Radio Buttons

A collection of Radio Buttons are treated as a single field in a PDF form. Only one item at a time can be selected by the Radio Buttons. The individual items in the Radio button are selected by writing a particular value to the radio button. The PDF Form author can determine which item is selected by specifying an "export value" for each item. A typical use for a Radio button with Cúram is to use Export values to denote a number of code table items.

Consider the example of a Radio Button that is used to denote Male or Female. The codetable values for Male and Female are "SX1" and "SX2" respectively. The PDF author creates a single radio button field called "Applicant.Gender". The "Male" item is denoted by the export value "SX1" while the female item is denoted by the export value "SX2". The mapping looks like this:

<target-entity name="Applicant">
  <map-attribute from="gender" to="Gender"/>

The corresponding Mapping Configuration looks like this:

<section name="Applicant">            
   <field name="Gender" type="button-radio"/>