Simple Mapping Specification

This simple mapping specification maps a person entity in CDS to a household member evidence entity:

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <map xmlns=""
3     name="TestMapping">
4    <map-entity source="Person">
5        <target-entity name="HouseholdMember" 
6            <map-attribute from="isNativeAmerican" 
7            <map-attribute from="comments" to="comments"/>
8        </target-entity>
9    </map-entity>
10 </map>

Line 4 indicates the source of the mapping while line 5 indicates the target. This rule can be paraphrased as "For each Person entity encountered in the CDS, create a corresponding HouseholdMember entity". The <target-entity> element contains two <map-attribute> elements on lines 6 and 7.

The <map-attribute> element on line 6 states that the isNativeAmerican attribute on the Person entity is mapped to the natAlaskOrAmerInd attribute on the HouseholdMember entity. Attributes are not mapped unless there is a <map-attribute> element specific. This is why line 6 states that the comments attribute in Person is mapped to the comments attribute in HouseholdMember.

In some cases, it is necessary to specify that a mapping only occurs under particular circumstances. For example, a HeadOfHousehold entity should only be created in the target system when the Mapping encounters a Person entity in the CDS that has an isPrimaryParticipant indicator set to true. The sample above can be expanded to include this rule as follows:

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <map xmlns=""
3     name="TestMapping">
4     <map-entity source="Person">
5         <target-entity name="HouseholdMember" 
6             <map-attribute from="isNativeAmerican" 
7             <map-attribute from="comments" to="comments"/>
8         </target-entity>
9     </map-entity>
10    <condition expression="Person.isPrimaryParticipant==true">
11        <target-entity name="HeadOfHousehold/>
12    </condition>
13 </map>