Defining Algorithms for Calculating Attribution Periods

One of the main features of the evidence framework is the way in which evidence is attributed. The evidence architecture provides infrastructure support for attributing active evidence, thus removing the burden of this complexity from the user.

As part of designing an evidence solution, an algorithm for calculating attribution periods must be provided for each evidence type. For example, the calculation of attribution periods for the income evidence type could be based on the income frequency recorded for an income evidence record.

When evidence is shared across multiple product deliveries within an integrated case, attribution periods are calculated for each product delivery separately. Thus, the algorithm for an evidence type should take into account business requirements specific to the evidence type, as well as business requirements specific to each product linked to the evidence type. Expanding on the previous example, the algorithm for the income evidence type could also take into account the delivery patterns for each product linked to the income evidence type.

There are additional considerations to take into account when defining these algorithms. One such consideration is that attribution rules could change over time, e.g., rules-based legislation. To support changing attribution rules, Cúram rule sets or rate tables could be used to implement the attribution logic.