Modify Evidence

The modify evidence function allows users to update evidence information. The information that can be modified is specific to the evidence type.

Similar to creating new evidence, when the user selects to save the evidence updates, the system validates the evidence information. It is important to note that the validations for modifying evidence can differ from the validations applied to inserting new evidence (even when changing the same information). For evidence which is awaiting case supervisor approval, a special validation warns the user of the pending approval. Furthermore, evidence records that have been approved by the case supervisor but have not yet been activated cannot be modified.

This function behaves differently for in edit and active evidence records. When a user updates an in edit evidence record, the modifications are automatically applied to the existing evidence record; however, when a user updates an active evidence record, the modifications are not automatically applied.

Instead, a new, in edit evidence record is created with the modifications. The purpose of this new evidence record is to allow users to work on the evidence updates without impacting case processing as the active evidence remains intact.

It is important to distinguish the two types of evidence changes that can be made to active evidence: evidence corrections and changes in circumstance. An evidence correction replaces the evidence information that has been entered in error. As part of the apply evidence changes process, an in edit evidence record with the evidence corrections will supersede the existing active evidence record.

A change in circumstance does not replace existing active evidence as the original evidence was correct for a given period of time but the new circumstance applies to the next period of time. An in edit evidence record which includes changes in circumstance to an active evidence record will be activated in its own right.

When a user updates active evidence, he or she has the option of entering an effective date of change and a reason for the change. When making an evidence correction, the effective date of change should not be populated; the corrected record applies to the same period as the active evidence record. For changes in circumstance, the effective date of change indicates the date on which the change in circumstance is effective. For example, the bank account balance for a bank account evidence record might go from 100 to 90. The effective date of change is the date on which the bank account balance was reduced. Effective dates are not maintained for participant evidence as participant evidence is much more static and does not require updating as much as case evidence.