How to configure the PDF Application Form

First load your PDF form into the Universal Access Portal. It's important to use a PDF *Form* not just a PDF document. The PDF must contain a form and the form must contain fields. If you want to use the PDF Application Builder, then each field on the form must have a unique name e.g. PersonalDetails.surname vs. Child1Details.surname. You should use a program like Adobe® Acrobat Writer Professional or GlobalSCAPE CutePDF Pro to edit your form.

Note, if you're using Adobe Acrobat Writer Professional ensure that you save the form as an AcroForm not an XFA. You can upload your PDF by logging into Curam as Administrator, choosing the Universal Access Administration section and selecting PDF Forms. From here you can upload the form and give it a sensible name. Every Intake Application has an Intake Application Type so the next thing you need to do is ensure that your Intake Application Type is associated with the correct PDF Form. You can do this by going to Intake Applications, select the relevant Intake Application Type and selecting Edit. Click on the drop down for PDF Form and your newly loaded PDF Form should appear on this list. Select it. Next you need to specify PDF Mappings for the individual programs you are interested in.

Write a PDF Mapping xml and a PDF Application Configuration xml using the instructions in the previous section in this guide. Go to the Programs menu item in the Universal Access Admin section. A list of programs is displayed. View the program you are interested in. Select the Mapping tab on the top right. Create a new mapping. Make sure that you select "PDF Form Creation" instead of Evidence Creation. Upload the mapping configuration file and mapping specification file. Test your mapping by performing an intake for the relevant program. At the end of the Intake, select the link to display the PDF file.