Add a Tab to a Section

A tab typically represents a business object, e.g. a Case or a Participant, though it can also be used to represent a logical grouping of information, refer to User Interface Element 6 in Introduction. SimpleAppHomeSection.sec has referenced one tab, using the id SimpleHome. This id refers to a tab configuration file, which is an XML configuration file with the extension .tab. Like .app and .sec files, this file will be added to the EJBServer\components\<component-name>\clientapps directory and the id attribute must match the name of the file.

Figure 1.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

  <tc:context tab-name=""

  <tc:navigation page-id="SimpleHome"/>


The file will have a corresponding file, which details the localizable content. For example:

The tab-title attribute defines what will be displayed on the tab title bar. As we have turned off the object tab bar in the .sec file, the tab-name attribute is ignored. references a single UIM page (will be covered later) using the page-id attribute of the navigation element.