Map displayed data to eligibility/entitlement data

For each data item displayed on your screen examples (and any data item used as a condition), you must identify where the data will come from.

Some data may be sourced from existing data used or derived during eligibility/entitlement calculations. Other data may need further transformation before being suitable for display.

For example, your rules for eligibility may state that, under certain circumstances, the household must be means-tested in order to determine eligibility (whereas under other circumstances, the household must fulfill other conditions to be eligible, but those conditions do not include a means-test).

You may require to display a "Means test" item on your decision details screen with values "Passed", "Failed" and "Not applicable". To populate this item, you may need a calculation specific to decision details to translate the condition of whether or not a means test is required, and if so whether it passed. This calculated "means test status" value is probably of no relevance to your underlying eligibility/entitlement rules and thus will require implementing specifically to support your decision details screen.

It may be helpful to keep track of which data for your screens is already available directly from eligibility/entitlement rules vs. which data requires screen-specific calculations.