Citizen Message

This is an inbound web service invoked by remote systems on Universal Access. It is used to send Citizen Messages that are displayed on a user's Home Page when they log into the Citizen Account. The schema for the payload of web service requests of this type can be found in <CURAM_DIR>\EJBServer\components\WorkspaceServices\webservices\ExternalCitizenMessage.xsd. A sample SOAP request for this web service is published in Appendix A.

This web service request contains the following information:

Some messages are designed such that a newer message can replace an older one. For example, a message is sent concerning a meeting. The time of the meeting changes and a new message is sent with the updated time for the meeting. The client does not see both messages, rather the second message replaces the first and only the second message is seen. One external message will automatically replace another external message if the following fields match those of an existing message: sourceSystem, externalCitizenMessageType and relatedID.