TypicalPicture Class

The Typical Picture class is used to compare the answers recorded for a questionnaire to a set of typical answers for that same questionnaire. It is used primarily for medical conditions. For example, a person may answer a series of questions relating to a medical condition. The answers the person gives are aligned with typical answers to the same set of questions and the differentials between the real and typical answers can be observed.

The following table describes the business processes that make up the TypicalPicture class:

Table 1. Description of TypicalPicture Business Processes
Business Process Description
readTypicalPicture This method reads a typical picture record.
readAllActiveOutcomes This method lists all active outcomes on the system.
readAllDecisionOutcomes This method reads the combination of all decision matrices and outcomes created for a typical picture record.
readDecisionOutcome This method reads the presentation data record for a typical picture based on a key. This key distinguishes different versions of the same presentation data record.
readTypicalAnswers This method reads a single combination of decision matrix and outcome association for a typical picture record.
readTypicalAnswerForQuestion This method returns the typical answers for a questionnaire.