Get Reassessment Details

When there is more than one case decision objective (eligible rules objective) assigned to the same nominee, the eligibility and entitlement engine processes the reassessment details for all of the case decision objectives at the same time.

As part of determining the reassessment details for the reassessment period, the eligibility and entitlement engine retrieves all processed ILIs during the reassessment period which were issued to the same nominee. In addition to retrieving the processed ILIs, the eligibility and entitlement engine creates in memory financial data for the virtual financial components. This financial data is the simulated creation of ILIs based on the change in circumstance.

To process reassessment details for all of the case decision objectives assigned to a single nominee, the eligibility and entitlement engine keeps a running total of all the actual amounts within the same cover period, as well as a running total of all the reassessed amounts within the same cover period for said nominee. The eligibility and entitlement engine then compares the total actual amount within the same cover period to the total financial data item amount within the same cover period.

To determine if an over or underpayment exists, the eligibility and entitlement engine calculates the total difference between the actual and reassessed amounts for the entire reassessment period by adding up the differences for each of the cover periods. If an over or underpayment is found, the eligibility and entitlement engine creates an over or underpayment financial component and initiates over or underpayment processing. Over or underpayment financial components are once-off with a cover period matching the reassessment period.