UIM Generator Tool

The UIM Generator tool provides a user interface for automatically generating a UIM page for a particular server interface.

To start the UIM Generator tool:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the <client-dir> folder.
  2. Run builduimgen .
  3. The first time you run the UIM Generator you will be asked to locate a ServerAccessBeans.xml file. This file is generated by theclient target and can be found in the <client-dir>/build folder.

Once the UIM Generator has started, you should see a screen containing the following:

To generate a page perform the following:

  1. Select the interface you wish to test from the tree (e.g. Register-Person.read).
  2. Select the phase in which the interface should be called, for example, Action. Action phase pages call the interface when the page is submitted. Data can be entered for each input field and a button is generated to submit the page.
  3. Click the Make Page button and you will be asked to specify a location for the generated UIM. You can change the default name if you wish. The location should be in the appropriate component folder of your application.

A UIM file and a properties file are generated. The labels for each field are given defaults based on the name of the server interface property associated with the field.