DAAssessment Class

The business processes in this class are fundamental to the determination based assessment lifecycle. There are three statuses in this lifecycle: in progress, canceled, or completed. When first created, a determination based assessment is in progress. It can be canceled at any point in its lifecycle.

In order to complete a determination based assessment, a decision must be made. Based on a decision, an outcome can be made for the determination based assessment.

Determinations can be marked as complete. If change in circumstances are supported, once a determination is complete, no decisions can be created for it; however, new determinations can be made for the same determination based assessment. If change in circumstances are not supported, once a determination is complete, no more determinations (or decisions) can be made for the determination based assessment.

Assessments can be cloned which results in the copying of the assessment and all its components into a new assessment (questionnaires, decision matrices, etc.).

The following table describes the business processes that make up the DA

Assessment Class:

Table 1. Description of DAAssessment Business Processes
Business Process Description
viewAssessment Reads the details of an assessment. The assessment details include the determination delivery key, determination configuration flags, a list of questionnaires, a list of third party requests, if the determination supports multiple source of answers and a list of decisions made for the assessment.
completeAssessment Completes an assessment, modifying the assessment status to 'Completed'. All the associated determinations are also marked as completed. Prior to completing the assessment, the system verifies whether the user has indicated that a decision should be made as part of the completion of the assessment, and if so a decision is also created for the assessment. The status of all the existing decisions is updated to 'Superseded'.
cancelAssessment Cancels an assessment by modifying the assessment status to 'Cancelled'. All the associated determinations and decisions of the assessment are also cancelled.
areDecisionsMadeForAssessment Checks whether any decisions are made for the assessment or not.
areNewAnswersProvided Checks whether or not the assessment answers have been modified since the last time they were consolidated.
makeDecision Makes decisions for an assessment. This applies the answers provided to the set of decision matrices associated with a determination. A decision is created for each decision matrix that is defined for the determinations of the assessment. Each decision can have zero to many outcomes within it. A decision may also contain a score per outcome or an overall score.
readAllAssessmentWithUserFullNameStatusHistory Returns the status history for an assessment.
listCaseParticipants Returns a list of case participants associated with an assessment for a determination.
viewAssessmentWithCOC Reads the assessment details for an assessment which supports change of circumstance processing. The information returned includes the assessment details and a list of determinations associated with the assessment.
viewAssessmentDetailsWithCOC Reads the details of an assessment which supports changes of circumstance. The details include the list of decisions made for the assessment.

Clones an assessment. All the assessment information, including decisions, questions and answers, third party requests, primary client details and determinations are also copied to the cloned assessment. For more information on this, see Determination Package Matching Rules.


Reads the case member details for a case participant.

readAssessmentDeliveryDetails Reads the details of an assessment delivery for a case.