Text and Online Help

Initial data for text and online help used in Universal Access pages are found in:

Universal Access makes use of the Application Resource Store mechanism to configure online help, images and page text for our pages. Taking the example of help text – this can be associated with any page in the Universal Access application. The help is displayed in a hidden panel at the top of the page which the user can access using the 'Help' link.

Every Universal Access page has a corresponding application resource of type 'property' shipped with it. To change the online help for one of the Universal Access pages, the developer needs to know the name of the page and the corresponding properties file. For example, the 'ScreeningOptionalLogin' page (the Getting Started page that is displayed after selecting 'Am I Eligible' on the Citizen Portal Home page). The corresponding properties file can be found at:

This is referenced from the DMX file:

As a change is being made to initial DMX data, the procedure to follow is the same as the recommended procedure for changing any DMX data as outlined in the Cúram Server Developer's Guide.

Simply edit your version of the ScreeningOptionalLogin.properties file and change the property text as required. All text controlled by page Player XML properties files can be altered in the same manner.