Decision Assist Integration with Integrated Cases

Cúram Decision Assist integrates with Cúram Integrated Cases. The entity PDAssessmentConfiguration links assessment configurations to products. This entity supports the association of assessments to both integrated cases and stand alone product deliveries.

As part of system administration, users can access a list of assessment configurations associated with an integrated case and add or remove associations

At the case level, a user can create an integrated case of any type, link to assessments within that integrated case, and the clients from the integrated case will be selectable as the primary client of the decision assist assessment. The assessment type is selected from the list of decision assist assessments.

Alternatively, the out-of-the-box Sample Benefit Product has a link to Assessments from its home page which displays a list of Assessments associated with the Sample Benefit Product. There is a New button on this list page which opens the Create Assessment page. This is different to Create Assessment for Integrated Case as the primary client defaults to that of the Sample Benefit Product and is thus not selectable.