Condition Class

This class is used to associate Conditions to Determination Configurations for use in medical assessments.

Name translations can be added for a condition record. The locale of a user who logs in is read and matched with the appropriate translation and the condition name will be displayed in the language appropriate to the user.

The following table describes the business processes that make up the Condition class:

Table 1. Description of Condition Business Processes
Business Process Description
listConditionsAssociatedToDC This method returns the list of condition records associated with a determination configuration record.
listDCsAssociatedToCondition This method lists all the determination configuration records with which a condition record is associated.
listICDCodesAssociatedToCondition This method lists all the ICD code records for a condition record.
viewICDCodeConditionAssociation This method reads an ICD code association record.
viewCondition This method is to view all the details of the condition.
searchConditionsForICDDetails This method is to search the condition details for the given ICD code details.
readConditionNameTranslation This method reads a condition name translation record.
listConditionDetails This method is intended to be used by users responsible for managing conditions to list all the conditions records on the system.