Modify Participant Evidence

Participant evidence operates differently to case evidence on modification. Participant data historically was captured and maintained in Participant Manager only and modifications performed in place to the existing record. In line with this, active and in edit differentiation does not apply to participant data itself, the data can be associated with cases and these associations have active or in edit status instead.

A snapshot of the participant evidence record is created prior to the participant evidence record being modified. This snapshot supports a history of changes to the participant evidence. It also supports where existing cases use this participant evidence, to allow them to proceed with the original data until such time as they can review the changes and activate them on their case. Participant evidence is accessible from each case using it, and the modification process is also available at this level. This is however, the same modification process as performed from participant manager. Therefore overall this results in centralized client data which is available for eligibility and entitlement on cases and maintenance functions also made available at the case level so a user does not need to navigate from case evidence back to participant manager to perform modification of participant evidence.

Modifications made to participant evidence will require evidence approval if approval has been configured for the evidence type.

When a modified participant evidence record is activated, where using Cúram rules, every product delivery that uses the evidence will have its attribution period recalculated and the case then reassessed. Modifications to different types of participant evidence can trigger reassessment. For example, changes to the dates of a participant's employment will trigger reassessment as these dates can affect a participant's entitlement to unemployment benefit.