Participant Creator Definition

The element <def-create-participant> is part of the <evidence-config> element. This element is used to define behavior for creating a participant. This same behavior can be reused by multiple <entity> definitions through the id. The one important thing to be noted here is that the data type of all attributes mentioned here must be defined as 'String'.

<def-create-participant id="SchoolRepresentative" type="RL13">
  <participant-name-field name="firstName" from="participantName" 
       <participant-address type="AT3">
            <address-field name="addressLine1" from="street1"/>
            <address-field name="addressLine2" from="street2"/>
            <address-field name="city" from="city"/>
            <address-field name="state" from="state"/>
            <address-field name="zip" from="zipCode"/>