CatDAOImpl and DogDAOImpl

Figure 1. One table per class - DAO implementations for the concrete classes
package curam.inheritance;

import java.util.Set;


import curam.inheritance.Cat;
import curam.inheritance.CatDAO;
import curam.inheritance.struct.CatDtls;
import curam.util.persistence.StandardDAOImpl;

public class CatDAO extends StandardDAOImpl<Cat, CatDtls> implements
    CatDAO {
  private static final CatAdapter adapter = new CatAdapter();

   * Protected no-arg constructor for use only by Guice
  protected CatDAO() {
    super(adapter, Cat.class);

  public Set<Cat> readAllCats() {
    return newSet(adapter.readAll());

package curam.inheritance;

import java.util.Set;


import curam.inheritance.Dog;
import curam.inheritance.DogDAO;
import curam.inheritance.struct.DogDtls;
import curam.util.persistence.StandardDAOImpl;

public class DogDAO extends StandardDAOImpl<Dog, DogDtls> implements
    DogDAO {
  private static final DogAdapter adapter = new DogAdapter();

   * Protected no-arg constructor for use only by Guice
  protected DogDAO() {
    super(adapter, Dog.class);

  public Set<Dog> readAllDogs() {
    return newSet(adapter.readAll());


The DAO classes for the concrete classes are straightforward DAO implementations.

CatDAOImpl and DogDAOImpl each support the creation of new instances of their respective entities, as well as retrieval of existing instances, by making use of the StandardDAOImpl class.