Decisions Class

The Decisions class is used to view decision information and to compare decisions.

The following table describes the business processes that make up the Decisions Class:

Table 1. Description of Decisions Business Processes
Business Process Description
viewDecisionDetails Reads the details of a decision. The details of outcomes associated with the decision are also retrieved.
viewDecisionAnswerDetails Reads the details of questions and answers associated with a determination decision in an xml format.
listDecisionsDetailsForComparison Returns a list of decisions associated with the determination for comparison. All the decisions except the source decision whose key is passed as a parameter to this method and their outcome details are retrieved.
compareDecisionsDetails Reads the details of two determination decisions for comparison. The details include the decision details, outcome details and the questions and answers received for the two determination decisions in an xml format. For information on the evidence comparison widget, see Evidence Comparison Widget.
readDeterminationDecisionHistory Returns the decision history for a determination. A list of decision outcome details is also retrieved.
readAssessmentDecisionHistory Returns the decision history for an assessment. A list of decision outcome details is also retrieved.