Business Examples Used in this Guide

This document uses the following business examples to demonstrate Cúram Decision Assist functionality:

Sample Family Risk Assessment
The sample family risk assessment gathers information from a family where there is a current complaint for either abuse or neglect and ascertains the risk level for the family. For this business example, there are two decision matrices: one produces a single outcome based on a cumulative score (where the outcome is the level of risk) and the other produces a cumulative score only (the higher the score, the greater the risk).
Sample Division of Youth Corrections Screening
The sample division of youth corrections screening is used to determine the placement level for an arrested youth. There is one decision matrix which produces a single outcome, i.e. the level of placement, from the combination of answers passed into the matrix.
Sample Abuse Assessment
The sample abuse assessment is used to assess the level of abuse suffered by a person. In this assessment, the answers to the abuse questions are assigned a score; there is one decision matrix which produces a total score which measures the level of abuse.
Sample Family Services Assessment Form
The sample family services assessment form gathers information about a family's circumstances to ascertain which services may help improve the family's current situation. Each question in the assessment has the potential to lead to an outcome. There is one decision matrix for the assessment which is configured to produce multiple outcomes. This is an example where outcomes map to service plans and plan items map to decisions.
Sample Partner Maltreatment Assessment
The sample partner maltreatment abuse assessment gathers information to ascertain whether a person is being abused by their partner and the severity of that abuse. The combination of answers given to the questions asked of the partner will produce a total score which determines the partner's level of abuse. There is one decision matrix for the assessment which is configured to a single outcome and a total score. The outcomes are obtained from the combination of answers given.
Sample Asthma Medical Assessment
The sample asthma medical assessment gathers information to ascertain the severity of a person's asthma. The answers to questions vary for male and females so there are two determination packages: one for each gender. Multiple sources may be asked the questions and the latest answer for each question is used to make decisions. There are two determination packages and thus two decision matrices for each gender.