Application Configuration

The full schema for the existing .app files can be found in the JDECommons/lib/schema folder, specifically the application-view.xsd file.

The following outlines the additional content that will be added or where existing content will be used in a different context.

Relevant attributes on the application element:

Table 1. Relevant attributes on the application element
Attribute Description/Use New/Existing
id Existing attribute, which identifies the unique id of the application and must match the name of the file. For internal applications this is linked to the APPLICATION_CODE codetable and the users home page. This is not the case for external applications. Existing
title A reference to content in the .properties file. This content is not displayed on the application banner, but used by the administration screens to identify the internal application. Existing
subtitle A reference to content in the .properties file. This content is not displayed on the application banner, but used by the administration screens to identify the internal application. Existing
mode Where this is not set, it is assumed the .app file is for an internal style application. Where this is set to external, the only supported value for now, this indicates that the .app file defines an external style application. This will be used to handle content and validation differently for both styles of application . New

All other attributes are unsupported and ignored for mode="external" .app files.

The following are new elements that will be supported as direct children of the application element. All elements are optional.