Receive Withdrawal Request

This outbound web service is invoked by Universal Access on remote systems. It is used by clients to withdraw an application that they have previously submitted using the Receive Application Service. WSDL describing this service can be found in <CURAM_DIR>\EJBServer\components\WorkspaceServices\axis\ProcessApplicationService\ProcessApplicationService.wsdl. A web service request of this type contains the following information:

The expected result following successful processing is a receiveWithdrawalRequestResponse as follows:


The service implementation should return a fault if there is an error processing the request. The fault string should be localized to the locale of the Universal Access Server since it will appear in the server log files. Some problems that may arise include:

The withdrawal request application is processed by the receiving agency after which a response should be sent in the form of a withdrawal request update. A sample SOAP request for this web service is published in Appendix A.