Mapping to Multiple Target Entities

Sometimes it is necessary to create a group of Target Entities together. This is usually done when creating a group of evidence entities, one of which is a parent and the others are children of that parent evidence entity. See the sample below for an example of how to create groups of related target entities.

2      <target-entity
3        name="BusinessAsset" id="BusinessAssetTarget"
4        type="parent"
5      >
6        <map-attribute
7          from="resourceAmount"
8          to="amount"
9        />
10       <map-attribute
11         from="amountOwed"
12         to="amountOwed"
13       />
14     </target-entity>
15     <target-entity
16       name="Ownership" id="OwnershipTarget"
17       type="child"
18     >
19       <set-attribute
20         name="percentageOwned"
21         value="100.0"
22       />
23     </target-entity>
24  </target-entities>

In this example, two entities are created. The BusinessAsset entity is parent evidence, while the Ownership entity is a child. Modelling the mapping in this way ensures that the correct Parent/Child evidence entity patterns are respected when the evidence is created by the Evidence Application Builder.