The help system is located in \\applications\maximohelp\helpweb\webmodule\en. Installing the fix pack: ------------------------ To install the fix pack, run the update.exe file from the maximoInstallDir\PowerUpdateClientUtilities63 directory of your administrative workstation, where maximoInstallDir is the directory in which Maximo Asset Management is installed. Follow the steps in the update program to download and install the required files. If you cannot run the update.exe file because of a network or security policy, download and run the update file directly from either the IBM Maximo Industry Solution for Utilities product support page: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/ support/IBMMaximoforUtilities.html or the IBM Maximo spatial Asset Management product support page: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/ support/IBMMaximoSpatialAssetManagement.html Running the database scripts: ----------------------------- The database scripts create and update some of the database tables. If you run Maximo on Oracle® Database 10g, you must have the create job privilege before you run the datebase scripts. To grant the create job privilege, the administrator must log on to SQL *Plus under the system account and run the following command: grant create job to dbUserName; where dbUserName is the user to be granted the privilege. To run the database scripts: 1. Ensure that the database is backed up. 2. Open a command prompt, go to the maximoInstallDir\tools\maximo folder, and run the updatedb.bat command. Merging faces-config.xml files using the XML tool ------------------------------------------------- To use the generated GIS faces-config.xml file in the GIS-enhanced applications, use the xml tool to merge the generated GIS faces-config.xml file with the Maximo default faces-config.xml file. The xml tool updates, adds, and deletes nodes in the Maximo faces-config.xml file based on nodes in the generated GIS faces-config.xml file. To merge the two faces-config.xml files: 1. Before you run the xml tool, back up your Maximo faces-config.xml file. 2. Run the following script: [maximo]\tools\maximo\tnd-facesxmltransform.bat Usage : -s -o where [maximo] is where Maximo is installed on your system. Default Parameter Values: -o : [maximo]\tools\maximo\output-faces-config.xml 3. Replace the Maximo faces-config.xml with the newly generated file in: [maximo]\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\WEB-INF Modify the Maximo properties file --------------------------------- Before you start Utilities or Spatial Asset Management, set GIS properties in the maximo.properties file. To set GIS properties in the maximo.properties file: 1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to: \applications\maximo\properties. 2. Open the maximo.properties file with a text editor. 3. At the end of the maximo.properties file, add the following properties: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GIS Related properties // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //name of your ArcGIS server mxe.spatial.arcgis.server= // name of your ArcGIS domain mxe.spatial.arcgis.domain= //gisserver username mxe.spatial.arcgis.username= // password for gisserver mxe.spatial.arcgis.password= // your Map Service name as set in ArcGIS Server Manager mxe.spatial.arcgis.mapobject= // name of your server where ArcSDE is running mxe.spatial.arcsde.server= // database user account for sde mxe.spatial.arcsde.username= //database password for database user account mxe.spatial.arcsde.password= // the service_name for ArcSDE in windows or port number, port number must be used when ArcSDE is remote to the ArcGIS Server mxe.spatial.arcsde.instance= //name of database, set as default for oracle as it does not apply mxe.spatial.arcsde.database= // sde version to connect mxe.spatial.arcsde.version= 4. Save and close the maximo.properties file. Modify the web.xml file ------------------------- In order to use the GIS-enhanced applications, add spatial code to the web.xml file. To add code to the web.xml file: 1. Open the web-spatial.xml file located in the MAXIMO\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\WEB-INF folder. 2. To copy the spatial code into the web.xml file, place each spatial tag after its corresponding tag in the web.xml file. Spatial xml code is enclosed by the following comments: and Example: Place all Spatial tags after the tags defined in the web.xml file. 3. If there is no corresponding tag in the web.xml file, follow the dtd file structure defined in the beginning of the web.xml file to find the correct place for the spatial tags. Rebuilding the EAR files ------------------------- Ensure that the maximo.properties file is up-to-date, then rebuild the maximo.ear file and the maximohelp.ear file. For more information about building EAR files, see the IBM Maximo Installation Guide. Restarting the application server and deploying the EAR files -------------------------------------------------------------- Restart the Maximo application server and redeploy your EAR files to apply the fix pack changes. For information about deploying EAR files, see the IBM Maximo Installation Guide. Installing reports ----------------------- To install reports: 1. Download the compressed reports file from the support site. 2. Extract the file contents to a temporary location, such as C:\temp\utilities631reports. 3. Extract the file contents from the compressed file that matches your database type in the temporary location. 4. Take your Actuate encyclopedia offline. 5. Run the following Actuate command on the appropriate folder: acimport -all -force -replace -username -password -input For example, if you use Oracle specify the path C:\temp\utilities631reports\oracle_export\export. 6. If your Maximo and Actuate iServers are running, shut down both of them. 7. Restart the Maximo server. 8. Restart the Actuate iServer. Enabling reports --------------------- To enable reports: 1. Login to Maximo Asset Management as someone with Admin Privileges. 2. Select the Report Administration application. 3. On the List tab, click Recreate all XML. 4. Wait until the message "The request page XML has been generated" displays, then click Close to close the message. Reports can now run properly. ====================================================================== Contacting IBM Support IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects. Before contacting IBM Software Support, your company must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. For information about the types of maintenance contracts available, see "Enhanced Support," in the Software Support Handbook at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/services.html. To contact IBM Software Support with a problem: 1. Define the problem, gather background information, and determine the severity of the problem. For help, see "Contacting IBM" in the Software Support Handbook at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/beforecontacting.html. 2. Gather diagnostic information. 3. Submit your problem to IBM Software Support in one of the following ways: - Online: Report the problem on the IBM Software Support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/support/probsub.html. - By telephone: For the telephone number to call in your country, go to the Contacts page of the Software Support Handbook: http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/contacts.html. If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM Support web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution. ====================================================================== Notices and trademarks Third-Party Technology: Certain IBM Maximo products contain technology provided under license from third parties, as noted below. All Products: - Portions © 1996-2003 Visual Mining, Inc. Visual Mining™ NetCharts Server provided by Visual Mining, Inc. IBM Maximo: - Portions © 1995-2004 Actuate Corporation. - Portions © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. BEA WebLogic Server® provided by BEA Systems, Inc. - Portions © 1996-2005, i-net software GmbH. J-Integra for COM® v2.4. © 2004 Intrinsyc Software International, Inc. - Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine © 2000 Wintertree Software, Inc. IBM Maximo Discovery: - MSDE Copyright © Microsoft® Corporation. - Portions © 1998-2005 Centennial Software Limited. IBM Maximo Asset Navigator: - Portions © 1993-2002 Snowbound™ Software Corporation. RasterMaster™ Raster imaging technology provided by Snowbound Software Corporation. IBM Maximo Mobile: - Portions © 2005 DataMirror, Inc. - Portions © 2000-2005 Zaval Creative Engineering Group. IBM Maximo Mobile SE: - Portions © 1996-2005 Syclo, LLC. Open Source: IBM Maximo contains computer software obtained from the public domain, known as "Open Source" ownership of which is attributed as follows: Portions © 2002, Steve Souza (admin@jamonapi.com). Portions © 2000-2004, Jason Hunter & Brett McLaughlin. Portions © 2004-2005, The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0032, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation 2Z4A/101 11400 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78758 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. IBM and IBM Corporation are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.