Configure Cúram Universal Access so that Create Account Screens are not Displayed

In the example above requirement 4 indicates that all Account Management functions are to be handled by the external system, CentralID. These include creation of a new account and performing a password reset. By default, Universal Access provides screens for these functions. These screens must be configured out in order to meet requirement 4 above:

  1. Log in as sysadmin.
  2. Select Application Data -> Property Administration.
  3. Select Category "Citizen Portal - Configuration".
  4. Set the property 'curam.citizenworkspace.enable.account.creation' to "NO".
  5. Publish the property changes.

The above steps remove references to Account Creation pages from Universal Access. The Login Screen still contains a link to a Universal Access page for changing passwords. In this example the team implementing want to retain this link but change it to launch a new browser window on the CentralID password reset page. This can be achieved as follows:

  1. Log in as sysadmin.
  2. Select Application Data -> Property Administration.
  3. Select Category "Citizen Portal - Configuration".
  4. Set the property 'curam.citizenworkspace.forgot.password.url' to something like ""
  5. Publish the property changes.

In order to remove the reset password link altogether use the following steps:

  1. Log in as sysadmin.
  2. Select Application Data -> Property Administration.
  3. Select Category "Citizen Portal - Configuration".
  4. Set the property '' to "NO".
  5. Publish the property changes.