Simple Mapping Specification

This simple mapping specification maps data from HouseHoldMember entity in a DataStore to a HouseHoldMember dynamic evidence entity defined in the previous section.

Please note that the attribute name mentioned in the 'to' field must match the 'name' field of 'DataAttribute' element of dynamic evidence metadata. In other words, a developer should make sure that the attribute to which the data will be mapped are present in the metadata of that dynamic evidence type.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map xmlns=""
    <map-entity source="HouseHoldMember">
        <target-entity name="HouseHoldMember">
            <map-attribute from="blkOrAfrAmerInd"
                                          to="blkOrAfrAmerInd" />
            <map-attribute from="ssnStatus" to="ssnStatus" />
            <map-attribute from="startDate" to="startDate" />
            <map-attribute from="endDate" to="endDate" />
            <map-attribute from="comments" to="comments" />