Payment Service

This is an inbound web service invoked by remote systems on Universal Access. This service is used to transmit information about one or more payments. The schema for the payload of web service requests of this type can be found in <CURAM_DIR>\EJBServer\components\WorkspaceServices\webservices\ExternalPayment.xsd. A sample SOAP request for this web service is published in Appendix A.

This web service request can contain one or more Payments. This allows the remote system to batch up payments and send them as a single request for performance reasons. Each payment can relate to an entirely separate Universal Access account. A single payment may contain a payment breakdown. A payment breakdown may contain one or more payment line items.

A single Payment contains the following information:

A Payment Breakdown contains one or more Payment Line Items. A Payment Line Item contains the following information:

It is important to note that payments can supersede previously submitted payments. For example, a payment is submitted from TestSystem with paymentID 1234. Subsequently another payment arrives from TestSystem with the same paymentID, 1234. This payment replaces the previous payment. The previous payment is physically removed along with all its related payment line items. A typical example of where this might occur is when a previously issued payment is cancelled.