Introduction to Life Events

Life Events are intended to capture a holistic view of what is happening in a person's life. Life Events provide, not only raw information about a person's circumstances, income and so on but also context.

Consider the following scenario: James Smith has lost his job after the company he is working with shuts down. James logs into his Citizen Account and goes to the Life Event section. He chooses the "Lost my Job" Life Event. The system launches an IEG2 script to collect information about the Job Loss event. The script asks James a number of relevant questions about the circumstances of his Job Loss. These questions are not necessarily relevant to any particular Social Assistance Program that James might be on. A Life Event Script is typically short and to the point. Some of the information in the script might be pre-filled with information already known about James Smith. For example, the name and address of his former employer are displayed in the script (this is known as pre-population of the IEG script). James confirms that indeed this is the employer that laid him off.

After completing the Life Event script, a set of recommendations is displayed. These recommendations include:

A couple of days after submitting the Life Event, James logs into his Citizen Account again. He sees a message on his home page. James is on a Benefit Case, and as a result of the changes in the Life Event the agency administering this benefit needs to collect some more information about James' income. After completing another question script, James returns to the Life Event pages and reviews information about his previously submitted "Lost my Job" Life Event. He can see the information he sent to the agency and also remind himself of the services recommended as a result.

From James' point of view he has:

From the point of view of interested Social Enterprises: