Simple Mapping Configuration for parent-child relationship

The <def-create-participant> and <create-participant> elements are introduced here.The very important thing to note here is that a new attribute 'dyn-evidence-primary-cpr-field-name' has been added into <entity> element. The purpose of this attribute is that developer needs to specify the attribute name of the primary CaseParticipantRole defined in metadata. In this example, 'caseParticipantRoleID' is the primary CaseParticipantRole which was defined in the Adoption entity. Similarly, the related CaseParticipantRole attribute name ('parCaseParticipantRoleID' in this example) is defined in 'name' field of <create-participant> element. Note: In the case of static evidence, this same 'name' field of <create-participant> element is being used to mention the corresponding aggregation name.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application-builder-config xmlns="
    <evidence-config package="curam.evidence">
     <def-create-participant id="AdoptedParentDetails" type="RL13">
            <participant-name-field name="firstName" 
                                    from="adParentName" order="1" />
            <participant-address type="AT3">
                <address-field name="addressLine1" 
                                           from="adParentStreet1" />
                <address-field name="addressLine2" 
                                           from="adParentStreet2" />
                <address-field name="city" from="adParentCity" />
                <address-field name="state" from="adParentState" />
                <address-field name="zip" from="adParentZipCode" />
       <entity name="Adoption" ev-type-code="DET004" 
            <create-participant refid="AdoptedParentDetails" 
                         name="parCaseParticipantRoleID" role="" />
        <entity name="AdoptionPayment" ev-type-code="DET005"/>