The problem

You are writing a façade method which needs to modify the contents of an existing row on the database.

Under classic Cúram, you would have created a call to the generated "entity" method as follows:

Figure 1. Façade calling classic Cúram entity to modify a database row
// ...
  public void modifySomeEntityDetails(
    final SomeEntityDetails details)
      throws AppException, InformationalException {

    // objects for writing to the database
    final SomeEntity someEntityObj =
    final SomeEntityDtls someEntityDtls;

    // map the details
    someEntityDtls = details.details;

    // create an instance of the key
    final SomeEntityKey someEntityKey = new SomeEntityKey();
    someEntityKey.someEntityID = someEntityDtls.someEntityID;

    // do the modify
    someEntityObj.modify(someEntityKey, someEntityDtls);

    // check for informational exceptions

  // ...

How do you modify an existing row on a database table using a service-layer API (developed using the Persistence Infrastructure)?