Putting it all Together

Previous sections in this chapter have discussed how to create all the constituent pieces of a Life Event, this section discusses how to join all these pieces together to make a completed Life Event. New Life Events can be configured using the Life Event Administration pages. Please refer to the Cúram Universal Access Guide for more information on how to do this. Using the Administration Pages it is possible to create new Life Event Types and Life Event Channels, add rich text descriptions and associate the Life Events with IEG Scripts and Recommendation Rule Sets. Once all of the required Entities have been created in the Administration screens, the data can be extracted into a set of DMX files that can be used as a basis for ongoing development. The following set of commands can be used to extract the relevant dmx files:

build extractdata -Dtablename=LifeEventType
build extractdata -Dtablename=LifeEventContext
build extractdata -Dtablename=LifeEventCategory
build extractdata -Dtablename=LifeEventCategoryLink
build extractdata -Dtablename=LocalizableText
build extractdata -Dtablename=TextTranslation

The LocalizableText and TextTranslation tables contain all of the Life Event descriptions but they will also be filled with text translations that do not relate to Life Events. Developers should audit these DMX files removing any entries that do not correspond to the relevant Life Event descriptions before copying the dmx files to %SERVER_DIR%\components\Custom\data\initial\.