Questionnaire Integration with IEG2

Cúram Decision Assist integrates with Cúram Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG2).

This allows for the creation of and maintenance of Decision Assist questionnaires using the IEG2 editor. This includes creating new questionnaire sections, pages, clusters, questions, and question aliases. The required data store entities, attributes and the data types of these attributes are configured using Data Store Editor. These data store entities and their attributes can then be used for the question pages and questions in the IEG2 editor. For more information on Data Store features, see the Creating Datastore Schemas guide.

Question aliases are used to rephrase questions in different ways for different audiences. To configure a question alias, it is necessary to enter how the question should appear according to the alias type. For example, the question, "suicidal or risk of self harm", could be presented to a third party medical representative, such as a doctor. The wording of the question for the doctor reads, "Based on your medical evaluation, is this person suicidal or at risk for self harm?"

Questionnaires are associated with determination packages. As part of Determination Based Assessment processing, IEG runtime functionality is used to complete and to store the answers. These answers can then be used to make decisions.

IEG2 runtime is launched from the Answer link on the View Assessment Details page. The first question group in the decision assist questionnaire is presented to the user in IEG2 runtime. The next button will bring the user to the next question group in the decision assist IEG2 script created as part of decision assist administration.

All features of the IEG2 editor and IEG2 runtime are available to maintain Decision Assist questionnaires. For more information on these features, see the Authoring Scripts using IEG2 guide.