Decision Matrix Widget

The Decision Matrix widget opens when a user edits a decision matrix.

Decision Matrix is effectively a table which has rows and subrows, columns and subcolumns. Each row in the matrix (excluding header information) represents a single question; each column represents a potential outcome.

Each question can have multiple subrows to represent potential answers to the question; each outcome can have multiple subcolumns which contain a checkbox for each answer; the checkboxes are used to specify which combinations of answers lead to a given outcome. The answer type values supported in the Decision Matrix are booleans (true/false), code tables, numerals, and strings.

Contradictions can also be added to a Decision Matrix which indicate answers in contradiction to each other. For example, the question, "Can you walk" is parallel to a question, "Can you run". If a person answers no to the first question, then it should not be possible to answer yes to the second question; it would be a contradiction for a person to state that he or she can run but cannot walk.

In order to display the initial view of a Decision Matrix, an XML string describing its contents will be returned from the server code. A user can edit the Decision Matrix (add questions, answers, outcomes, etc.), and save all of these modifications at the same time. A string with the same XML structure will be passed into the server code, thus storing the updates. The following is a sample XML string which can be passed into the server code (including support for multiple locales):

        <QUESTION QUESTION_ID="Q1" IS_NEW="false">
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="1" VALUE="C1" PRIORITY="1" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="2" VALUE="C2" PRIORITY="2" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="3" VALUE="C3" PRIORITY="3" />
        <QUESTION QUESTION_ID="Q3" IS_NEW="false">
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="1" VALUE="C1" PRIORITY="1" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="2" VALUE="C2" PRIORITY="2" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="3" VALUE="C3" PRIORITY="3" />
        <QUESTION QUESTION_ID="Q5" IS_NEW="false">
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="1" VALUE="A" PRIORITY="1" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="2" VALUE="B" PRIORITY="2" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="3" VALUE="C" PRIORITY="3" />
        <QUESTION QUESTION_ID="Q6" IS_NEW="true">
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="1" VALUE="Yes" PRIORITY="1" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="2" VALUE="No" PRIORITY="2" />
        <QUESTION QUESTION_ID="Q7" IS_NEW="true">
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="1" PRIORITY="1" MIN="1" MAX="9" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="2" VALUE="10" PRIORITY="2" />
            <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="3" PRIORITY="3" MIN="11" />
            <MESSAGE LOCALE="en_US" TEXT="A person undergoing
              third level treatment for arthritis cannot
              walk for 3 KMs"/>
            <MESSAGE LOCALE="fr" TEXT="Une personne subissant
             le troisième traitement égal pour l'arthrite ne
             peut pas marcher pour 3 KM"/>
            <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q1" ANSWER_ID="1" />
            <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q7" ANSWER_ID="1" />
            <MESSAGE LOCALE="en_US" TEXT="A person undergoing
             third level treatment for arthritis cannot walk
             without support"/>
            <MESSAGE LOCALE="fr" TEXT="Une personne subissant
             le troisième traitement égal pour l'arthrite ne
             peut pas marcher sans le soutien"/>
            <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q1" ANSWER_ID="1" />
            <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q6" ANSWER_ID="2" />
            <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q7" ANSWER_ID="1" />
        <OUTCOME OUTCOME_ID="O1" IS_NEW="false">
                <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q1" ANSWER_ID="3" />
                <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q3" ANSWER_ID="2" />
                <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q6" ANSWER_ID="1" />
        <OUTCOME OUTCOME_ID="O2" IS_NEW="true">
                <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q3" ANSWER_ID="3" />
                <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q5" ANSWER_ID="2" />
                <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q6" ANSWER_ID="2" />
                <SELECTION QUESTION_ID="Q7" ANSWER_ID="2" />
        <OUTCOME OUTCOME_ID="O3"/>