
The purpose of this guide is to describe options and provide instructions for customizing IBM Cúram Universal Access (UA) components. Customization can be distinguished from configuration in that customization allows developers to modify, extend, or replace source code to suit customer requirements. The components that make up Universal Access that we are concered with are CitizenWorkspace, CitizenWorkspaceAdmin and WorkspaceServices. The major customizable functional areas discussed in this document are Triage, Screening, Intake, Security, Citizen Account and Life Events. Please read the Cúram Universal Access Guide to become more familiar with these concepts.

Please note, the IBM Cúram Universal Access product is implemented by a collection of components listed above. These components are collectively known as the Citizen Workspace.

Also note that throughout this guide Universal Access is referred to as 'UA', the corollary of this is that the acronym is avoided when making reference to cascading style sheets.