DB2 BIApplication.properties, BIBootstrap.properties and Environment Variable Setup

Once the DB2 database and IWE have been successfully installed the below setup steps must be completed.

The BIApplication.properties and BIBootstrap.properties files need to be created in ..\Reporting\project\properties. These files will contain the database connection details and other variables.

BIApplication.propertiessampledb2 and BIBootstrap.propertiessampledb2 have been provided for guidance in ..\Reporting\project\properties. These files can be copied and renamed as BIApplication.properties and BIBootstrap.properties as a start point. They must be kept in the same folder. Please refer to Appendix A and B for more information when setting the properties and following the below steps. Please refer to Appendix N for security details.

Please note that the Staging and Central Tables will be deployed on to the same Database.

Ensure the following environment variables exist and are set correctly:

These variables also need to be set in ..\Reporting\setEnvironmentBI.bat: