Receive Application

This outbound web service is invoked by Universal Access on remote systems. It is used to communicate an application for benefits for one or more social programs. WSDL describing this service can be found in <CURAM_DIR>\EJBServer\components\WorkspaceServices\axis\ProcessApplicationService\ProcessApplicationService.wsdl.

A web service request of this type contains the following information:

The receiver of this information is expected to record the details of the application keyed against sender identification and intake application reference.

On success, the implementation of this web service must return the Boolean value "true" to indicate that the request has been successfully processed. In the case that there is a problem processing the request, a fault must be returned containing a string to indicate the nature of the problem. The String should be localized to the locale of the Universal Access Server since it will appear in the server log files.

Note: The receiver can receive multiple applications with the same Intake Application reference but the intake application reference is always unique for a particular sender. For example Systems A and B send a receiveApplication() request to system X. Both requests have the applicationReference 256. Note, however, that the receiver should never receive two applications from A with an application reference of 256.