
In this example the team deploying Universal Access have the following requirements. This example will be used for reference when describing the configuration and development tasks.

  1. Users can access Universal Access and perform anonymous Screening or Intake.
  2. Users who want to access their saved Screening or Intake information must first create an account on a system called CentralID.
  3. Users logging into Universal Access with the Universal Access login screen can use their CentralID username/password to authenticate.
  4. Users perform all of their account management using an external system we're calling CentralID (for example, resetting password, creating a new account, changing account details).
  5. CentralID stores all user records in a secure LDAP server.
  6. Because all account management is now performed in CentralID, the account creation screens and password reset screens are to be removed from Universal Access.
  7. Users should be able to log into Universal Access as soon as they have registered with CentralID, there should be no delay waiting for id to propagate to Universal Access.

All of these requirements are supported by the Universal Access External Security Integration. At the time of writing, addressing Single Sign On is beyond the scope of the External Security Integration – please contact Cúram Global Services for more information about how to support Single Sign On requirements.