ICDCode Class

This class is used to associate International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Codes with Conditions. ICD Codes are the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases.

Name translations can be added for an ICD code record. The locale of a user who logs in is read and matched with the appropriate translation and the ICD code name will be displayed in the language appropriate to the user.

The following table describes the business processes that make up the ICDCode class:

Table 1. Description of ICDCode Business Processes
Business Process Description
searchICDCode This method searches for a particular ICD code.
searchICDCodeDetails This method returns a list of ICD code details based on the search criteria.
listICDCodeVersionDetails This method lists out all the ICD code version details.
readReleasedVersionNumbers This method reads only released versions of ICD codes.
viewICDCodeDetails This method returns an ICD code record.
readICDTextTranslation This method is to get the ICD code text translation details.
readICDTextTranslations This method reads an ICD code name translation record.
readActiveVersionNumbers This method is to get the list of active ICD code version.
readICDTextTranslations This method reads an ICD code name translation record.
viewICDCodeMaxVersionNumber To method is to get the details of the latest ICD code verson.