DeterminationDelivery Class

The DeterminationDelivery class is used to maintain the questionnaires, decision matrices, and decisions for a determination based assessment. Where change of circumstances is not supported, there is a one-to-one relationship between the determination based assessment and the determination delivery; where change of circumstances is supported, there can be multiple determination deliveries for the one assessment, each one representing a change in circumstance which has resulted in a new decision.

To understand the business processes for this class, it is helpful to have a high level summary of the following attributes in the DeterminationDelivery entity:

The following table describes the business processes that make up the DeterminationDelivery Class:

Table 1. Description of DeterminationDelivery Business Processes
Business Process Description
cancelDetermination Cancels a determination by modifying the determination status to 'Cancelled'. Any decisions created as a result of the determination are also cancelled.
completeDetermination Completes a determination, modifying the determination status to 'Completed'. Prior to completing the determination, the system verifies whether the user has indicated that a decision should be made as part of the completion of the determination, and if so a decision is also created for the determination. The status of all the existing determination decisions are marked as 'Superseded'.
areDecisionsMadeForDetermination Checks whether any decisions are made for the determination or not.
readDeterminationDelivery Reads the details of a determination.
viewDeterminationDelivery Reads the details of a determination. The determination details include the details of a determination configuration, a list of associated questionnaires and a list of third party request details, if the determination configuration supports multiple sources. It also retrieves a list of decisions made for the determination.
areNewAnswersProvided Checks whether or not the determination answers have been modified since they were last consolidated.
makeDecision Makes decisions for a determination. This applies the answers provided to the set of decision matrices associated with the determination to determine the appropriate results. A decision is created for each decision matrix that is defined for the determinaton. Each decision can have zero to many outcomes within it. A decision may also contain a score per outcome or an overall score.
readAllDeterminationStatusHistoryDetails Returns the status history for a determination.
recordChangeOfCircumstance Records a change of circumstance for the determination. A change of circumstance is a process of creating a new determination which may be from the same effective date as a previous determination or from a different effective date. If the new determination is from a different effective date, then the questionnaires associated with the determination may not be the same. Questions may have been added or removed from a questionnaire (different version of the questionnaire) or questionnaires may have been added or removed. No decisions are copied to the new determination. Only the answers to questions provided for the original determination where the question is again asked on the newly created determination are copied.
listDeterminations Returns a list of determination details for an assessment.