Create a Facade

Develop a facade that the page can call. This facade will retrieve data based on either the currently logged in user, or page parameters that are passed in. Generally, citizen account pages read data related to the logged in user's linked accounts. Specifically, if the logged in user is linked to a Cúram participant, i.e. a concernRoleID then data relating to that concern role, their cases, and their evidence is played. If the user is linked to remote case processing systems then data from those remote systems can be displayed in the Citizen Account. The API offers a convenience method that can be used to retrieve the linked identities of a currently logged in user including their linked ConcernRole if they have one. It is recommended that customers use this API to retrieve linked identities, as it has 'baked-in' security checks to ensure that the user in question is in fact a linked UA user.

Relevant authorization entries must be added in DMX in order to give the linked UA users permission to invoke the new facade method. Add an entry for the new method to the LINKEDCITIZENWORKSPACEGROUP. For example:

     <attribute name="groupName">
     <attribute name="sidName">