How to Use Events to Extend Intake Application Processing

The interface IntakeApplication.IntakeApplicationEvents contains events that get fired after the client has submitted an intake application for processing. These events can be used to change the way that intake applications get handled, for example to supplement or replace the standard CDME mapping or to perform an action after an application has been sent to a remote system using web services. For further details, please refer to the API JavaDoc for IntakeApplication.IntakeApplicationEvents. This can be found in <CURAM_DIR>/EJBServer/components/WorkspaceServices/doc.

The interface IntakeProgramApplication.IntakeProgramApplicationEvents contains events that are fired at key stages during the processing of an application for a particular program. For further details, please refer to the API JavaDoc for IntakeProgramApplication.IntakeProgramApplicationEvents. This can be found in <CURAM_DIR>/EJBServer/components/WorkspaceServices/doc.